Экология. Проблемы экологии. Сохраним планету
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 класс) на тему
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Regional environmental problems of the area were primarily attributable to the fact that a relatively small area of concentrated a large number of enterprises of machine building, chemical and metallurgical industry, several large thermal power plants.
Among all the regions in central Russia Tula region, the concentration of industrial and energy companies on 1 m2 second only to Moscow. Three cities - Tula, Novomoskovsk and Schekino - the clear leader in a sombre rank 99 Russian cities with unfavorable economic climate.
Great influence on the ecological situation in the Tula region have emissions enterprises neighboring areas, especially Moscow. It should be added that the regions of Eastern Europe (including the Tula region), up to 40% of atmospheric pollution from Western Europe. Ecological situation in extremely deteriorated as a result of contamination of its territory after the Chernobyl accident.
Air. Clean air is becoming a scarce resource in many industrial areas of Russia, where air pollution poses a real danger to life and human health.
Concerning the emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere per 1 km2 in Tula region than Moscow in 1,7 times, and Kaluga and Orel - more than 10 times. At one inhabitant of the region in 2000 accounted for about 182 kg of hazardous substances, vybroschennyh into the atmosphere.
In the air is released 188 different types of harmful substances. Monitoring of air quality carried out at 10 stationary positions to 19 of harmful contaminants: dust, formaldehyde, phenol, sulfuric acid, hydrogen sulfide, toluene, ammonia, methanol, oxide and nitrogen dioxide, vanadium pentoxide, etc.
The main sources of air pollution are emissions from industrial enterprises, the processes of evaporation and combustion of fuel.
In 1999, the total mass of emissions in the area amounted to 385 thousand tons, including stationary sources - 226 thousand tonnes main contribution to the emissions from stationary sources, making the company the electricity sector (42,4%), steel (41, 2%), CAV - 4,3%.
Air pollution in specificity and quantity of emissions varies considerably by district area. The largest number of industrial enterprises, which give about 94% of all emissions, is located in Aleksin, Suvorov, Efremov, Novomoskovsk, Uzlovsky, Schekinskaya areas and in the town of Tula
A large amount of emissions into the atmosphere give the enterprises of metallurgical industry - 78.6 thousand tons per year: AK Tulachermet - 71,6 thousand tons per year, Kosogorsky Steel Works - 4,4 thousand tons per year, the academy Mining - 1 5 tons per year. A large amount of emissions (50.597 tons per year) registered and on the chemical industry.
One of the main sources of environmental pollution is road transport. In 1999, emissions from road transport amounted to 155.1 thousand tons (40% weight of total emissions).
Water. The main consumer of water in the Tula region is the industry (74%), population consumes 23% of water and agriculture - 3%.
The main users of water resources in the area are businesses and Tula Novomoskovsk. All water users in Tula region in 1999 recorded 880; they were spent from natural sources around 473 million m2 of water. In surface waters and it was dropped 280.4 million m2, including contaminated -259.5; and regulatory net and regulatory peeled - just 20.9 million m2. Of all the treatment plants in the area, only 10% work in design mode.
Despite the decline in production, surface waters are heavily polluted. Contamination of industrial and household waste rivers funnel, Shatt, Upa, Tulitsa, Myshega, Beshka, Ceja, the headwaters of the Don has reached such an extent that their self-healing practice can no longer be the question. Many of them have the maximum allowable concentration (MAC) for copper and nickel exceeded by 10-50 times, for lithium and nickel - a 5-10 time for thallium and mercury - in 2 times.
A natural source of regional economic-drinking and for industrial water supply is groundwater. In the Tula region explored 77 deposits of fresh groundwater, in operation since 1999 is 40 fields.
The population of the area is provided only underground water. The river water in the villages for drinking purposes is not used. Consumption of groundwater in the area of 1 250 thousand m3 per day. On average, a Tula per day of 300-350 liters of water.
In many underground water sources contain radioactive inert gas radon. On examination of 1 100 sources in 25 of them, its contents exceed the MPC 1,5-200 times. All the intakes of drinking water a strict control of its purity. Thanks to him, it was revealed 25 foci of groundwater pollution from industrial effluents governmental sector in RF and prevented their entry into water systems.
Soils. To protect the soil - meant to save her fertility. Tula region - an old farming area. The main category of the land area is agricultural land - about 1 845 ha, or 71,8% of its total territory. These lands are used primarily by agricultural enterprises, organizations and citizens involved in the production of marketable agricultural products.
One of the negative processes in soil erosion area is. The manifestation of its largely depends on the extent and nature of economic development and land use. As a result of human activities and geological processes (mostly of water) is currently in the Tula region, about 43% of the total agricultural land prone to erosion. The scheme of soil erosion on the areas of given in Annex 6.
The worst form of manifestation of water erosion - the formation of gullies - continues to this day in various parts of the area. Gullies occupy about 19 thousand hectares. In addition, approximately 67 hectares of arable land each year is plagued by ravines. Due to the erosion of agricultural enterprises annually in arrears of about 10% of the expected harvest. Currently, anti-erosion measures in the field are conducted in small volumes.
Found that in the Tula region reclaimed land is used with low efficiency, and irrigation and drainage systems are used very rarely and gradually come into disrepair. In this regard, there is deterioration in land reclamation and reducing their productivity.
In the Tula region, about 88% of soils have an acid reaction, of which 72% - agriculture. All these soils are in dire need of liming, but in recent years in efforts to improve soil fertility have all but ceased. Due to the sharp decrease in the volume of organic fertilizer application rate of decline of humus content in soil increased significantly.
In recent years, the collective farms of the area is derived from the turnover of 133,4 thousand hectares of arable land (10,6%), of which nearly 46 thousand hectares are not used for agricultural production for more than three years. The former field is gradually overgrown with weeds and woods. Large areas of arable land not used in Chern, Kurkino, Arseniev, Suvorov and Odoyevski areas.
As a result of opencast mining of agricultural activity removed vast areas of fertile land. A special place in the conservation of land resources takes the field reclamation, ie, the restoration of the fields under excavation.
For remediation in the area are extremely slow. There are currently 27 abandoned quarries, under which employs about 700 hectares.
Annex 9 shows the scheme of chemical anthropogenic pollution of the territory. The diagram clearly shows that the highest level of contamination is observed near the large industrial cities. Where the latter are located near each other, the contaminated zone merge and cover large areas. In their intensity of pollution within individual sites in high levels, representing a great danger to the public.
As a result of the Chernobyl accident in 1986, radioactive contamination were 18 districts, an area of 14,5 thousand km ², which represents more than half (56,3%) of its territory. Particularly affected Plavskiy, Uzlovsky, Arseniyevsky and Novomoskovs'kyi areas. Soils contaminated with radionuclides: cesium-137 and (to a lesser extent) with strontium-90. Currently, there is a tendency to reduce the gamma background due to natural decay of radionuclides and their redistribution in the environment through water and wind.
Recent studies have shown that approximately one-third of the Tula region is characterized by high levels of soil degradation, close to catastrophic.
Widely in the region appear exogenous geological processes. Dissolution oflimestones is karst topography violations. In the valleys of the rivers Oka, Upa and Besputa, in ravines and gullies Alexinsky, Yasnogorsk, Lenin and Schekinskoe areas there is a large landslides. Cases of ground subsidence in the locations of old coal mines.
These phenomena are in some cases pose a threat to highway and other engineering and residential projects, as well as conclusions from the economic use of large areas of land.
Population. Demographic situation. Terms of human existence in the region is waning. The high density of population, the saturation of hazardous industries, severe consequences of radioactive contamination after the Chernobyl accident, explained the low, in comparison with neighboring regions, the level of human health.
One of the main indicators of the state of society is the dynamics of the population. Under favorable conditions, the number increases, with adverse - falls.
The number of permanent residents of the area decreases every year. During the period from 1995 to 2000. This reduction was more than 65 thousand people or 3,6%. This was due to increased mortality (total and infant), and reduced birth rates. Deaths outnumber births in the three-fold.
Currently in first place among the causes of death are cardiovascular disease (heart attacks, strokes, hypertension) and respiratory organs. Behind them are neoplasms. These classes of disease largely depend on the nature of nutrition and environment. Of all the territory controlled by the field of infectious disease leading cause of death (more than 90%) is tuberculosis.
In 1986, the environmental situation in the region has drastically deteriorated as a result of the Chernobyl accident, when more than 50% of the Tula region were in the zone of radioactive contamination. In this regard, among the affected population becoming more common eco-sensitive diseases (diseases of the upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system), immunity disorders, psychological disorders, cardiovascular disease, cancer, etc.
According to experts, Chernobyl "footprint" will last at least 70 years and lead to an increase in leukemia, cancer and infertility increase of people of reproductive age.
One of the major problems in the area is the pollution of groundwater. Passing through the cases foreseen waste water generates toxic leachate, which consists of the remnants of decaying organic matter, various dyes, detergents, salts of heavy metals: iron, mercury, lead, etc.
Studies have shown that high content Tula water iron, its high rigidity and the presence of salts of heavy metals are the causes of violations of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland. Poor water quality increases the risk of heart attacks, inhibits the reproduction of the organism.
In the area of a correlation between high manganese content in the atmosphere and the growth of mental disorders. The high concentration of phenol in the atmosphere clearly correlated with the level of child morbidity pharyngitis, bronchitis.
With the growing fleet of cars is constantly increasing volume of emissions into the atmosphere, reaching in 1999 40% of the mass of all harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Danger to public health component of emissions from motor vehicles is not only a lead, oxides of carbon and nitrogen, hydrocarbons, and benzopyrene, which is a potent carcinogen.
In the field dramatically increases the risk of various pathologies in children of school age. Thus, over time, in school children in 3,5 times deteriorating eyesight, a 5-fold increased incidence of digestive tract, in 8-9 times - the musculoskeletal system. Even in the elementary grades in 40% of children shows signs of neurological disease, more children suffer from mental disorders.
Recent studies have shown that, despite the high tension of ecological situation in the Tula region, it can be stabilized and then improved by increasing the costs of environmental measures. Much work in this area conducted by the regional administration in conjunction with a committee of natural resources in Tula region.
Since 1993 in the Tula region has a federal task force "program improve environmental conditions and health of the population of Tula region", extended by a governmental decree to 2005 The main purpose of the program is working out the economic, institutional and legal mechanisms for ecological rehabilitation of the territory of the Tula region, and health population.
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