Урок "Повторение лексики по теме ""Еда"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

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Тема: Повторение лексики по теме «Еда»

Цели урока: повторение и закрепление лексики по теме, практика в аудировании и чтении, развитие интереса к изучению культуры страны изучаемого языка.


  • практическая – развитие языковой и речевой компетенции через дальнейшее формирование навыков употребления нового лексико-грамматического материала в речи и умений представить личный субъектный опыт средствами иностранного языка;
  • воспитательная - работа над развитием умения осуществлять общение, овладения приемами креативного труда; воспитание стремления вести здоровый образ жизни, питаться здоровой пищей;
  • образовательная – повышение  общей языковой культуры выражения мыслей; развитие познавательного интереса к предмету через содержание учебного материала и эмоциональную атмосферу обучения; расширение кругозора;
  • развивающая - создание условий для развития памяти, внимания, воображения; развитие умения наблюдать, сопоставлять, делать выводы; работать индивидуально, в малых группах, в паре, развивать  коммуникативные умения и навыки во всех аспектах речевой деятельности обучающихся: в частности в  говорении и аудировании.


                                                ХОД  УРОКА
1. Начало урока. Организационный момент.
Teacher: Good day, boys and girls and our guests !
Pupils: Good day.
Teacher: Greet our guests.

Pupils: Good day, dear teaches.

Teacher: How are you?

Pupils: We are fine.

Teacher: Are you ready for the lesson?

Pupils: Yes, we are.

Teacher: Today we’ll talk about meals and food. We’ll remember all the words which we have learnt. English people eat toasts, marmalade, scrambled eggs, bacon and cornflakes in the morning.For lunch they usually eat fish and chips, meat with potatoes.Englishmen have dinner in the evening.

2. Фонзарядка: Let’s start our lesson from the training our tongues. I want you to open your books: p.57 ex.2. Let’s listen and repeat the words after the speaker.


3. Речевая разминка

Teacher: Now look at the screen. I want you to agree or disagree with these statements. If the sentence is true, you will repeat it. If it is false, you will correct it. (2 слайд)

  • Oranges are tasty.
  • Porridge is good for children.
  • The British like tea.Teatime at 5 p.m.
  • Junk food is very good for us.
  • We must eat more fruit and vegetables.
  • The first meal in the morning is called supper.
  • Traditional English breakfast may consists of scrambled eggs, sausages, bacon and toast.
  • The Russians like meat dumplings.
  • Nenets people like fish and venesion.

4. Активизация и тренировка обучающихся в употреблении лексики теме лексики по теме «Еда»

  • And now let’s play the game “ Eatable – Uneatable “. I’ll name the words and you say “eatable”, if we can eat it and you say “uneatable”, if we can’t eat it. (3 слайд)

         (Possible words: orange juice, milk, menu, strawberry jam, plate, bacon,  table,  pudding, waiter, fish, fork, pasta, spoon, chips, ice-cream, bun, pencil, orange, sweets, cornflakes, kitchen). Well done.

  • The next task is doing Puzzle (4 слайд). Now I’d like to see your knowledge of the words on the topic. Look at the puzzles on the screen. You should find as many words as you can. Work in groups of four. (раздаются карточки, проверка в группах). How many words have they found? (5 слайд). The 1st group…, the 2nd group…, the 3rd group…, and the 4th group…The winners are…


5. Развитие навыков монологической речи (6 слайд)

Teacher: Now tell me please, what would you like to try and why? You may use the following phrases from the screen.
For example:
I’d like to try fish.

                     I think it’s tasty.
I’d like to try…..                                                        

  I think …..                                                            

   It’s great. It’s wonderful!

It’s lovely! It’s very tasty!

It’s delicious! It’s very nice!

It’s fantastic! It’s very good!

 Teacher: And now boys and girls, let’s work in pairs. All of you have a card. You must fill it. Ask  your classmate what does she/he have for breakfast/for lunch/for dinner? ( 7 слайд).

5. Физминутка.
I see you are tired. Stand up. Let’s have a rest. (8 слайд)

                Head and shoulders,

                Knees and toes,

                Knees and toes,

                Knees and toes,

                Head and shoulders,

                Knees and toes,

                Eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

6. Проверка домашнего задания:
Teacher: At home Masha, Roma, Diana and Alice had to prepare their own projects. They would like to tell you their favourite recipes.
Обучающиеся защищают приготовленные дома проекты о блюдах, которые им нравятся
(9,10,11,12 слайды)

Tea (Маша Дубникова)

  1. Fill the kettle with cold water.
  2. Boil the water.
  3. Warm the pot.
  4. Put one teaspoon of tea in the pot for each person and one extra for the pot.
  5. Pour hot water into the pot.

Enjoy your tea. Thank you.                                        

Scones (ДианаСэротэтто)

  1. Mix the flour and baking powder.
  2. Add the butter, sugar, raisins, an egg and milk.
  3. Roll out the pastry to about 1cm. thick.
  4. Cut into rounds.
  5. Bake 15-20 minutes in a hot oven.

Help yourself! Thank you.

Breakfast cereal (РомаАндреев)

  1. Open the box.
  2. Put some cereal in your bowl.
  3. Pour on some cold milk.
  4. Add some sugar. It’s great. Enjoy it. Thank you.

Sliced fish (Парангуй Алиса)

  1. Take frozen fish.
  2. Remove scales and peel.
  3. Cut into strips. Eat with salt and black grinded pepper. Thank you.

Teacher: Well done. Did you like their projects? What would you like to try and why?

7.  Развитие навыков аудирования. Работа над текстом (13 слайд)

        I’d like you to open your student’s book on page 60, ex. 46. Listen to the text. Match the speakers with their favourite food. There is an extra photo. Complete the table (ребята заполняют таблицу, находят правильные варианты, отвечают на вопросы).  

And now answer the questions: (14 слайд)

  • Who is a vegetarian?
  • Who is from Italy?
  • Who likes fast food?
  • Who prefers meat to fish?
  • Who has a sweet tooth?
  • Who has a granny who is a fantastic cook?
  • Who knows a recipe for a delicious pie?

Teacher: Well done! Good of you. Answer my question, please.

  • Vegetarian is a person who doesn’t eat meat. Are you a vegetarian?
  • Do you like fast food? Is it good or bad for us?
  • Who prefers to eat meat?
  • Who likes fish?
  • Do you have a sweet tooth? Are sweets, biscuits, jam good or bad for our health?
  • Is your mum a good cook?

8. Подведение итогов урока.

        It brings us to the end. Today we’ve remembered the names of different food, answered the questions, listened to the text, told about our favourite recipes.  Thank you for your working. If you liked our lesson, show me a card with a banana, if you didn’t like show me a pepper. Your homework will be on the cards, you must fill in the gaps. Now stand up, you may be free.

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