Внеклассное занятие на тему Professions
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Кузнецова Кристина Васильевна

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему Professions


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Предварительный просмотр:



на тему



                                                                     учитель английского языка                                                                      

Кузнецова Кристина Васильевна

Дата: 2.03. 2012

Класс: 8

Тема: «Professions»;

Форма проведения: смешанная (беседа, показ презентаций, выполнение упражнений.)

Продолжительность занятия: 40 мин.


  1. систематизировать знания учащихся по теме «Professions»;
  2. способствовать формированию у учащихся культуры выбора будущей профессии.



  • прививать любовь и интерес к иностранному языку;
  • воспитывать уважительное отношение к различным видам профессиональной деятельности;
  • воспитывать умение работать в парах;
  • воспитывать самостоятельность, инициативность.


  • развивать внимание, память, логическое мышление, любознательность;
  • способствовать развитию коммуникативной компетенции;


  • актуализировать знания, умения и навыки, приобретенные ранее;
  • ввести новый лексический материал;
  • способствовать формированию навыков  построения утвердительных, вопросительных и отрицательных предложений на основе лексики по заданной теме.


  • познакомить учащихся с различными видами профессий и понятиями «профессия» (profession), « старательность (diligence)», «призвание (vocation)»;
  •  побуждать к осознанному выбору будущей профессии.

Оснащение мероприятия: доска, мел, компьютер,  презентационный материал (приложение 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), раздаточный материал (карточки с алфавитом для расшифровки пословиц, карточки с заданием “Advertisement” – Приложение 6, 7), брошюра ПИ ЮФУ (приложение 8).

Предварительная работа с классом перед внеклассным мероприятием не запланирована.

Предварительная работа Учителя:

  • подготовить презентационный материал;
  • распечатать раздаточный материал по количеству учащихся класса.

План доски:







Successful Career

The 2nd of March


«Каждая профессия почетна, если ведется честно: честный сапожник, трудолюбивый и искусный в своем деле, лучше нечестного или неталантливого ученого.»

М.З. Третьяков

Структура мероприятия

Этап занятия



Организационный момент


-введение в тему занятия.









Основная часть:

-вступительное слово учителя;

-определение понятия «profession» - беседа;

-фонетическая зарядка (отработка лексики по теме “Professions”);

-выполнение упражнений (соотнести профессии и места работы);

-речевая зарядка;

-выполнение упражнений (разгадать профессию по описанию, составить рекламное объявление, расшифровать  пословицы, разгадать кроссворд);



11:02 -11:03

11:03- 11:07


11:14- 11:18







Заключительная часть.


                                                                                                             40 мин.

Предварительный просмотр:

Этапы мероприятия


Содержание мероприятия


Режим работы


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся


Организационный момент



-Good morning, boys and girls! I’m very glad to see! Sit down, please.

-How are you today?

-Good morning! We are very glad to see you too!

-We are fine, thank you.



  Целевая установка

 -Today we will have an unusual lesson. The topic of our lesson is “Professions”.  We will speak about different jobs.  



Основная часть

Вступительное слово учителя.


11:02 -11:03

In three years you will leave the school and you will have to decide what you are going to be. The choice of a future profession is a very important question. In order not to make a mistake, while choosing a profession, you should understand what this word means, know what the types of professions are and the secret of a successful career.



Определение понятия “profession”

11:03- 11:07

-Children, can you try to explain what the word “profession” mean? Do you  have any ideas?

-Thank you children.  Our professions occupy a very significant part of our life. Your answers are absolutely right.

-Profession is the main occupation in one’s life.

-Profession is the labour.



Фонетическая зарядка.

Отработка лексики по теме “Professions”



-Now, children, tell me please, what professions you can see on the screen.

-Let’s check your answer. Right you are.  Look at the next picture.

-Quite correct. Picture №3. What is the profession?

-Thank you very much.

-I think, he is a doctor and she is a nurse.

-It is an engineer.


Компьютер Презентация №1

(Приложение 1)

T-P1, P2…


Выполнение упражнения для закрепления лексического материала

11:14- 11:18

-Children, look at the screen and match the jobs and the places of work.

-Thank you. That’s quite correct.

-A secretary works at the office.

- A mechanic works at the garage.

-A nurse works at the hospital.

Компьютер Презентация №2

(Приложение 2)



Речевая зарядка


- Now, in pairs ask each other about  the professions of your parents and places of their jobs. At the screen, you can see the model. Is the task clear?

-Thank you, boys and girls. Your dialogues were pretty good. I like them all.

-Yes, the task is clear.

P1: What is your mother?

P2: My mother is an actress.

P1: Where does your mother work?

P2: She works at the theatre. What is your father?

P1: My father is an engineer.




Выполнение упражнений для закрепления лексического материала




-Boys and girls, look at the screen. Here you can see a short text about Mrs. Clifford. Look through the text carefully and guess what Mrs. Clifford is. Children, is everything clear?

-Are you ready?

-You are absolutely right! There is another text about Mr. Hopkins. At first read it to yourselves. Are all the words clear?

-Do you have any ideas about the profession of this men?

-No, you are wrong. Any other ideas?

-Yes, he is. You are absolutely right.

-Yes, everything is clear.

-Yes, I think that Mrs. Clifford is a librarian.

-Yes, all the words are clear.

-Is he a policemen?

-Is he a firemen?

Компьютер Презентация №3

(Приложение № 3)


-Children, in pairs, fill in the blanks in this advertisement. Your task is to write down any profession, you like, then the qualities, which are necessary for this profession, the place of work and think up a contact telephone number. Is the task clear?

-Are you ready?

-Read aloud your advertisement, please.

-Thank you. Your advertisements were quite correct and really excellent.

-Yes, the task is clear.

-Yes, we are ready.

-We need a teacher. You should be intelligent, attentive and kind. You will work at school or at the university. Contact telephone: 334675632781. We are waiting for you.

Раздаточный материал (Приложение 6)



-Children, we have already discussed the meaning of the word “profession”, we have remembered different types of professions together. And now we are going to find out what is the secret of a successful career. Look at the screen, there are  two coded proverbs. Decode them and you will understand what quality is necessary for any job.

-Are you ready?

-What is the first proverb?

-Right you are. The next proverb.

-Thank you. What quality do these professions describe?

-You are absolutely right.

-Yes, we are ready.

- If a job is worth doing it is worth doing well.

 Если работу стоит делать, то стоит делать её хорошо.

- Hard work never did anyone any harm.

 Упорная работа никому ещё вреда не принесла.



Презентация №4

Раздаточный материал (Приложение 7)



-Diligence is of the three components that form the secret of  a successful  career. Let’s guess the crossword puzzle, to find out the second component.

-Try to guess the  professions:

  1. a person who is qualified to treat animals who are ill;

  1. a person who is trained to fly an aircraft;

  1. a performer in a circus who wears funny clothes and bright make-up, and does silly things in order to make people laugh;

  1. a person whose profession is acting on the stage, in films, or on television;

  1. a man who works in a restaurant, serving people with food and drink.

  1. someone who has studied science and whose job is to teach or do research in science;

  1. someone who is qualified in medicine and treats people who are ill;
  2. someone whose job is to repair and maintain machines and engines, especially car engines.

-Thank you, children. Read aloud the key word.

-Vocation is the foundation for someone, who is going to choose a profession. Do you have any ideas about the meaning of this word?

- If you have a vocation, you have a strong feeling that you are especially suited to do a particular job or to fulfill a particular role in life, especially one which involves serving other people. Vocation means «призвание».

- While choosing a profession, listen to your heart and depend on your vocation. There are no bad jobs. All the professions are important and necessary.

-I’d like you to read aloud the expression of M. Z. Tretyakov about the professions. You can see it on the blackboard.

-So, children, what is the third component of the secret?

-Quite right. Let’s sum up: diligence, vocation  and honesty are the keys to successful future career.

-A vet;

-A pilot;

-A clown;

-An actor;

-A waiter;

-A scientist;

-A doctor;

-A mechanic.


-«Каждая профессия почетна, если ведется честно: честный сапожник, трудолюбивый и искусный в своем деле, лучше нечестного или неталантливого ученого.»



Презентация №5

(Приложение 8)

Доска, мел






-In conclusion, I’d like to say that for some people it is rather difficult to choose a profession. For me it was rather easy, as at the early age I made up mind to become a teacher.  I’m very glad that I became a teacher. It is my cup of tea, I’m sure.

-Thank you for attention and your good work. I’m pleased and quite satisfied with your active  work. The lesson is over. Good bye!

-Good bye!

Раздаточный материал

(Приложение 8)


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2


Слайд 3

PHARMACIST [ ' fɑːməsɪst ]

Слайд 4


Слайд 5


Слайд 6

CHEMIST [ ' kemɪst ] PHYSICIST [ ' fɪzɪsɪst ]

Слайд 7

SCIENTIST [ ' saɪəntɪst ]

Слайд 8


Слайд 9

MECHANIC [ mɪ'kænɪk ] ELECTRICIAN [ ɪˌlek'trɪʃ (ə)n]

Слайд 10

ENGINEER [ ˌ enʤɪ'nɪə ]

Слайд 11


Слайд 12


Слайд 13


Слайд 14


Слайд 15


Слайд 16

CLEANER JANITOR [ ' ʤænɪtə ] PLUMBER [ ' plʌmə ]

Слайд 17


Слайд 18

FARMER GARDENER [ ' gɑːdnə ]

Слайд 19

SINGER [ ' sɪŋə ]

Слайд 20

MUSICIAN [ mju ː' zɪʃ (ə)n] COMPOSER

Слайд 21


Слайд 22

PILOT COSMONAUT [ ' kɔzmənɔːt ]

Слайд 23


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

the office. the garage. the hospital. the restaurant. the TV studio. school. the laboratory. the chemist’s shop. the theatre. the library. works in works in works at works in works in works at works in works in works at works in A secretary A mechanic A nurse A waiter A newsreader A teacher A scientist A pharmacist An actor A librarian Complete the sentences.

Слайд 2

Ask each other about the professions of your parents and places of their jobs. Model: -What is your mother? -My mother is a doctor. -Where does she work? -She works at the hospital. What is your father? -He is a teacher of Maths . -Where does he work? -He works at school.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

There are a lot of different books and magazines at her work place. Mrs. Clifford works both with people and books, she is always polite and attentive . She helps people to find necessary books and magazines, tells them about writers and their novels. She thinks her job is very important. Mrs. Clifford is very good at this job!!! She is fond of her profession ! What is Mrs. Clifford?

Слайд 2

What is Mr. Hopkins? Mr. Hopkins works almost the whole year. Sometimes he works even in the weekends. He is very brave , serious and strong . His work is not easy and rather dangerous . Sometimes he has to take a great risk to help other people and save their lives . He is sure that his work is very important. He likes his job .

Слайд 3

Make up the advertisement. Use the plan. We need a good _________ _______ You should be__________ _________ You will work at the ____________ Tel._________ We are waiting for you!

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

9/6 1 10/15/2 9/19 23/15/18/20/8 4/15/9/14/7 9/20 9/19 23/15/18/20/8 4/15/9/14/7 23/5/12/12 If a job is worth doing it is worth doing well. 8/1/18/4 23/15/18/11 14/5/22/5/18 4/9/4 1/14/25 8/1/18/13 Hard work never did any harm.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

2. 5. 6. 7. 1. 3. 4. 8. V E T P I L O T C L O W N A C T O R W A I T E R S C I E N T I S T D O C T O R M E C H A N I C

Предварительный просмотр:

A1 B2 C3 D4 E5 F6 G7H8 I9 J10 K11 L12 M13 N14 O15 P16 Q17 R18 S19 T20 U21 V22 W23 X24 Y25 Z26

Приложение 6

Предварительный просмотр:

Приложение 7



We need a good                                       .

You should  be                       ,                   ,                   .

You will work at                                                                            .

Tel.                                                   .

We are waiting for you!


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