План-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме: "Правила вокруг нас"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
План-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме: "Правила вокруг нас"
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Конспект урока английского языка по теме «My opinion on the rules and duties»
Учитель: Одинцова Нонна Геннадьевна
УМК: English, Кузовлев В.П., 5 класс
Тема урока: The topic: «My opinion on the rules and duties».
Тип урока: смешанный
Цель урока:
создание условий для применения предметных умений (совершенствования языковых и речевых навыков).
Развивающая: создание условий для формирования УУД (коммуникативных, познавательных, регулятивных) в 5 классе на материале темы урока
Ученики научатся:
- адекватно использовать коммуникативные, прежде всего речевые, средства для построения монологического высказывания, владеть диалогической формой коммуникации;
- формулировать собственное мнение и позицию;
- задавать вопросы.
Ученики получат возможность научиться:
- адекватно использовать речь для планирования и регуляции своей деятельности;
- адекватно использовать речевые средства для эффективного решения разнообразных коммуникативных задач.
Ученики научатся:
- строить сообщения в устной и письменной форме;
- осуществлять анализ объектов с выделением существенных и несущественных признаков;
- осуществлять синтез, как составление целого из частей;
- проводить сравнение по заданным критериям;
- строить рассуждение в форме связи простых суждений об объекте, его строении, свойствах и связях.
Ученики получат возможность научиться:
- осознанно и произвольно строить сообщения в устной и письменной форме;
- осуществлять выбор наиболее эффективных способов решения задач в зависимости от конкретных условий;
Ход урока:
1. Приветствие. Организационный момент
Good afternoon, boys and girls. Let’s start our lesson with your preparation for today’s lesson. Show me your student’s books, activity books, vocabularies, diaries, pens, pencils.
2. Тема урока. Мотивация учащихся к деятельности
What was the topic of our previous lessons? (Rules around us). Today we continue learning the theme. And the topic is
The topic: «My opinion on the rules and duties».
Let’s make up the plan of our lesson.
3. Планирование деятельности
- Words and phrases on the theme.
- Modal verbs.
- School rules.
- Family rules.
- Internet rules.
- Dialogues.
- My opinion about the rules.
1./2. Words and phrases. Modal verbs
Translate the words and phrases and make the sentences with them.
check with my parents
go anywhere alone
be cautious of strangers
follow Internet Safety rules
ask my parents’ permission
tell a stranger my name or address
Group work.
Class, do you want to work alone or in groups? Of course, in groups. Ok, let’s make 3 groups of 4 or five pupils. And give the task to each group.
We have 3 topics to discuss: School rules, Family rules and Internet rules. Who wants to take each of them.
3. School rules (group 1)
Make the school rules. Let some of them be silly.
Pupils mustn’t eat in class.
We mustn’t shout in the lesson.
We mustn’t take pets to the lesson.
We must wear a school uniform every day.
We must do our homework.
We must come to school in time.
We must put up your hand to speak.
We must listen to the teacher.
For the rest of the class: Listen carefully and find out the silly (incorrect) rules.
What can you say about the work of group 1?
3. Family rules and duties (group 2)
every day
Mark the sentences with true or false.
Children mustn’t their parent’s permission before we go anywhere
We must help our parents about the house.
We must clean the room.
We must do the washing up.
We must sweep the floor.
We must be polite with our parents.
We must take care of our sisters and brothers.
For the rest of the class: Listen carefully, find out false statements and make them true.
What is your evaluation of the work of group 2?
Use your smiles and sketches in the black board.
Good job, class. I see you need some rest. Let’s have a break/ Put everything away and let’s start.
Look left, right (глазами влево, вправо)
Look up, look down (глазами вверх, вниз)
Look around. (глазами по-кругу)
Look at your nose (смотрим на нос)
Look at that rose (одну руку вытягиваем как будто держим цветок, и смотрим)
Close your eyes (закрываем глаза)
Open, wink and smile. (открываем, моргаем и улыбаемся)
Heads, shoulders, knees and toes.
5. Internet rules
People all over the world use the Internet and they follow special rules.
Here are some tips on using the Internet. Complete each sentence with a word from the box to get to know these rules.
Cautious danger follow messages parents Permission safe strangers use |
Talk with your parents about rules for using the Internet. Always ______these rules. People who _______the Internet are from all over the world. They are_______ to you. Remember this when you are on the Net and you’ll make your life______. You shouldn’t give your address, telephone number without your parents’________. Be very _______ of any offers(предложений) while using the Internet. You shouldn’t write e-mail ________ all in CAPITAL LETERS, people may think you are shouting (кричишь).
For the rest of the class: Listen carefully, fill in the gaps with the word you listen and translate all the sentences. If you can’t the group will help us.
What is your evaluation of the work of group 3?
Use your smiles and sketches in the black board.
6. Dialogues
Let’s listen to the dialogues and find out the boy’s opinion on the rules.
What is the boys’ opinion on the rules? Do you want to make your own dialogues to tell us about your opinion on the rules?
A: Hi, Dan! I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?
D: Hi, Alice! I’m fine. And you?
A: Just fine. Where are you going?
D: To the cinema. Will you join me?
A: Oh, I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t. I have to do my homework.
Besides I can’t go without my parents’ permission. I should check with my parents first.
D: Oh, I have the same family rule. It’s a pity. Goodbye then. See you tomorrow!
Bye-bye, Dan! Have fun!
Now it’s high time to come to conclusion if we must follow the rules or not. What’s your opinion?
5. My opinion on the rules.
You have some sketchers. Your task is to fill in the gaps and tell your classmates about your personal opinion on the rules around us.
I think, we … follow the rules.
Rules are …
At school we …
At home I …
When we use the Internet we…
In a word, rules make our life …
Слова для справок: follow, important, fair, must, should, permission, safe.
На доске:
Well done. /Good./ Not bad./They have to try again
They use (don’t use ) new words and phrases.
The words were (weren’t) correct.
They don’t have (have) any mistakes.
They name (don’t name) all the rules.
The rules were (weren’t) clear.
Their answer was (wasn’t) full.
every day
check with my parents
go anywhere alone
be cautious of strangers
follow Internet Safety rules
ask my parents’ permission
tell a stranger my name or address
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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