Урок английского языка по теме:“How different the world is!”
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему
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Автор разработки – Коршакова О.И., учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ № 6» МО Тбилисский район Краснодарского края
Проектная методика на уроке по теме:“How different the world is!”
Project “Different Worlds”
развивающий аспект - развитие творческих способностей учащихся;
воспитательный аспект - умение работать в группе;
учебный аспект – развитие речевых умений запрашивать информацию в различных формах;
сопутствующая задача – скрытый контроль уровня сформированности речевых умений.
Речевой материал: продуктивный, лексический и грамматический материал темы.
Ход урока
Teacher: Good morning. Nice to see you again. Today we have an unusual lesson, because we have a lot of guests which want to see how you study the English language at school. Today we’ll do a lot of interesting things which help us to learn more about English-speaking countries and enjoy studying English. I want you to be clever and interesting talkers. We always need somebody to listen to us, to understand us and to talk to us.
And the best way to begin a conversation is a smile. “A smile goes a long way”- people say.
And the English say: “Smile and the whole world smiles with you.”
Hearts like doors will open with ease.
To very, very little keys.
And don’t forget that two are these: “We thank you all” and “If you please”
What other worlds to the hearts of people do you know? Think a little. Probably our guests will help us.
(Excuse me, I’m sorry, would you mind, could you, he so kind, you are welcome here)
T. It’s so nice to speak to the polite people. People expect you to be polite in the way that is normal to them. British are considered to be real gentlemen and well – mannered people. Is it so? What do you think about British characters?
Pupil 1: Englishmen are really polite and never tired in saying “Thank you”, “I’m sorry”, “I bed your pardon”.
Pupil 2: The British are self-disciplined. There is little noise in the street and practically no long disputing. They take their seats in queues at bus stop in a quiet and orderly manner.
Pupil 3: English people don’t like displaying their emotions even in dangerous and tragic situations and don’t like any boasting or showing off in manners, dress or speech.
Pupil 4: They are friendly with cats and dogs but they are cold with people. They only smile. I think they are not so friendly as Russians are.
Teacher: I think you must be kinder to people. Every nation has its place under the sun. But you’d better learn etiquette of other countries not to look impolite. Any other ideas?
Pupil 5: And one more, every Englishman is said to be a country man at heart. They like to grow fruits and vegetables.
And the climate is ideal for gardening. 44% of the population spend time gardening . Due to the influence of the Gulf Stream, the UK enjoys warmer winters and cooler summers than other countries at the same latitude. And of cause it rains all year round.
Teacher: The British Isles have never been known for good weather. The weather changes more often than in other country. The other countries have climate, in England they have the weather.
“I don’t desire to change anything in England except weather”, - said Oscar Wild.
What do you know about British climate?
Pupil 6: The climate is temperate and mild. There is no severe winter frost, they don’t suffer from heat or drought that’s why they have great roads.
Teacher: You are right. The land of Great Britain has no extremes: no high mountains and big rivers. But it is a highly developed industrial country. It is one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of iron and steеl products, electronics, chemicals and textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. And Britain has a great influence on the world.
I think it is enough. And now your projects. The countries we are going to compare are: the USA, Australia and the United Kingdom. All these countries are situated in different parts of our planet, have different culture. But I think that all these countries have one common feature. People in these countries speak the same language. Am I right?
I want two, three of our guests to assess your work.
Учитель раздает гостям листы для оценки.
Teacher: The first country is Australia.
Like the people, Australian English is friendly, informal and has its own, distinctive accent. Day is pronounced “die” and die is “doi”. Nicknames, idioms and slang are common. For example, a “pom” is a British person, “G’day mate” is a greeting and “She’ll be right” (It’s OK/ is the answer to almost anything.
Much of Australia’s colourful slang dates back to the early days of convicts and settlers. Migrants from London brought their rhyming slang, which they adapted to their new surroundings. The strong Irish connection shows in many Australian idioms and in the folk-song style of early bush ballads.
Coat of arms.
Australia’s coat of arms, the official emblem of the Australian Government, was granted by King George V in 1912. The arms consist of a shield containing the badges of the six states. The supporters are native fauna – a kangaroo and an emu. A yellow–flowered native plant wattle also appears in the design.
The flag of Australia is the only one to fly over a whole continent. The small Union Jack represents the historical link with Britain, the large seven–pointed star represents the six states and the territories, and the small star from the southern cross, a prominent feature of the southern hemisphere night sky.
Famous Men
Ernie Dingo. Well-known actor, entertainer, musician and comic Ernie Dingo is best known for the character, Charlie, he played in the film Crocodile Dundee 2. He performs Australian music, which include traditional Aboriginal songs about the land, the city, the environment and what it means to be black, white or any co lour.
After a four-year apprenticeship as a graphic artist in Perth, Ernie started doing community work, teaching Aboriginal culture to non-Aborigines.
As a child, he was given a traditional Aboriginal name, “Oondamooroo” by the elders of his family. Today, he does not identify himself as either, as urban or traditional Aborigine. “I just live my life the way I know how. I came from the bush. I live in the city. I adapt to whenever I am. I can go to the bush and leave the city behind and I can come to the city and leave the bush behind.”
Big city Canberra
Canberra is the home of Australia’s government and embassies from around the world.
The centerpiece of the city is the new Parliament House which was opened in1988. This is where Australia’s government meets. Canberra is also the “natural capital” and is within easy much of some of Australia’s most spectacular countryside.
The air here is fresh and crisp. No wonder the people of Canberra love to spend their time outdoors.
There are many fine museums in Canberra. It was designed by an American. Canberra is a “cyclist’s paradise”.
Australia’s national landmarks are located in Canberra. The National Gallery, the National Science and Technology Centre, the high Court and the old Parliaments House are all here.
Teacher: Who can add something? I want to say some words about Australian language.
Australians have a particular way of speaking, which is sometimes difficult for British English – speakers to understand. The English writer, Monica Dickens, once visited Australia to promote her books. She was autographing a book for a woman, who said to her “Emma Chissit”. The author wrote, “To Emma Chissit” in the book, not realizing that she had actually been asked, “How much is it?” Australians sometimes joke that their type of English is almost a separate language, which they call Strine.
So, the next country is Great Britain.
What we know as the English language was born out of foreign invasion and later spread across the world by invasion. From the fifth century AD onwards, wares of invaders from northern Europe came cross the North Sea to England. They were Angles, Saxons and Jutes and came from present day Germany and Scandinavia. They drove the Celtic-speaking inhabitants of England west nards into those areas know today as Wales, Cornwall, Cambria and the Scottish borders. They established themselves and their languages in the territory the Celtic speakers had occupied. The resulting mixture of Germanic and Scandinavian languages became the earliest form of English.
In 1066, William the Conqueror led the Norman French invasion of England. For a period of nearly 300 years French became the official languages, although English continued to be spoken by the majority of common people. Modern English has its main origins in the mixture of these two languages, Anglo-Saxon and French.
The British flag, known as the Union Jack, is a combination of three flags: the Saint Andrew’s cross, the Saint Patrick’s cross and the Saint George’s cross.
The Saint Patrick’s cross is the farmer flag of Ireland. Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. He was born about AD 390. He converted the Irish to Christianity and is supposed to have got rid of all the snakes in Ireland. Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated on 17 March.
The Saint Andrew’s cross is the Scottish flag. Saint Andrew, a fisherman, has one of the 12 apostles who followed Jesus Christ. Paintings of Saint Andrew often show him being killed on an x-shaped cross. Saint Andrew’s Day is celebrated on 30 November. He is the patron saint of both Scotland and Russia.
The Saint George’s cross is the English flag. He was a soldier famous for saving the Princess Cleo Linda from being eaten by a dragon. He wounded the dragon and took it back to the city of silence on a lead like a dog. Saint George is also the patron saint of Germany, Portugal and Greece.
Famous men
William Shakespeare, Britain’s greatest playwright, was born at Stratford-Avon in England. Stratford is now the second most-visited town in Britain. People come to see his plays, performed by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the theatre which is named after him, and to see his tomb.
In the early 1590s, Shakespeare went to London. An exact reconstruction of the Globe is being built and visitors can now experience what it was like to go to the theatre 400 years ago.
Big city
London is where the invaliding Romans first crossed the River Thames. They built a city a square mile in size, surrounded it which a wall and called the City of London and of Britain’s main financial centre.
The City is only a very small part of London. In the eleventh century, London began to expend beyond the City walls when King Edward the Confessor built a huge abbey at Westminster. Even today, Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament, as well as all the shops, cafes, theatres and cinemas of the West End, are in the City of Westminster and not in the City of London.
The saying “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life!”(Dr Johnson) is a cliché, but you can’t be bored in London. There are hundreds of historic buildings, galleries and museums. There are parks and street markets, over 80 theatres and even more cinemas.
Teacher: The next country is the USA.
Nearly 265 million people live the USA and speak English. There are more native speakers of English there than any other country.
American English is very flexible and has absorbed many words from the languages of immigrants. Words like liaison and rendezvous (from French), and rodeo and tornado (from Spanish) came into the languages because France and Spain once controlled parts of North America. Dutch and German settlers gave worlds such as waffle and cookies, and hamburger and noodles to American English.
The first English speakers to arrive met Native Americans who spoke many different languages. To trade which them, the Europeans learned words from the local languages, and some of these words became part of American English. Native Americans also worked as guides, leading the European traders and trappers around the country. The Europeans learned the Native American names for the places they were passing through. Over half the states now have Native American names.
On the American flag you can see thirteen stripes which represent thirteen original colonies such as Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida and Texas.
The stars on the American flag represent fifty states of the USA: Virginia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Kentucky Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, Georgia, Texas, Carolina, Georgia, and others.
Famous men
Although President Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) was president of the United States for only four years, he is one of the most famous president in American history. He led the country through the terrible Civil war and preserved the Union of the states. More than 600.000 soldiers died in that war the most to die in any war in the history of the USA.
Abraham Lincoln, nicknamed “Honest Abe”, is respected for his ideals. In his most famous speech the Gettysburg Address of 1863, he spoke of his commitment to the unity of the United States and his belief in democracy and freedom. His idea of government was one “of the people, by the people, for the people.”
Lincoln was the first president to be assassinated; he was shot by John Wilkes Booth, who was angry that the South had lost the war.
Big city Los Angeles
The Los Angeles Five County Area, which includes the city itself, all its suburbs, outlying districts and connected towns, has a population of 13.6 million, made up of many different communities. One striking thing about Los Angeles is the separateness of these communities. Each has its own area, which makes Los Angeles almost a collection of smaller and completely different cities.
With its large Hispanic population, and because it is so near the Mexican border, LA is very Spanish in character. You hear people speaking the language wherever you go. Many signs are in English and Spanish and there are many Spanish street names.
Los Angeles is a very young city. Only a hundred year ago, it had under 50 000 inhabitants. Since then its population has doubled every ten years.
Hollywood is one of the most famous suburbs of LA, but it is no longer the centre. LA is still very much the centre of the world entertainment industry, however, and many people go there which the hope of becoming stars. Most of the film- making now goes on in Burbank, another suburb of the city.
Teacher: And now let’s check how attentively you have listened to your classmates. I will give you tests. You should work in groups.
Три варианта: 1. Australia. 2. UK. 3. USA.
Teacher: Let’s cheсk, correct and answer. Give your work to another group.
Ученики оценивают работы друг друга.
- How do people in Australia greet each other?
- What can you see on the Australia’s coat of arms?
- What does the large seven-pointed star on the Australia’s has represented?
- What does Ernie Dingo famous for?
- The Capital of Australia is?
- How do people call Australian English?
- One the Australian flag you can see the flag of another country? Name this country.
- Do you know the traditional Aboriginal name of Ernie Dingo?
- When was the now Parliament House in Canberra opened?
- What is the longest river in Australia?
The United Kingdom
- Shakespeare set up theatre, named?
- Modern English has its main origins in the Mixture of two languages. Name them?
- The patriot saint of both Scotland and Russia is …?
- Continue the phrase “When a man is tired of London …”?
- What of the Roman name of London?
- Give Russia equivalent to the proverb: “To carry coal to New Castle”
- How do people call the flag of UK?
- Who is the patriot saint of England?
- Where and when was William Shakespeare born?
- Who led the Norman French invasion of England?
- How many stripes can you see the American flag?
- How many people live in the USA?
- The most famous suburb of Los Angeles is …?
- What is the nickname of Abraham Lincoln?
- What do stripes on the American flag represent?
- The first president of the USA?
- Another popular language in Los Angeles is …?
- How many stars are there on the American flag?
- What do these stars represent?
- Give full official name of Los Angeles.
Teacher: I will give you some sheets of paper. You have five minutes to say what you think about the proverbs written on these sheets of paper.
1. Englishman house is his castle.
2. To carry coal to New Castle.
3. In Rome do as Romans do.
Now let’s express your feelings. How do you feel after our lesson?
Blue – very good.
Green – normal.
Red – bad.
Teacher: I’m very glad that all of you have taken an active part in our lesson. It was very pleasant to see that all pupils know quite a lot about English speaking countries and I enjoy you defending projects. Thank you. Goоd-bye. See you tomorrow.
1. G’day.
2. Emu; Kangaroo; twig of wattle.
3. Six states and the territories.
4. Role of Charlie in the film Crocodile Dundee 2
5. Canberra.
6. Strine.
7. United Kingdom.
8. Oondamooroo.
9. 1988.
10. Darling.
The United Kingdom
1. Globe.
2. Anglo-Saxon and French.
3. St. Andrew
4. “… he is tired of life.”
5. Londinium.
6. Ходить в Тулу со своими самоваром.
7. Union Jack.
8. Saint George.
9. Stratford – on – Avon.
10. William the Conqueror.
1. 13.
2. 256 mln.
3. Hollywood.
4. “Honest Abe”.
5. Original colonies.
6. Washington.
7. Spanish.
8. 50.
9. States.
10. The Los Angeles Five Country Area
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