игра "Поле Чудес"
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Игра "Поле Чудес"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок английского языка в 5-м классе English-Speaking World. Игра "Поле чудес". "Welcome to the Kingdom of the English Language!"
Цели урока:
- Образовательная: обобщить полученные знания об англо-говорящих странах;
- Развивающая: расширить кругозор учащихся, развить память, внимание, языковую догадку;
- Воспитательная: учить учеников уважительному, толерантному отношению к культуре и народам англо-говорящих стран;
- Практическая: развить владение всеми видами речевой деятельности (аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо), расширить словарный запас, поддержать интерес к предмету.
Задачи урока: формировать навыки аудирования, активизировать навыки монологической речи, чтения, письма с использованием пройденного лексического и грамматического материала.
Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, магнитофон, карта Великобритании, карточки с буквами, трон, надпись "WELCOME TO THE KINGDOM OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE", призы, барабан для игры "Поле чудес", бейджики с визитками участников игры (флаг, название страны и другие), суперпризы, плакат "FIELD OF WONDERS", приложение №1(slides"Countries"), приложение №2 "FIELD OF WONDERS"(questions and answers).
Ход урока
1. Организационный момент (приветствие, сообщение цели урока).
Teacher: Good morning, children! Sit down! At this lesson we will repeat and consolidate the material about English-Speaking Countries. We'll do it in the form of a popular game "FIELD OF WONDERS". The theme of the game is "English-Speaking World". And I am the Mistress of the ceremony.
The English language itself invites you to its Kingdom. It is on the throne today. (учитель ставит табличку "THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE" на импровизированный трон, звучит песня на английском языке.)
English is spoken in many countries. To join the Kingdom everybody should name some magic English words. Catch the ball and translate the words into English. It will be your pass to the Kingdom.
2. Warming up. (Разминка)
Teacher: Великобритания
Pupil: Great Britain
T: Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии
P: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:
Шотландия - Scotland, Эдинбург - Edinburgh, Уэльс - Wales, Кардифф - Cardiff, Сев. Ирландия - Northern Ireland, Белфаст - Belfast, США - the USA, Вашингтон - Washington, Канада - Canada, Оттава - Ottawa, Австралия - Australia,
Канберра - Canberra, Новая Зеландия - New Zealand, Веллингтон - Wellington.
Thank you.
3 The Game.
The first round.
Teacher: Let's greet the first trio of the game. (Все хлопают, приветствуя участников)
Dear participants, guests!
We begin our capital show "Field of Wonders".
Glad to see you at our game. Will you introduce yourself!
(участники - первая тройка рассказывают о себе).
P1: Good morning! My name is Sarah Brown. I am from England, the main part of G.B.
G.B. is one of the richest and the most beautiful countries of the world. I am from London, the capital of England and G.B. Magic England has beautiful landscapes. It is a country of red roses.
(Звучит музыка, слайд об Англии).
I've brought a present for you. It's a portrait of our queen, Elizabeth II.
Teacher: Thank you for your story and the present. Now listen to the task for the first round. You have to guess the word of 7 letters. It is the traditional English Meal on Christmas Day. - (Pudding).
Turn the drum (spin the top). You've got 5 points. Name the letter, please.
(Участник игры называет букву. Если ошибается, ход переходит ко второму участнику).
Teacher: It's your turn now. Where are you from?
P2: Hi! My name is Becky White. I am from Scotland. (Слайд о Шотландии).
Scotland is famous for its wonderful castles, mountains and lakes. The national costume is a kilt. The Scots like to sing and dance very much. (Звучит шотландская музыка)
A thistle is the symbol of Scotland. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.
Teacher: Thank you. Will you turn the drum, please? You are lucky! Sector +
You have the right to open any letter you like. Which letter would you like to open? (Would you prefer?). Is it the first one? All right! Ok! Let's open the first letter ("P"). Now look attentively. Can you guess the word? No? Then turn the drum and name the letter.
(Участник называет следующую букву)
P3: Hi! My name is Nick Roebuck. I am from Wales. Wales is a part of Great Britain. It is a country of lakes and mountains. The Wales Valleys are wonderful. (Слайд об Уэльсе)
There are many daffodils in Wales Valleys. Daffodil is the symbol of Wales. There are three National Parks in it. The most popular sport in Wales is rugby. The capital is Cardiff.
Teacher: Will you spin the top, please? How many points are there? The arrow shows 50 points. Congratulations! Name the letter, please. Can you guess the word?
: Yes, you are right.
It's "PUDDING" (На экране появляется вопрос и ответ с иллюстрацией)
You are the winner of the first round. Fans, your slogans, please!
Болельщики показывают таблички с лозунгами: "Cheer up!, "Fine!", "Capital!"
T: Now all participants of the first round will get little prizes.
(Участникам первого раунда вручают мини-призы)
The Second round
Teacher: I declare the second round of our game. Dear guests, will you introduce yourself?
P4: Hi! My name is Stephanie Blair. I am from Northern Ireland. (Слайд о Северной Ирландии)
Belfast is its capital. Ulster is the old name of Northern Ireland. Shamrock is the symbol of the country. The Irish are known for their charm and beauty.
Teacher: thank you. Now listen to the task for the second round. It is the name of a large building or a group of buildings fortified against attack, especially as in old times. - (CASTLE) .
Well, it's time for you to guess the word or name the letter. Will you please?
(Участники крутят барабан и угадывают буквы).
T: That's right. We have the letter "T" in this word (or: No, it's a pity we have no letter: in this word);
Sector 0 (nil) - you miss your turn.
P5: My name is Jack Frost. I am from the USA. America is one of the greatest and richest countries in the world. Americans speak English. (Слайд о США) .
I am wearing blue jeans. Jeans first appeared in America. The American cowboys liked to wear jeans which are now popular all over the world. (Звучит музыка кантри)
Teacher: Thank you. Do you remember the task? Name the letter please.
(Участник крутит барабан, и угадывает буквы).
Sector x2 - multiplied by 2.
It means your points (if you have any) are doubled. Can you guess the word?
P5: I'll try:-
It seems to me :-
I think: -
Teacher: if you are not sure, name the letter.
Or sector "Bankrupt".
You are a bankrupt. All your points are lost (burnt).
You miss your turn.
P6: Hi! My name is Willy Smith. I am from Canada. Some people in Canada speak English and some people speak French. My country is large and beautiful. Canadians are fond of playing hockey. Our hockey team is one of the best in the world. (Слайд о Канаде)
A maple leaf is the emblem of Canada. (Участник крутит барабан, и угадывает буквы)
Sector "PRIZE"
T: What is your decision? Will you play further or take a prize? (Will you go on playing or take a prize?)
Is it a prize?
P6: No, I refuse from the prize (or yes, I'll take the prize).
Teacher: Shall we bargain with you?
P6: No (or yes, let's try).
Teacher: 50 points for the prize (or a "4"). Do you agree?
P6: No, I'll take the prize.
Возможный вариант:
Teacher: You have guessed 3 letters and have the right to choose between 2 caskets. There is a "five" (an excellent mark) in one of them. But there is nothing in the other one. Point to one of them, please. You are lucky. You have a "five". I'll put the mark after the game. Fans, your applause to the winner of the second round! (Публика аплодирует победителю второго раунда, который угадал слово CASTLE) (Участники третьей тройки выходят к барабану)
The third round
P7: Hi! My name is Pete Adams. I am from Australia. People in Australia speak English. The symbol of my country is a Kangaroo. Canberra is the capital. Australia is a fascinating land. It is full of strange and wonderful places, unusual animals and amazing culture. This Kangaroo is a present for you. (Слайд об Австралии)
Teacher: Thank you. Now listen to the task for the third round.
A chief church in the district in which is the Bishop's throne is - CATHEDRAL.
(Участники крутят барабан и угадывают буквы).
P8: Hi! My name is Tom Conrad. I am from New Zealand. My country consists of large and small islands. The capital is Wellington. New Zealand is a highly developed agricultural country. The national emblem of New Zealand is the bird "KIWI". I've brought the photo of kiwi as a present for your museum. Here you are! (Слайд о Новой Зеландии)
Teacher: Thank you. Our last participant is from Russia. Will you introduce yourself?
P9: Hi! My name is Maxim Rulin. Our country is very large. It is remarkable for its wealth. There is gold, platinum, diamonds, coal, oil, gas and wood there. Moscow is the capital of our country. We are proud of our talented scientists, great poets and writers, outstanding inventors, musicians. There are a lot of beautiful sights in my country. The national emblem is a two-headed eagle. The state symbol is a three colored banner. (Слайд о России)
I study English at school. I like it. I want to recite a poem. "A crooked man". (Участник читает наизусть стихотворение).
Teacher: Thank you. Now turn the drum please. (Участник крутит барабан, угадывает слово).
You've guessed the word - "CATHEDRAL" Open the letters, please. You are the winner of the third round. My congratulations!
In the next round we shall define the winner of the game. This is the task: guess the Hometown of "The Beatles" - LIVERPOOL (Звучит песня группы "Битлз" - "Yesterday")
(Показываем слайд- LIVERPOOL после того как отгадали слово).
Let's count the points of the winner. You have got 150 points. Here is the list of prizes. What do you want for your points?
The winner: I'd like to have:
Teacher: Well, you may have them.
Now what's your decision? Will you play a super game or not?
Winner: I'll play a super game.
The super game
Teacher: Now we'll choose your prize. Here are the names of the prizes for the super game: a book, a conversation-book, a dictionary:. Choose it. So, your prize is a chocolate (a book:)
Now listen to the task for the super game. Guess the word.
A freestanding musical instrument with vertical strings played with the fingers - HARP.
You can name only 2 letters and then guess the word.
(Участник отгадывает слово)
That's right! You've guessed absolutely. (На экране рисунок и слово "HARP"). You've won the game and the super prize is yours.
(Or: it's a pity, you've lost the game. But still you are the last winner.)
Congratulations. Thank you for the game.
4. Заключение.
Thanks to all the participants, guests and the fans. All the active participants will get good marks and prizes.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
It’s a well-known square in London.
Picadilly Circuss
Choose your prize Chips 400 eraser 350 soap 300 pen 150 Ex. book 100 Piece of toast 350 chewing 100 sweet 100
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