Конспект урока по английскому языку в 4 классе по теме "Школа"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Language focus    Present Continuous; telling the time (half and quarter hours)


New language       They are having English. She is reading a story.

                                    What are they doing? What is the time?


New words              video, guitar, sum, story, picture, (R) English, Maths, Art, Science,  Music


Teaching aid           Clock


Preparation           word cards for the school subjects, textbooks for English, Science and   

                                      Maths, bring in two or three hats( two of the same colour, if possible),

                                     members of the grammar gang, cards for ‘to be’, ‘verb’, ‘-ing’



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Предварительный просмотр:

Language focus    Present Continuous; telling the time (half and quarter hours)

New language       They are having English. She is reading a story.

                                    What are they doing? What is the time?

New words              video, guitar, sum, story, picture, (R) English, Maths, Art, Science,  Music


Teaching aid           Clock

Preparation           word cards for the school subjects, textbooks for English, Science and    

                                      Maths, bring in two or three hats( two of the same colour, if possible),

                                     members of the grammar gang, cards for ‘to be’, ‘verb’, ‘-ing’


    Организационный момент.

T: Hello, children! Nice to see you! Sit down, please!


  1. Warm-up

  • the teacher writes the date on the board ( Thursday,30th October) and ask

 T: What am I doing? I’m writing the date. What day of the week is it today?

                        P: It’s Thursday.

                         T: What month is it now?

                         P: It’s October.


  • use the clock to revise “What’s the time?”

 T: Tick, tock, goes the clock

     What’s the time, please?

 P: It’s nine o’clock.

 T: Tick, tock, goes the clock

     What’s the time, please?

 P: It’s quarter past two.

 T: Tick, tock, goes the clock

     What’s the time, please?

 P: It’s half past three.

2.    Presenting the new words

  • hold up the textbooks one by one with the word cards and name the subjects

                          T: English. This is an English book.

      Maths     This is a Maths book.

      Science   This is a Science book.

   T: Look at the pictures.

        They are having Music.

        He is doing Art.

  • drill the names, using the cards
  • ask the children about the subjects they like

  T: Do you like Art?

   P: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

   T: What subject do you like?

    P: I like English. Etc.


  • put the clock  and a word card on the board and ask

  T: Do you have Art today? What time? ( children set the hands ) Etc.

3.    Revising the Present Continuous

               on the blackboard :  writing the date

                                                doing a sum

                                                drawing a picture

                                     playing the guitar

                                     watching TV

                                                 reading a story

  • mime or act out classroom activities and say what you are  doing    

   T: I’m writing the date.

        I’m doing a sum.

        I’m drawing a picture.

        I’m playing the guitar.

        I’m watching TV.

        I’m reading a story.

  • drill the phrases
  • ( a game) children come forward and act out one of them

   T: Now we’ll play a game. You are to choose any phrase and mime the activity

     represented by the phrase. The class tries to guess what you are doing.

   T: What is he/ she doing?

   P: He/She is doing a sum. Etc.

  1. Reading for specific information. Ex.1. p. 14.

  • allow some time for silent reading, children read and answer the question

      “What’s the time?” (work in pairs)

  • children take turns reading the short texts

  1. Speaking Ex.2. p. 14 (work in pairs)

  • T: The children are doing Art. What’s the time?

   P: It’s quarter past one.

   P1: The children are learning Science. What’s the time?

   P2: It’s two o’clock.

  • T: She’s watching a video. Who is it?

   P: It’s Jill.

   P1: He’s singing. Who is it?

   P2: It’s Sam.

  1. Физкультминутка

              T: Let’s have a rest.

                  Stand up, children!

                  Hands on your hips

                  Hands on your knees

                  Put them behind you

                  If you please

                  Touch your shoulders

                  Touch your nose

                  Touch your ears

                  Touch your toes

                  Raise your hands

                  High up in the air

                  To the sides

                  On your hair

                  Raise your hands as before

                  While we clap: “One, two, three, four.”


         7.  Listening

T: Take this card. There are five subjects. Listen and guess which lesson is the first, second, third, fourth, fifth.

  1. At this lesson we read, listen, speak. We ask and answer questions. We don’t speak Russian.
  2. At this lesson we draw and paint pictures. We have paper and coloured pencils.
  3. At this lesson we count and do sums. The lesson isn’t easy.
  4. We read, write, listen and speak at this lesson. Sometimes we have dictations.
  5. At this lesson we do physical exercises. We run, jump, play games. We like this lesson.


P. E.








T: Change your cards. Let’s check up. (взаимоконтроль)


8. Reading-writing. Workbook p.10

  1. Ex.1 ( children read the times, look at the clocks in the pictures and draw  

                 the hands)  самоконтроль

  1. Ex.2 ( children read the short descriptions, match them with the pictures

                           and write the  letters in the blanks.) взаимоконтроль

         Answers:   She is writing the date     A

                           He   is doing a sum           D

                           He is watching a video     C

                           They are talking                C

                           He is painting a picture     F

                           They are having English   E

                           They are having Maths     D

                           She is reading a story        E

  1. Ex. 3, p. 15 (Pupil’s Book)

T: Read and find these children in your class. Write the names.

                                  (children work in groups)

                        1. ---------- is sitting next to the window.

                        2. ---------- is wearing brown shoes.

                        3. ----- and ----- are sitting in the front.

                        4. ----- and ----- are wearing glasses.

                        5. --------- is sitting at the back.

                        6. --------- is wearing a big watch.

                     T. Ask and answer as in the examples.

                       E.g. She is wearing brown shoes. Who is it?

                             They are wearing glasses. Who are they?

     9. Итоги. Рефлексия.

          T: Our lesson is coming to the end. You have worked extremely well today.

                Think of several words you have learnt at the lesson. Use them to make

                your own sentences.

           Revising the Present Continuous in all persons (Jazz chant)

           T: Let’s sing a song

             What’s she doing?      She’s writing a book.

             What’s he doing?        He’s learning to cook.

             What are you doing?   I’m learning to drive.

             What are they doing?  They’re learning to dive.

             What’s Dan doing?      He’s writing a letter.

             What’s Fran doing?     She’s knitting a sweater.

          T: Was the lesson boring or not?

              Take some cards and put them on the blackboard if you like the lesson or   not.

              (Берут смайлики и вешают их на доску)

       10.  Домашнее задание

              Workbook p.11; Practice Book p.11.


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