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план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
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Открытый урок по английскому языку в 7-м классе "Хобби и свободное время" (по учебнику В.П. Кузовлев).
Учитель Мещерякова Ю.Н.,МОУ
talk about activitiesWhat is hobby?
P-1: Hobby is a special interest that people do in their free time .Everyone has his or her own hobby.
P -2: It is something you like to do when you have some free time.
T: What does «free time» mean?
P2: Free time is an easy and pleasant way to relax, without investing a lot of efforts.
T: That is right .Thank you.
- some forms of adjectives with the ending –ed and -ing
The ending-ed-words describe the feelings of the people.
The ending-ing-words describe the qualities of the subjects.
T:Give me some examples :I am bored. The film is boring.
Учащиеся дают примеры прилагательных.
Look at the blackboard and find some words about hobby and free time activities :Which of them are hobbies, which of them are the words about free time activities?
Ex.2.P.175 Listen to the tape attentively and answer the questions:
4. :
T:Give me your examples about your free time activities .HOW DO YOU SPEND YOUR LEISURE TIME?
EXAMPLE :In my leisure time I enjoy dancing. It is relaxing.
Учащиеся дают свои примеры по образцу (в помощь №2,стр.175.)
6.can make u caSO, LETs do it!
EXAMPLE :T-I am fond of collecting coins .And you? Are you fond of collecting coins?
-NO,I am not .I am not fond of collecting coins .I am mad about swimming.IT is enjoyable.
7.BREAKI think you are tired .Lets have a break.
- screen
- C
. Wink, wink, wink your eyes,
Wink your eyes together.
Wink, wink, wink your eyes,
Wink your eyes together.
Dance, dance, dance a dance,
Dance a dance together.
Dance, dance, dance a dance,
Dance a dance together.
Spin, spin, spin around,
Spin around together.
Spin, spin, spin around,
Spin around together.
- Some people prefer photography. Photography has long been a popular hobby and the home video boom has brought new possibilities. A lot of people like taking off old buildings: palaces, castles, churches and old houses of historical interest. Others are interested in video films and they record family events there.
- Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies, especially among older people. Gardening and cultivation of flowers, especially roses, is the most common hobby in England. One survey found that two out of three men in their 60s had done some gardening in the previous month.
- Television is the main leisure activity. Nearly every household in Britain has a television set, and most have video records too. People spend much time watching television.
- The most popular forms of active leisure in Britain include walking, swimming, keeping fit and cycling. Football is the national sport in Britain. Rugby football, which is played with an oval ball, is also popular in Britain. Cricket is also associated with England. If you want to play cricket you must wear white boots, a white shirt and long white trousers.
- Listening to music is also a popular pastime. Pop and rock albums are the most common types of music. Pop music is the most popular form of musical expression in Britain.
- Other popular leisure activities include visits to the theatre or cinema. Britain has about 300 theatres, of which about 100 are in London. Britain’s most famous theatre company, The Royal Shakespeare Company, performs in Stratford-upon-Avon, Shakespeare’s birthplace, in London, and tours around the country. There are over 1,800 cinema screens in Britain.
Do you like photography?
What do many people like taking off?
What are others interested in?
What do you like taking off?
1.Yes,I do .I like photography.
2.A lot of people like taking off old buildings.
3.Others are interested in video films.
4.I like taking off my family ,my friends ,animals and nature.
1.Is gardening one of the most popular hobbies?
2.What is the most common hobby in England?
3.Do you like gardening?
1.Yes,it is. Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies.
2.The most common hobby in England is Gardening.
3.Yes,I do. I like gardening very much. My family grows up flowers ,fruit, vegetables.
1.Have people in Britain got a TV-set?
2.Do you enjoy watching TV?
3. What is your favorite film?
4.What is your favourite cartoon?
1.Yes,they have. People in Britain have got a TV-set.
2.Yes,I do.
3.My favourite film is
4.My favourite cartoon is Tom and Jerry.
1.Is football the national sport in Britain?
2.How can we play Regby football?
3.How must we wear if we want to play cricket?
1.Yes,it is .Football is the national sport in Britain.
2.Rugby football is played with an oval ball .It is also popular in Britain.
3.You must wear white boots, a white shirt, long white trousers.
1.Is listening to music a popular pastime?
2.Do you like Pop music?
3.What is your favourite singer?
1.Yes, it is. listening to music is a popular pastime.
2.Yes ,I do .I like Pop music.
3.My favourite singer is Dima Bilan.
Theatres and Cinema.
1.Has Britain many theatres?
2.What is the most famous theatre company?
3.Do you like going to the cinema?
1.Yes,it has .Britain has many theatres.
2.The most famous theatre company is THE ROYAL SHAKESPEARE COMPANY .It performs in Stratford upon Avon.
3.Unfortunately,we have no cinemas and theatres in our town.
10.I know some of you prepared projects about your hobbies .Lets listen to these projects
The most popular hobby among children is playing computer games. When we have hobbies our lives become more interesting. Very often our hobbies help us to choose our future professions .I am interested in computer .I like playing computer games and making programmes. It is exciting .I buy new compact discs and change them with my friends .I am fond of reading too .I prefer to read detecnive stories. They are enjoyable. My favourite book is Detective stories by Agatha Cristie.
Hobbies differ like tastes. The popular hobbies among children are :collecting computer games ,postcards, coins ,drawing and so on .I am interested in modern music .I collect records and cassettes of the m ost popular pop-singers and pop-gpoups. I can play the piano .I do it with great pleasure. I am keen on photography too .I can take pictures of my friends ,my family ,nature.
******************************My free time.
If I have free time walk,read books,watch TV.I like to read different books:historical,detective and tales.I like to go to the cinema,but I do it very seldom.I often go to see my friends.If I go to the country to see my grandmother .My grandma asks me to take care of the chickens .They grow up very quickly .I can swim in the river ,work in the garden ,pick up flowers, berries and mushrooms. I go in for sports with my friends.
Your homework:Reader,№1-2 стр.82-83.
урока английского языка «Хобби и свободное время»
7 «А» класс ,УМК: КУЗОВЛЕВ.В.П.
Мещерякова Юлия Николаевна,
учитель английского языка
(педагогический стаж –.)
Данный урок является обобщающим в изучении темы «Хобби и свободное время»
(Hobby and free time). Предусмотрено неоднократное обращение к материалу предыдущих уроков в течение занятия, что позволяет обобщить и систематизировать знания и умения по данной теме. В начале урока я также актуализировала имеющиеся знания обучающихся. Содержание данного урока работает на дальнейшее использование освоенного лексического материала не только в учебных ситуациях, но и в реальных жизненных.
Тип урока – повторение и закрепление материала.
Форма урока - эвристическая беседа, учебный диалог (методика постановки вопросов и их решение, метод обучения при помощи наводящих вопросов).
При организации урока использованы следующие методы:
- по источнику знаний: словесные, практические;
- по степени взаимодействия учителя и учащихся: беседа, работа в парах;
- по характеру познавательной деятельности: репродуктивные, частично-поисковые, творческие методы;
- по принципу расчленения или единения знаний: аналитические, обобщающие методы.
При планировании занятия я постаралась учесть возрастные, поведенческие, учебные, индивидуальные особенности cемиклассников. Таким образом осуществлялся дифференцированный подход в обучении. Постаралась учесть особенности темперамента детей. Непоседливых холериков спросить в первую очередь, подбодрить неуверенного меланхолика, если он стесняется отвечать.
Триединая дидактическая цель виделась в реализации трёх аспектов:
- учебный аспект – научить владеть способами взаимодействия с окружающими людьми, научить умению задавать вопросы, корректно вести учебный диалог; закрепить навыки выражения согласия и несогласия; научить образовывать прилагательные от глаголов и существительных с помощью окончания –ing,ed- научить умению осуществлять продуктивную речевую деятельность.
- познавательный аспект - расширить культурно-страноведческие знания учащихся по теме «Talking about Hobbies and free time activities»;
- развивающий аспект – развитие способности к общению; развитие логичности и доказательности;
-воспитательный аспект – воспитание субъекта межкультурного взаимодействия, воспитание положительного отношения к стране изучаемого языка.
Кроме того, участвуя в учебном диалоге, семиклассники будут приобретать опыт публичного выступления, работы в группах, что важно для дальнейшего обучения и адаптации в новых жизненных условиях и обстоятельствах.
Уроки подобного типа призваны развивать познавательный интерес к изучаемому языку.
Формой урока я выбрала эвристическую беседу. По моему мнению, форма учебного диалога является оптимальной на данном этапе обучения. Подобранный материал урока способствует поддержанию интереса к изучению английского языка.
Задача урока состояла и в том, чтобы привлечь к деятельности всю группу.
Я стараюсь, чтобы мои уроки соответствовали нормам здоровьесбережения. На мой взгляд, атмосфера во время урока была доброжелательная, темп занятия соответствовал возрасту ребят, кабинет был проветрен, все лампочки, как вы видите, горят, кабинет чистый, булочек на столах не было, записи на доске не сливаются с цветом доски, слайды презентации выполнены контрастными цветами и крупным шрифтом.
На уроке были использованы электронные образовательные ресурсы, такие, как мультимедийная презентация, аудиокассета с текстом на английском языке, а также интерактивное упражнение. Современные технические средства обучения помогают поддерживать мотивацию к изучению английского языка.
В целом задачи урока выполнены, поставленные цели реализованы.
Перспективы видятся в дальнейшем совершенствовании монологической речи учащихся, умения работать в парах и группах. Хотелось бы чтобы дети были на уроках более эмоциональными.
Благодарю всех, кто присутствовал на моем уроке.
План-конспект открытого урока по английскому языку "Спорт в нашей жизни" (учебник Кузовлева В.П.) |
Дата проведения: Цели: 1. Совершенствовать умения и навыки устной речи Тип урока: комбинированный Основные задачи: Развивающие: Социо-культурные: Воспитательные: Оборудование урока: Ход урока: 1. Орг. момент. T.: Good morning, good morning, 2. Фонетическая зарядка. T.: At first, we must repeat some sounds to speak about kinds of sport. 3. Речевая зарядка и презентация по теме « Спорт». What sport do you prefer? 4. Работа по презентации, ответы на вопросы по слайдам. 5. You can tell us about some sports. Who wants? What is your favorite sport? 6. T: Thank you .it`s great. Now you know There are Olympic and Paralympic Games in the world. Listen to this text attentively and fill in the gaps. ( ex.2 p.125)-p.247. Do-judo, weight lifting, Go-swimming,running,jumping, Play-tennis, snooker, table tennis. Ride a bike. 7. Работа с учебником.The History of the Olympic Games.-ex.1.p.106.Read this information and see the presentation and give me the argument of some sentences. 8. Закрепление новой лексики. Let`s play the Game “Olympic Quiz”. You all are fond of sport: watching sport competitions on TV or going in for different kinds of sport. It is a sports quiz consisting of 3 rounds. The topics of them are: “The History of the Olympic Games”, “The Olympic Champions of my country”, “National sports of Great Britain and the USA”. Every round will have its winners. Be attentive and polite. Write your answers on papers, please.
ВИКТОРИНА 1-st round “The History of the Olympic Games”
Thanks for your answers. Our winner in this round is... Let’s start the 2-nd round. 2-nd round “The Olympic Champions of my country” I will name some Russian sportsmen and you must up the number of kind of sport they are. (учитель называет имя спортсмена, детям нужно вспомнить, какой вид спорта представляет этот спортсмен; виды спорта даны в слайде)
Thanks for your answers. Our winner in this round is... Let’s start the 3-rd round. 3-rd round “National sports of Great Britain and the USA” 5
Thanks for your answers. Our winner in this round is... This is the end of our sport quiz and we have … winners. They are ... They are awarded special medals of winners. Good luck. 9. Подведение итогов урока, выставление оценок, объяснение домашнего задания. Итак, подведём итоги, мы сегодня с вами узнали много хорошей информации о…… (ответы детей) |
- Начало игры. Орг.момент.
Good afternoon! You all are fond of sport: watching sport competitions on TV or going in for different kinds of sport. So, today we are going to have a lesson devoted to history of Olympic Games. It is a sports quiz consisting of 3 rounds. The topics of them are: “The History of the Olympic Games”, “The Olympic Champions of my country”, “National sports of Great Britain and the USA”. Every round will have its winners. Be attentive and polite. Write your answers on papers, please.
- Проведение игры.
- Итог игры.
1-st round “The History of the Olympic Games”
(1-st slide)
- When and where did the Olympic Games begin? (777 BC, Ancient Greece)
- How did they take place? (every 4 years)
- Why did the Olympic Games become the symbol of peace and friendship? (For the period of games all the wars stopped)
- When and where did the first Olympic Games take place? (In Athens, 1896)
- What is the central policy-making body of the Olympic movement? (The International Olympic Comitee)
- What is necessary besides sports competitions for the Olympic Games? (a cultural programme of concerts, exhibitions, festivals)
- When did Russia join the Olympic movement? (1952)
- Where and what did Olympic Games take place in our country and when? (the 22-nd Olympic Games, Moscow, 1980)
- What does the Olympic motto mean? (the motto of the Olympic Games is “Citius, Altius, Fortius” - Faster, Higher, Stronger)
Thanks for your answers. Our winner in this round is...
Let’s start the 2-nd round.
2-nd round “The Olympic Champions of my country”
(2-nd slide)
I will name some Russian sportsmen and you must up the number of kind of sport they are.
(учитель называет имя спортсмена, детям нужно вспомнить, какой вид спорта представляет этот спортсмен; виды спорта даны в слайде)
- Olga Slusareva – Cycling
- Alina Kabaeva – Free exercises
- Vladislav Tretyak – Hockey
- Aleksandr Karelin – Greek-Rome Fighting
- Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze – Figure-Skating
- Aleksei Nemov – Gymnastics
- Maria Kiseleva – Synchronized Swimming
- Dmitri Berestov – Weight-lifting
- Aleksei Yagudin – Figure-Skating
- Vyacheslav Fetisov - Hockey
- Svetlana Khorkina – Gymnastics
- Gaidarbek Gaidarbekov - Boxing
Thanks for your answers. Our winner in this round is...
Let’s start the 3-rd round.
3-rd round “National sports of Great Britain and the USA”
(3-rd slide)
- Which game is the most popular game in GB and in the world? (Soccer-football)
- What club is the biggest football club in the world? (“Manchester United”, England)
- What kind of sport is Derby connected with? (Horse racing)
- What kind of sport is Wimbledon connected with? (All-England and International Tennis Championships)
- What is a “walking” game in Britain? (golf)
- When and where was basketball invented? (by a teacher at a sports school in Springfield, USA, 1891)
- What kinds of sports were originated in the USA also? (volleyball, wind-surfing, skate-boarding, triathlon)
- What does triathlon include? (swimming, bicycle racing and long-distance-running)
Thanks for your answers. Our winner in this round is...
This is the end of our sport quiz and we have … winners. They are ... They are awarded special medals of winners. Good luck.
My favorite sport
All kinds of sports and games are cultivated in our country as well as in England, the USA and other countries of the world. Tennis, hockey, volley-ball and football have become very popular in Russia. Football is my favourite sport. The term “football” is understood differently in the USA and Britain. For a British “football” is the same as what is known to be “футбол” in our country. For an American “football” means “rugby”, while the game usually played here in Russia is known as “soccer”. Soccer is played by two teams, equal in number, each consisting of eleven players. Tills is, properly speaking, genuine football, the ball being driven only by the feet. The eleven players take up their position on the field. The centre forward stands at the centre. On the right are the inside right and the outside right, on the left are the inside left and the outside left. The three half-backs are stationed behind the forward line. The goal is protected by the right back, the left back and the goalkeeper. No handling is allowed except by the goalkeeper. Excellent technique, flexible modern tactics and good teamwork are characteristic features of modem football.
Figure skating is an Olympic sport in which individuals, pairs, or groups perform spins, jumps, footwork and other intricate and challenging moves onice skates. Figure skaters compete at various levels from beginner up to the Olympic level (senior), and at local, national, and international competitions. The International Skating Union (ISU) regulates international figure skating judging and competitions. Figure skating is an official event in the Winter Olympic Games. In languages other than English and Russian, figure skating is usually referred to by a name that translates as "artistic skating".
Major international competitions are sanctioned by the ISU. These include the Winter Olympic Games, the World Championships, the World Junior Championships, the European Championships, the Four Continents Championships, and the Grand Prix series (senior and junior).
The sport is also associated with show-business. Major competitions generally include exhibitions at the end in which the top-placing skaters perform non-competitive programs for the audience. Many skaters, both during and after their competitive careers, also skate in ice skating exhibitions or shows which run during the competitive season and the off-season.
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3.2.Совершенствование методов обучения и воспитания через проведение открытых уроков/занятий на МО муниципального уровня (экспертный лист оценивания, протокол посещения второго открытого урока от МО муниципального уровня)
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