Система упражнений по формированию умения работы с фразовыми глаголами по теме "Путешествия", проверяемого в ЕГЭ по английскому языку
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9, 10, 11 класс) на тему
Фразовые глаголы являются важным, но довольно трудным аспектом изучения английского языка. Не смотря на то, что отдельных заданий на фразовые глаголы формат ЕГЭ не предусматривает, от уровня владения ими во многом зависит успех учащихся на экзамене.
Фразовые глаголы могут быть включены в тексты и задания разделов «Аудирование», «Чтение», «Лексика и грамматика». Употребление фразовых глаголов в разделах, проверяющих продуктивные виды речевой деятельности («Письмо» и «Говорение»), является хорошим показателем уровня владения языком и будет по достоинству оценено экспертами. Поэтому при подготовке учащихся к ЕГЭ необходимо способствовать систематизации и закрепления знаний о фразовых глаголах английского языка.
Одним из самых удобных и продуктивных способов работы с данным аспектом английского языка, на мой взгляд, является тематическая подача и отработка материала, что я предлагаю в данной системе упражнений, выбрав фразеологизмы и задания к ним на тему “Travelling”.
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Предварительный просмотр:
«Система упражнений по формированию умения работы с фразовыми глаголами, проверяемого в ЕГЭ по английскому языку в разделах «Аудирование», «Чтение», «Лексика и грамматика», «Письмо», «Говорение».
Шульга Кристина Владиславовна
ГБОУ СОШ № 185
Центральный район
Пояснительная записка.
Фразовые глаголы являются важным, но довольно трудным аспектом изучения английского языка. Не смотря на то, что отдельных заданий на фразовые глаголы формат ЕГЭ не предусматривает, от уровня владения ими во многом зависит успех учащихся на экзамене.
Фразовые глаголы могут быть включены в тексты и задания разделов «Аудирование», «Чтение», «Лексика и грамматика». Употребление фразовых глаголов в разделах, проверяющих продуктивные виды речевой деятельности («Письмо» и «Говорение»), является хорошим показателем уровня владения языком и будет по достоинству оценено экспертами. Поэтому при подготовке учащихся к ЕГЭ необходимо способствовать систематизации и закрепления знаний о фразовых глаголах английского языка.
Одним из самых удобных и продуктивных способов работы с данным аспектом английского языка, на мой взгляд, является тематическая подача и отработка материала, что я предлагаю в данной системе упражнений, выбрав фразеологизмы и задания к ним на тему “Travelling”.
В качестве основы для разработки данной системы упражнений послужило пособие В.В. Ильченко «Фразовые глаголы в английском языке» и материалы с сайтов:
Exercise 1. Read the text and write the phrasal verbs to the definitions given below.
Get away from your hectic life and experience landmarks of Cairo during your 3-day short break in Egypt. You'll be able to see the main sights if you don’t mind packing your days out.
Day 1: Arrival Cairo. The Egyptian Museum. As soon as your flight touches down at Cairo International Airport your personal tour guide will meet and escort you to the hotel and help to check in. Now you are ready to set out on your Cairo Tour. The visit to the Egyptian Museum will easily take up the rest of your day.
Day 2: Giza. Cairo Tour. Visit the Pyramids of Giza, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. You'll start off early to avoid crowds and afternoon heat. Lunch at Abu Tarek Koshary and enjoy the national cuisine. Then you'll continue to Old Cairo and stop off to see two of the earliest sites from Islamic Egypt — Amr Ibn Al-Aas Mosque and the Nilometer. Evening free to explore Khan Khalili, Cairo's old bazaar.
Day 3: Final Departure. You check out after breakfast. Bid farewell to Egypt as your flight takes off from Cairo International Airport.
1)to leave the ground and start flying
2)to land
3)to make something very full
4)to start a journey
5)to begin moving, or to begin a journey
6)to go somewhere different from where you live in order to have a rest or a holiday
7)to arrive at a hotel or a private hospital where you have arranged to stay and give your personal details to the person working at the reception desk
8)to leave a hotel or a private hospital after paying the bill
9)to fill a particular amount of space or time
10)to visit somewhere before continuing to another place
Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps with the phrasal verbs from ex.1.
1)Has Mrs Lane ______________________ the hotel yet?
2)Don't forget that you ______________________ at noon.
3)I like to ______________________ from Saint-Petersburg at the weekend.
4)In summer tourists ______________________ our town.
5)We ______________________ early when the traffic was still low.
6)We ______________________ on our walking trip when it was still dark.
7)We ______________________ in San Antonio for a day.
8)I can spend hours watching the planes ______________________ and land.
9)The new job ______________________most of my time.
10)The plane ______________________ at Gatwick around midnight
Exercise 3. Write the same in English changing the words in bold into phrasal verbs.
- But with my both parents being ill, it's difficult to succeed in leaving home even for a day.
- I arrived in Paris a few days ago and recorded my arrival at the Hotel de I'Avre.
- More than 100,000 football fans crowded into and filled the The Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro to see the match.
- Some plastics require about 200 years to decompose.
- Steve was so excited to go on his first camping trip.
- The flight left the ground and started flying three hours late because of the heavy fog.
- They started a long journey on an early morning, wearing hiking outfit and each carrying a rucksack.
- We paid the bill and departed from the hotel at 7 a.m. to catch a 9 a.m. flight to LA.
- We stopped for a short time in the middle of a journey at a gas station and I bought myself a large diet Cola.
- When the plane was making contact with the ground in landing, one of Its tyres burst.
- You can leave your luggage for your return flight at the hotel so that it can be put on the plane.
Exercise 4. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.
Lots of fun in Cardiff
As you would expect of a capital city, Cardiff offers a huge choice of exciting sport and entertainment throughout the year. So, if you want to have a rest and A__________ you live in, choose a season and B __________.
Every March the city celebrates St. David, Wales’ patron saint, with parades and music. August sees the International Festival of Street Entertainment, with the heart of the city beating with dance and theatrical performances. City dwellers and tourists C __________ in family fun days which are part of this sensational summer scene.
In autumn D __________ which features music, film, literature and graphics. Music is at the centre of the festival, with international stars joining some of Wales’ most talented musicians. Christmas in Cardiff is full of colour and festivities. The truly spectacular Christmas illuminations have earned Cardiff the title of “Christmas City”.
The city’s range of accommodation facilities is truly impressive, from international names to family-run guest houses. And with a city as compact as Cardiff there are places to stay in all price brackets. So, it will not E __________ to find a good hotel.
- the fun goes on with Cardiff’s Festival of the Arts
- carry on their summer holidays in Cardiff
- start off your journey
- get away from the place
- pack out the parks and the waterfront
- take up much time
Exercise 5.
Exercise 6.
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Tom who writes:
…Last week our family went to the famous Niagara Falls. It was my first visit there and it was fun! We enjoyed the weather and the splashes of falling water on our faces. It reminded us of our last rafting trip. What is your favourite water sight in Russia, if at all? Have you ever gone rafting? Where are you going for your next holidays? By the way, we are going to Greece this summer… |
Write a letter to Tom.
In your letter
- answer his questions
- ask 3 questions about his trip to Greece
- use phrasal verbs from the previous exercises and the list given below
Write 100–140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
Drop off - to take someone to a place and leave them there. Get on (a vehicle) - go onto a bus, train, plane or boat. We got on the train at 9 o'clock but it didn't leave until 9.30. He got on the bus and then realised he'd left his wallet at home. Go back - to go the place someone is leaving from to say goodbye. Hop on (informal) - go onto a bus, train, plane or boat. With a one-day travel card you can hop on and off as many busses as you like. Just hop on the 172 and you'll be in the city in 10 minutes. Look forward - to look forward to something that is going to happen in the future. Pick up - to go and fetch someone from a place and take them somewhere else. See off - to go the place someone is leaving from to say goodbye. |
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