Сценарий "The Ghost" для 4 класса
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Сценарий "The Ghost" для 4 класса
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Предварительный просмотр:
The Ghost
1.) Grandma
2.) Jane
3.) Sam
4.) Mrs. Miller
5.) Mr. Miller
6.) Douglas
7.) Mr. Campbell
8.) Mrs. Campbell
9.) The Ghost- Great-great- grandfather
10.) The Ghost’s friend- also the ghost- Mr. Scott
Scene 1
Narrator: This is Jane and her family. She lived in England in the countryside with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, and her little brother, Sam. Sam is eight and Jane is eleven years old. They have a little dog, called Ginger and a big dog, called Dan. One day their mum says.
Mrs.Miller: We are going on holiday next week. We are going to an old castle in Scotland.
Jane: Great! We can play a lot of exciting games in the castle!
Sam: We can play knights and sword-fighting!
Mrs.Miller: Oh, yes, my dear. But you should behave yourselves.
Mr. Miller: The Campbells have got a son, Douglas. You can make friends with him.
Jane and Sam: It’s wonderful!
Scene 2
Jane and Sam come to their Granny.
Jane: We are going on holiday next week, Granny!
Sam: We are going to an old castle in Scotland!
Granny: Oh, really? It’s nice. But what should I do? I have to take care of Ginger and Dan. And I am very old, it’s now difficult for me to go anywhere, because I am old.
Sam: Don’t worry, Granny! We will bring souvenirs and photos to you.
Granny: Thank you, dear! When I was a little girl, I remember, I went to one castle in Scotland with my parents. It was great!
Scene 3 In front of the house near the car
Narrator: The next week, the Millers set off on their holiday. They put all their bags into the car and leave. Sam and Jane’s Grandma stays behind to look after Ginger and Dan.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller are putting bags into the car, their children are helping them. Granny is staying with Ginger and Dan in her hands. They say “Good bye!” to each other.
Granny: Ginger and Dan, come into the house! I am going to give you bones!
Narrator: It’s a long journey- nearly six hours! Jane and Sam are very excited all their way to Scotland. When the Millers arrive at a beautiful, big castle on a cliff, they stop the car and get out.
Scene 4 At the castle
At the door of the castle, some people are waiting for them. They are The Campbells family. He castle is theirs and they use it as a hotel.
Mr. Miller: The view is truly wonderful and the air is so fresh!
Mrs. Miller: I can see mountains and a lake!
Mr. Campbell: Welcome to Glenharris Castle!
The Campbells and the Millers shake hands with each other.
Mr.Miller: Thank you for your hospitality! What a nice ancient castle! How old is it?
Mr. Campbell: Nearly 400 years.
Mr.Miller: Oh, really?
Mr. Campbell: My great-great-grandfather was the owner of it. He lived here with his wife and two sons.
Mr.Miller: Oh, It’s very interesting!
Mrs. Campbell: I think, you’ll have a wonderful time here. Come in, please!
Mrs. Miller: Thank you very much!
Douglas: Hello, I am Douglas.
Sam: Hi, I am Sam. What a fantastic castle! It must be great to live here!
Douglas: Yes, it’s good fun. You can play lots of games.
Sam: Can we play sword-fighting?
Douglas: Yes. You can see real swords, too.
Jane: Excellent!
Scene 5 In the castle
Narrator: Mrs. Campbell shows the Millers to their rooms. The rooms are very old and very big. The furniture is very old too.
Mrs. Campbell: It’s our living room. It’s Douglas’ room. It’s our servants’ room. It’s our hall. It’s our dining room. It’s our Great-great- grandfather’s room. It’s his collection of armour.
Mrs. Miller Wow! Oh, what wonderful four-poster beds! How many old pictures of Scotsmen on the walls!
Mrs. Campbell: This is Sean Campbell, our great-great-grandfather. These are his two sons and his wife, Lucy. And this is his friend, Mr. Scott.
Jane: Come on, Sam! Let’s unpack our suitcases and then explore the castle! Douglas, do you want to go with us?
Douglas: Yes, of course! Do you want me to show you the rest of the castle?
Jane: That’s an excellent idea, Douglas!
Jane, Douglas and Sam are walking down a long corridor.
Douglas: Follow me! I’ll show you my favourite room.
Narrator: Douglas takes the children to the weapons room.
Scene 6 In the weapons room
Douglas: This is where my great-great-grandfather, Sean Campbell, kept his weapons and armour.
Narrator: The room is full of shiny suits of armour and sharp swords.
Sam: Wow! Can we play with them?
Douglas: No, we can’t play with them, Sam. My great-great-grandfather doesn’t like that.
Jane: But he’s dead!
Douglas: He is dead, but his ghost still lives here, Jane.
Narrator: Jane and Sam are scared, but Douglas laughs.
Suddenly they hear a loud noise behind a suit of armor.
2 Ghosts: Song:”Noises in the Night”
You hear a noise
in the dark night-
but there’s no need
to have a fright.
There’s a shadow
on the wall.
Is it a ghost?
No-not at all!
Chorus: Noises and shadows
Don’t be afraid-
No ghost is there!
There is a cold
Wind in the air.
The curtains move
But nothing’s there.
Repeat chorus
Sean Campbell (The Ghost): Good evening, a Lady and Gentlemen! What are you doing in my castle?
Sam: We are guests here. My name is Sam and this is my sister, Jane. We came here with our parents.
Jane: We are just watching your collection of armour.
The Ghost’s friend: You know that this collection belongs to Mr. Sean Campbell and me, Mr. Scott, his friend! We have been guarding it for about 400 years. We dust the weapon and suits of armour every day. We repel rats, mice and insects.
Sean Campbell (The Ghost): And we frighten people. Are you afraid of us?
2 Ghosts: U-a-ha-ha-ha!
Jane, Sam and Douglas: Yes, sirs.
Sean Campbell (The Ghost): And what’s your name, boy?
Douglas: My name is Douglas Campbell, I am your great-great-grandson.
Sean Campbell (The Ghost): Oh, really? Come to me, my dear boy! You resemble me in my childhood. Do you like to play sword-fighting?
Douglas: Yes, Grandfather, very much!
The Ghost’s friend: Like we in our childhood! He is really your grandson!
2 Ghosts: You can play sword-fighting when you want, children!
Sean Campbell (The Ghost): Now I want to get acquainted with your parents, Douglas.
Douglas: Let’s come to them together!
Scene 7 In the dining room
Mrs. Campbell: Do you like being here?
Mrs. Miller: Of course! Everything is nice. We like to sleep in your wonderful four-poster beds! We like your beautiful rooms. Your food is very tasty too!
Mrs. Campbell: Do you know that people think that a ghost lives here?
Mrs. Miller: Oh, really! Very interesting, but I think that’s not true.
Mrs. Campbell: You know, we sometimes hear voices and see transparent figures.
Scene 8 In Mr. Campbell’s cabinet
Mr. Campbell: Look! This is my cabinet. I have got a big collection of books and souvenirs from all over the world.
Mr.Miller: Oh, what a wonderful collection! Your great-great-grandfather also had a collection of armour.
Mr. Campbell: Yes, and It’s the biggest collection in our county! And people say that my great-grandfather guards it. They sometimes see The Ghost nearby.
Mr.Miller: Oh, I think it’s a fairytale.
Mr. Campbell: I agree with you.
Scene 9 In the dining room
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Miller are in he dining room, talking.
Then children come with two Ghosts. Parents are astonished. They can’t believe their eyes.
Sean Campbell (The Ghost): Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! I am Sean Campbell.
The Ghost’s friend: And I am his friend, Mr. Scott.
Sean Campbell (The Ghost): You really exist!
Sean Campbell (The Ghost): Yes, my great-grandson. Is this your wife?
Mr. Campbell: Yes, it is. Her name is Lucy.
Mrs. Campbell: Nice to meet you!
Mr. Miller: Oh, real ghosts! Wow!
Sean Campbell (The Ghost): I see that you take care of my collection of armour.
Thank you, very much, my dear.
Mrs. Campbell: Let’s sit at table together and have dinner!
Somebody is ringing on the door.
Mr. Campbell: I am going to see who is there.
Grandma and Mr. Campbell come in.
Granny: Nice to meet you, everyone! I missed you. I flew
by the plane and now I am here with Ginger and Dan.
Grandma shakes hands with everyone. Then she sees Ghosts and she can’ believe her eyes.
Granny: Oh, who are you? Ghosts?
2 Ghosts: Yes, we are. Are you afraid of us?
Granny: No. I remember when I was a little girl we went with my parents to an old castle. There I met Sean Campbell. We used to play sword-fighting with him and his friend. They were ghosts but I didn’t care.
Sean Campbell (The Ghost): Oh, Daisy, is it you?
Granny: Yes, my name is Daisy. Are you Sean Campbell and Mr.Scott?
2 Ghosts: Yes, we are.
Granny: Wow!
2 Ghosts: We haven’t seen you for ages!
Granny: Yes I was busy with my children and grandchildren. Here they are.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Jane and Sam come to Granny and hug her.
Sean Campbell (The Ghost): All our families are united now. And we are very happy!
At the end everyone is singing the song
and dancing.
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