Презентация: The music in my life
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Выполнила: Екатерина Порозова
ученица 10 класса
Учитель: Габдуллина Р.Г.
2015 год.
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Music is a part of my life . Music makes me good , gives me strength , makes m e confident in myself .
What kind of music I like to listen to? Mostly I like to listen to rock music from different singers and groups. Such as the band « Bon Jovi » . This is an American rock band from New Jersey that was formed in 1983 and today continues to delight his fans with new songs.
The soloist of this group is the inimitable Jo h n Bon Jovi , whose voice I really like .
His songs are loved to listen to my mom . Hearing these songs I also love it to listen to . The songs of John Bon Jovi are filled with meaning , in which somewhere there are feelings of sadness , but of happiness .
I also like the performanc e of the groups Three Days Grace ,
3 Doors Down , Sum 41,
My Chemical Romance,
also 30 Seconds To Mars,
Nirvana …
My every day begins and ends with music. I get up and immediately turn on the music to wake up and set myself on a good footing. When I’m happy I listen to music. When I’m sad I listen to music to cheer myself up. I go to school, do my homework and fall asleep with music. I can’t imagine my life without music. In my opinion the life without music would be dull, boring and strange . So listen to the music and be happy !
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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