Урок английского языка в 9 классе Mass Media
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Цель урока: Развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на базе изученной лексики и грамматического материала по изучаемой теме,
расширение общего кругозора; углубление знаний учащихся о средствах массовой информации в России и Великобритании.
Обучающие задачи: активизировать изученную лексику по теме;
совершенствовать навыки аудирования с целью получения необходимой информации;
совершенствовать навыки коммуникативной компетенции учащихся;
развивать умения учащихся выделять главное, логично и последовательно излагать мысли на иностранном языке.
Развивающие задачи: развивать способность анализировать, обобщать и сравнивать;
самостоятельно строить речевое высказывание; общаться в диалоге;
развивать мышление, зрительную память и воображение
Воспитательные задачи: показать многообразие средств массовой информации в нашей жизни; научить ориентироваться в них,
повышать мотивацию к изучению английского языка.
Оборудование: магнитофон, проектор, аудиозаписи текста, диалогов, объявлений; диск с записью фрагментов урока;
Тип урока: комбинированный
Этапы | Содержание | Примечания |
1. Организационный момент 2. Речевая зарядка 3. Основной этап 3.1 Newspapers 3.2 Television 4.Заключительный этап | Good Morning, children. How are you today ? Sit down, please. Look at your desks, please. You can see some lists of paper, just take the first one. What do these abbreviations stand for? BBC – British Broadcasting Corporation HTB – Независимое телевидение РТР – Российское телерадио TV - Television MTV – Music Television ОРТ – Общественное Российское телевидение And now, I think, you can guess what is a theme of our lesson today! You are right, we are going to speak about Mass Media. Now, take the second list of paper. You see 3 columns. I’d like you to fill in the first one. 1. Please answer my question What is the Mass Media? Let’s check up your notice with the screen. 2. From your lists of paper you can find a cluster “ The role of the Mass Media in our life”, think a little and complete it.
Well done, let’s check it up! 3. Now I’d like you to fill in your second column in your papers “I’d like to know” You have three minutes to write what would you like to know about the Mass Media? Please, read your notices! 4. Look at the screen, please! Today we’re going to speak about two types of the Mass Media: television and newspapers. The fist one is newspapers. On your list of paper and on the screen you can see some words, let’s read them. I’d like you to make up a short paragraph using these words and to add your own ones. And answer my question What is a newspaper? You have 5 minutes! Well done! Read your paragraphs please! 5. Tell me do you know when a newspaper appeared? May be do you know when the first printing press was invented? Look at the screen, I have some information for you! 6. Do you know what newspapers can be? How can they be divided? Look at the screen. What does it mean “daily” and “Sunday” newspapers? I have two newspapers for you. Look through them and tell me what newspaper is daily and what newspaper is Sunday? What do you see in these newspapers? What articles do they have? What are these articles about? You are right! We can see the articles about sport events, news, advertisement. 1. Pupils, where can we see the advertisement except the newspapers? You are right! We can see it on TV! Please, answer my questions. What program do you prefer? What is your favorite channel? How long do you watch TV? Do you watch TV alone? What genres of films do you prefer? I think you guess, we are going to speak about television. Return to our screen! Answer the question What is TV? Look at the screen. You can see the definition of the TV. What can we watch on TV? What kinds of programs can we watch? We’ve already told about the advertisement, also we can watch documentary, talk shows, films, cartoons. Let’s talk about some of them. 2. From your lists of paper you can find the paper with matching. Try to match the words with their definitions. Fill your answers in the special columns. 1.A documentary - A program which gives facts and information about a particular subject 2.A quiz show - People take part in a competition there . They are asked questions , they can win or lose the game. If they are in luck , they get a prize. 3.An advert - a commercial interruption, where a thing, a product or a service are advertised . it helps people to choose best things. 4.A cinema - produced by recording images from the world with cameras, or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects. 5.Sport news - A programmer ,where sport events are told Well done! Let’s check up your notice! Please change your papers with the classmate and check up! 3. Now I’d like you to listen to the recorder and try to guess what is the program? Well done, pupils! You are right! 4. Our last task for today is the text about television. Find it from your lists of paper. Let’s look through the text. Find the advantages and disadvantages, please! What are they. Let’s discuss! Now, I’d like you to return to your column “I’ve known” and fill it in. What have you known about the Mass Media today? Your answers! Thank you, pupils, for the lesson. You are so clever, your answers are perfect! Your home task for the next lesson is to write the message about your favorite kind of the Mass Media.Our lesson is over! Good bye! |
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