Упражнения к мультфильму Green Eggs And Ham
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Серия упражнений для работы с муультфильмом по стихотворению Доктора Сьюса (Dr. Seuss) "Green Eggs And Ham"
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Предварительный просмотр:
5/6 класс
Green Eggs And Ham
By Dr. Seuss
The Cat in the Hat Song Pre-viewing activities
Grammar activities
Activity 1. Give the third form of the word.
Eat – ate – …………………
Fry – fried – ………………….
Poach (сварить в мешочек) – poached – ………………..
Scramble (смешать) – scrambled – ……………………
Devil (приготовить со специями) – deviled – ………………………
Vocabulary activities
Activity 1. Read the words using the reading rules
Hummeled, frammeled, shmummeled, swuzzled (swоzzеl – вихревое сопло), cadizzled – придуманные слова
Shir – складочка
Cuddled – прижатый к груди, приласканный
Swizzled – вмешанный в коктейль
Frizzled – поджаренный с шипением
Bamboozled – облапошенный, взятый обманом
Fuzzled – взъерошенный
Guzzled – жадно проглоченный, «слопанный»
The Cat in the Hat Song viewing activity
Fill in the gaps
Oh, I frequently think every …………... and then
Of the glorious fruit of the noble hen:
Eggs, eggs, E, double-G, S-eggs.
My knowledge of ………….…. is tremendously wide.
I've eaten them boiled, I've eaten them fried,
Poached and shirred and deviled and scrambled,
Hummeled, shmummeled, cuddled, and frammeled.
I've ………………… them beaten and swizzled and swuzzled,
Frizzled, cadizzled, bamboozled, and fuzzled.
I know …………….… way that an egg can be guzzled.
And thinking of eggs reminds me of Sam
Whose ………………………..… dish
Is green eggs and ham.
Green Eggs And Ham Pre-viewing activities
Vocabulary activities
Activity 1. Read in pairs and guess the meaning of the words. Match them with the Russian keys:
1. You can see children anywhere in the school. 2. It’s 9.00 in the evening so I must go to bed. 3. Sing! I will sing after you. 4. I can’t do this exercise! – Try it again! | попробуй в любом месте буду поэтому. |
Activity 2. Find the rhyming words.
boat, mouse, rain, box, goat, Sam, house, fox, train, ham
Grammar activities
Activity 1. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. I would like to eat some ice-cream. I would drink some orange juice, too.
2. Eat this new cake. You may like it.
3. I can’t drink Cola. I could drink some lemonade.
Activity 2. Translate the phrases into English.
1. Я бы хотел …
2. Я съем / буду есть …
3. Я увижу / буду видеть …
4. Я мог бы …
4. Я бы сказал …
Green Eggs And Ham Viewing activities
Vocabulary activities
Watch the cartoon and complete the sentences with the missing word.
And I would eat them … a boat!
And I would eat them … a goat...
And I will eat them … the rain.
And in the dark. And… a train.
And in a car. And … a tree.
So I will eat them … a box.
And I will eat them … a fox.
And I will eat them … a house.
And I will eat them … a mouse.
Post-viewing activities
Activity 1. In pairs write a conversation using the following phrases.
Do you like green eggs and ham? Would you like them here or there? Would you like them in/with/on … ? Eat them! You may like them. You will see. You may try them. | I do not like Not in/on/with …! I could not I would not I will not eat them with/on/in … Say! (Скажите!) I like … So I will eat them in/on/with … And I will eat them with/in/on … |
Activity 2. Listen to the Seussical Musical and tell what the singer doesn’t like.
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