Задания 7-8 класс "Use of English"
тест по английскому языку (7, 8 класс) по теме

Тишечкова Елена Николаевна

Контрольные задания по теме "Present Perfect & Present Perfect Continuous" и "ARTICLES". Задания на владение словарем по теме "FOOD & SHOPPING"



Файл grammar_pp_or_ppc.docx43.62 КБ
Файл articles.docx44.11 КБ
Файл food_and_shopping.docx168.77 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Grammar: the present perfect simple or continuous 

Choose the correct sentence

  1.  She have been learning all about English grammar.
  2.  She's been learning all about English grammar.
  1.  I've been looking for a parking space for hours.
  2.  I've been look for a parking space for hours.
  1.  Have he been teaching here for long?
  2.  Has he been teaching here for long?
  1.  You not been paying attention to me!
  2.  You haven't been paying attention to me!
  1.  I haven't studied English since I was at school.
  2.  I haven't been studying English since I was at school.
  1.  Have you been working on your project all afternoon?
  2.  Have Sam been working on his project all afternoon?
  1.  Thanks for explaining. You've been being very helpful.
  2.  Thanks for explaining. You've been very helpful.
  1.  Has it been raining all day.
  2.  It's been raining all day.

Drag the words into the correct place to complete the sentences.

I've walked    ---- seen----- hurts---- been seeing ----- have you known---- have been --- has been hurting---- been walking---- been thinking----  thought

  1. The twins___________at this school for six months.
  2. My hand_________because I've been writing for ages.
  3. Have you_____________the Maths teacher?
  4. Jake's hand___________since he fell in the gym last week.
  5. Emily has__________a private tutor to get help with her French.
  6. ___________to school every day this week.
  7. Have you____________about what the teacher said?
  8. How long_____________about this?
  9. I've____________about applying to medical school.
  10. Is it much further? We've____________for hours!

Complete the text with the present perfect simple or continuous of the verbs in brackets.

 (not be) at this boarding school for long, so I (not make) a lot of friends yet. But everyone  (make) me feel very welcome for the last three weeks. For four hours every day this week, we  (learn) about the environment. I  (enjoy) the lessons a lot. It's quite different from my old school and I don't think I  (work) as hard here as I did there ... not so far, anyway. It's strange sleeping in a dormitory. I must say, I  (not sleep) as well as I used to at home! But one of the school nurses  (give) me a new pillow that smells of lavender - she says it will help me to sleep! Well, so far, it  (not make) much difference. I think one of the problems is that I  (eat) bigger meals here than I'm used to. And I  (not do) as much exercise as I should do, either. Still, it's early days ... I'm sure I'll get used to the new school

Предварительный просмотр:


Choose the correct alternative.

  1. Have you got an / a umbrella I could borrow, please?
  2. There's a river near our house; it's a / the river that runs through Arundel.
  3. I'm sorry to hear you've got - / a sore throat again.
  4. The cat we saw had a / - very unusual ears.
  5. There was the / a little bird in the garden but when the bird saw our cat, it flew away.6. George gave Misha - / a diamond ring for her birthday.
  1. Pandas are really cute an / - animals.
  2. The / An Adams family are all a little strange!
  3. Which T-shirt shall I wear? An / The red one?
  4. I didn't realise both your parents were the / - British.

Complete the sentences using a, an or the.

  1. I liked  TV programme about African wildlife the best.
  2. I've got  idea about what to buy dad for his birthday!
  3. The day we got our first pet was  very special occasion.
  4. Do you go to  school in the centre of town or the one nearer here?
  5. Have you seen  small black cat anywhere? My cat has gone missing.
  6. I must go down to  sea again.
  7. They are planning to go to  Philippines for their next holiday.
  8. That's  interesting-looking insect! What is it?
  9. Grace has got  exam this afternoon ... then two more tomorrow.
  10. Yes, Alex is  very nice young man.

Предварительный просмотр:

Match the equivalents 

An apple a day keeps a doctor away.

Не жить, чтобы есть, а есть, чтобы жить.

A hungry belly has no ears. 

Аппетит приходит во время еды.

I am as hungry as a hunter.

Голодное брюхо к учению глухо. 

Hunger is the best sauce.

О вкусах не спорят.

Tastes differ. 

Я голоден как волк.

Don’t live to eat, but eat to live.

Яблоков день, и никакой врач не нужен. 

Appetite comes with eating.

Голод – лучшая приправа.

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