"Music in Our Life"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Урок посвящен влиянию музыки на человека.На данном уроке учащимися прослушиваются и обсуждаются различные стили музыки.учащиеся отвечают на вопросы "О чем они думают слушая музыку?" какие чувства испытывают и какую роль играет музыка в их жизни.Материал связан с краевединием.
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Предварительный просмотр:
The theme of the lesson “Music in our life”.
The aims of the lesson - by the end of the lesson students will be able to improve their skills in dialog and monolog speech on the given topic; to improve imagination about different musical styles(jazz, blues, folk-music, country-music, rok’n roll ,pop-music, rap and classical; to improve understandable skills to the English language aurally.
Equipment: internet prophetic board, computer, tape-recorder.
During classes.
1.Hello, everybody! I’m very glad to se you. Today we have an unusual lesson both an English and a Mu-sic lesson. Let’s look at the blackboard. There are some proverbs on it. The first - Art is long, life is short. The second – It is never too late to learn. The third – Tastes differ. So I offer you to choose the epigraph to our lesson and to guess the topic of it (students give their answers) . You are quite right ,our topic is “Music in our life”. Music is like an open-air art, an art boundless as the wind, the sky, the sea. I think all of you like music, am I right?
2.Then answer my questions: What do you think about when you listen to the music?
Where can we hear it? By the way, when you walk along our avenue do
you enjoy listening the music?
What role does music play in your life?(students answer)
3.There are different styles of music and now you’ll listen to some of them. Your task is to guess the styles and to say some wards about them.(students listen to the music and describe it’s styles.
4.Your home task was to make presentations about your favorite singers so, you are welcome.(students show their works)
5.The last task for today is the listening. Please listen to the English girl named Sue who writes a letter to her pen- friend and write down her questions into your note-books.
6.Home task for the next lesson is to write a letter to sue.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

конспект урока по английскоиу языку в 10 классе по теме "Music In Our Life"
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Music in Our Life
I love music, I think people can not live without it. The first thing I do in the morning I switch on my tape — recorder. We can hear music...

Презентация: The music in my life
Выполнила: Екатерина Порозоваученица 10 классаУчитель: Габдуллина Р.Г.2015 год....

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