Конспект урока " Командовать дорогой буду я!"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Урок «Командовать дорогой буду я!» по УМК «Spotlight 6» в 6 классе.
Цель: Повторение лексико-грамматического материала по теме «Getting around».
Задачи: 1) повторение лексики по теме;
2) закрепление в речи грамматических единиц выражения запрета, разрешения, направления, инструкций;
3) развитие умений поискового чтения;
4) развитие умений заполнять таблицу (анкету);
5) развитие умений монологического высказывания по плану.
Воспитательная цель: воспитать уважение к ПДД, закону, формировать ответственное отношение
к своей жизни.
Развивающая цель: развитие памяти, мышления, языковой догадки, всех видов речевой деятельности.
1.Организационный момент
А)-Good morning, girls and boys!
-Good morning, Good morning
Good morning to you!
Good morning dear teacher
I am glad to see you!
-Thank you.Sit down.
Б)-What date is it today?
-What day of the week is it today?
-What season is it now?
-Children,look at the window and say me please,what is the weather like today?
В)Today we shall speak about street and traffic rules. Let’s start our lesson with the beautiful song (Phonetic drill. SB p.SS1,song,CD3,track29) (Slide 1) 45 cек.
When I drive down the road
In my nice new car
I feel so good
Like a movie star
I can go anywhere
I feel so free
So get in the car
Come for a drive with me
Cool car, hot wheels
Driving down the street
cool car, hot wheels
I’m in the driver’s seat
2.Warming up.
1.Answer my guestions: - Are the traffic rules important for us? Why?
· Is our town big? – Are there many streets in it?
· What can you see when you are in the street?
2.Word perfect:
Now look at the slide and match the words to make word combinations (Slide 2).
3. When you are on the street, what groups of people can you see?
- pedestrians
- passengers
- drivers.(Slide 3)
-Look at the slide 4.The road safety officer came to our class to check your knowledge of road safety rules. Make instructions for pedestrians.(Slide 5).Next rule for bikers(Slide 6). Then if you are a passenger(Slide 7).And the last rule when you travel in a car.(Slide 8).
-You know the rules(Slide 9) Oh!I see the traffic warden in our class. It’s Ildar. Ildar give instructions to be safe on the road.
-Wear your seat belt
-Don’t talk to the driver
-Don’t run onto the road
-Walk on the pavement
-Don’t lean out of the window
-Look both ways
4..- Look at the picture (Slide 10).This is V.Petrov, the only Russian racing car driver in Formula 1. Read the text and complete the fact file about him.(Slides 10,11). Write down the short information about him.(Slide 11)
5.Now,lets play with the traffic wardens’ rules.
-Look at the slide 12.Our game is ‘’Number up”.You can use such instructions as It’s dangerous to…or It’s safe to…The magic number is 2.Let’s begin.
It’s dangerous to push others when you enter the bus
It’s safe to wear a bike helmet
It’s dangerous to cross between parked cars
It’s safe to look both ways
It’s dangerous to run onto the road
-Well done!Perfect!
6Let’s have a rest.Stand up!(Slide 13)
Red on top,
Green below.
Red says “Stop”,
Green says “Go”.
Yellow says “Wait”
Even if you are late.
7 Now we are drivers and passengers. Our guest came to check the knowledge about traffic signs.(Slide 14)
-What do these signs tell us?
-You can’t park here.
-You can turn right.
-You can drive at 25 Km
-You can go straight
-You can’t go here
-You can’t turn right
Well done!Let’s continue our lesson.
8.Today we have tourists in our lesson. They are from Russia.One of them are looking the post offise to send the letter to his family.
-Excuse me,is there a post office near here?
-Yes, there is one on the corner.
-Thank you.
-You are welcome.
The next tourist is looking for the library
- Excuse me,how can I get to the library?
-Go down the street until you get to the traffic lights.Turn right and and go straight on.It’s on your left next to Bill’s restaurant.
-Is it far?
-Not really.
-Thank you very much.
-Don’t mention it.
9.Now I can see you know the traffic rules well. You know how to make instructions, permissions and prohibitions. Hometask: SB p.32 ex.4
10.Marks. Be careful on the road! (Slide 15).
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Match the words: parking a) lines zebra b) belt seat c) helmet traffic d) zone speed g) sign traffic e) limit yellow f) crossing bike h) lights
People on the road pedestrians passengers drivers
The road safety officer
BE SAFE ON THE ROAD! When you cross the street on foot
BE SAFE ON THE ROAD! When you ride your bike
BE SAFE ON THE ROAD! When you travel on a bus
BE SAFE ON THE ROAD! When you travel in a car
The traffic warden
Vitaly Petrov . Vitaly Petrov is a racing car driver. He’s got a lot of fans in Russia and other countries. He’s got a personal web-site. Vitaly Petrov comes from Russia. He was born on 8th September, 1984 in Viborg. He is not very tall and with short fair hair. He started driving professionally in 2001. He can also play hockey and badminton very well. Vitaly is the only Russian driver in Formula 1. He drives Renault cars. “I’ll do everything I can for Renault team”, he says. “The team and the fans deserve it”.
Fact File Occupation Born Hobby Team Personal details
The game “Number up” Magic number is 2 use It’s dangerous to… It’s safe to…
Traffic lights Red on top, Green below. Red says “Stop”, Green says “Go”. Yellow says “Wait” Even if you are late.
Traffic signs
Dear pedestrian! Be careful on the road!

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