Разработка внеклассного мероприятия Брейн-ринг "What do you know about Great Britain?"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Разработка внеклассного мероприятия "Брейн-ринг "Что я знаю о Великобритании" .Эту игру можно проводить на этапе "Закрепление" в 6 классе после изучения темы "Страна и люди Великобритании"по учебнику О. В.Афанасьевой,И.Н.Верещагиной (5-ый год обучения)
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Брейн –Ринг «What do you know about Great-Britain…»
Цель: -обобщение изученного материала по теме «Объединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии», совершенствование лексических навыков учащихся
- The capital of Great Britain
1 .What river does London stand on ?
a) the Severn;
b) the Trent;
c )Thames;
d) Potomac.
2. The population of London is about……
a) 5 million;
b) 6 million;
c) 7 million people.
3. How is the most important business part of London called?
a) the Town;
b) City;
c) the Country;
d) the Capital/
4. How old is London?
a) 1000;
b) 1500;
c) 2000;
d) 2500.
5. What is the largest park in London?
A) Green park;
b) St, James Park;
c) Hyde Park;
d) Regent’s Park.
2. ‘’ Political System’’
1. Who is the head of state in Great Britain?
a) monarch;
b) prime minister;
c) the House of Lords.
2. Who is the present monarch in Great Britain?
a) Prince Charles;
b) Prince Henry;
c) Queen Elizabeth ;
d) Queen Elizabeth II;
3) Who is present Prime Minister of Great Britain?
a) Margaret Thatcher;
b) Tony Blair;
c) John Major;
d) Lames Callaghan.
4. Choose the real governing body of Great Britain.
a) the House of Lords;
b) the House of Commons;
c) a monarch;
d) a political party.
5. Choose a political party which hasn’t ever been established in Great Britain.
a) Republican Party;
b) Conservative Party;
c) Labour;
d) Liberal Party.
3. ‘’ Georgraphy’’
1.How many countries does the UK consist of?
2.What ocean is Great Britain washed by in the Northwest, North and Southwest?
a)Pacific Ocean ;
b)Atlantic Ocean;
с)the Indian Ocean ;
d)the Arctic Ocean.
3. What weather is the most common in Great Britain ?
a) rainy ;
b) sunny;
d) frosty.
4.Which of these countries is separated from the others by the North Channel ?
с)Wales ;
d)Nothern Ireland.
5.Which of these rivers is not situated in Great Britain?
a) the Severn;
b) the Trent;
c) Potomac;
d) the Thames.
4.‘’History of Great Britain’’
1. In what centary did the Romans come to Great Britain?
a) 50BC;
b) 55BC;
c) 10 AD;
d)15 AD.
2. From what countries did Anglo- Saxons come to Britain?
a) France and Germany;
b) Greece and Scandinavia;
d) Greece and France.
3. From what century did Vikings to raid Britain?
a) 600 AD;
b) 700AD;
c) 800AD;
d) 900 AD.
4. Who dissolved the Parliament and became the Lord Protector of England?
a) Henry VII:
b) Richard III;
c) Edward the Confessor;
d) Oliver Cromwell.
5. At first the House of Lords consisted only of…..
a) barons;
b) people from the countries;
c) kings;
d) rich peasants.
5. “ Places to Visit’’
1. Where does the monarch of Great Britain live?
a) in Buckingham Palace;
b) in Westminister Abbey;
c) in the White House;
d) in the Tower of London.
2. What architect built ST. Paul’s Cathedral in 1675-1710?
a) Peter Harrision;
b) Francesco Borrowing;
c) Sir Christopher Wren;
d) Lean Marot.
3. What building is considered to be the centre of London?
a) St. Paul’s Cathedral;
b) Westminister Abbey;
c) Trafalgar Square;
d) the Tower of London.
4. Choose the famous place where every person can on any theme.
a) Hyde Park;
b) Trafalgar Square;
c) Piccadilly Gallery.
5. What building is situated in the centre of Trafalgar Square?
a) the National Gallery;
b) Buckingham Palace;
c)Trajan’s Column;
d) Nelson Column.-
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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