The Quiz "What do you know about the UK?"
материал по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Марина Викторовна Проскурина

Викторина рекомендована в качестве обобщения после изучения  Unit 3 "Learning more about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" к УМК М.З. Биболетовой "Enioy English"


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The Quiz “What Do You Know About Great Britain and Northern Ireland?”

  1. The UK consists of …. countries.
  1. tree b) four c) five
  1. Great Britain is the largest…….
  1. country  b) city   c) island
  1. The capital of the UK is……
  1. London  b) Washington c) Paris
  1. What river does London stand on?
  1. the Thames B) the Severn c) the Clyde
  1. The official language of the UK is…..
  1. English b) Scottish c) English and Scottish
  1. The national symbol of England is the…..
  1. red rose b) thistle c) daffodil
  1. The biggest part of Great Britain is……
  1. Scotland b) England c) Northern Ireland
  1. What’s the name of the British Flag?
  1. Star-Spangled Banner b) Stripes and Stars c) Union Jack
  1. The population of England is about……
  1. 56 mln. people  b) 6 mln. people c) 51 mln. people
  1. The national day of England is on the….
  1. 12th of June b) 23d of April c) 4th of November
  1. The longest river in England is….
  1. the Thames b) the Severn c) the Avon
  1.  William Shakespeare was born in….
  1. London b) Stratford-upon-Avon c) Manchester
  1. Stonehenge is about…….years old.
  1. 40 b) 400 c) 400
  1.  Liverpool is the home of…..
  1. the Beatles b) W. Shakespeare c) the Queen Elizabeth II
  1.  Manchester is famous for its…
  1. museums b) football teams c) theatre
  1.  Robert Burns is a famous…………….poet.
  1.  American b) English c) Scottish
  1. The capital of Wales is….
  1. Cardiff  b) Belfast c) Edinburgh
  1. The Scotts celebrates their national day on the…
  1. 1st of May b) 23d of April c) 9th of May
  1. The national game of Wales is…
  1. football b) rugby c) baseball
  1.  The national symbol of Wales is (are) the…..
  1. red rose b) thistle c) daffodil and the Red Dragon
  1. The natural wonder of Wales is…..
  1. Stonehenge b) the Snowdonia National Park  c) the Highlands
  1. The capital of Northern Ireland is….
  1. Belfast b) Cardiff c) Edinburgh
  1. The national symbol of Northern Ireland is the…..
  1. clover b) thistle c) red rose
  1. The colour that represents (представляет) Ireland  is……
  1. green b) red  c) yellow
  1. The climate in Northern Ireland is good for…
  1. gardening b) football playing c) swimming
  1.  The national symbol of Scotland is the…..
  1. clover b) thistle c) daffodil
  1. The capital of Scotland is…
  1. Brighton  b) Cardiff c) Edinburgh
  1. Ben Nevis is the ….
  1. mountain b) industrial region c) oldest Scottish clan
  1. The national Scottish instrument is….
  1. the guitar b) the bagpipe c) the violin
  1. The mysterious Loch Ness Monster is from…..
  1. Wales b) Scotland c) Ireland
  1. The kilt is…
  1. a shirt b)a skirt c) a pair of trouseres
  1. The Scottish word “loch” means (означает)…..
  1. a lake b) a sea c) a monster
  1. Aberdeen is the biggest …..centre in Great Britain.
  1. oil b) industrial c) cultural
  1. William Shakespeare was burn on the …… 1616.
  1. a) 1st of May b) 23d of April c) 9th of May
  1. On the whole the climate of Great Britain is…
  1. mild b) frosty c) tropical
  1. The most popular sport in Britain is…
  1. ice hockey b) baseball c) football

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