Вводные контрольные работы
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7, 8, 9, 10, 11 класс) на тему
Вводные контрольные работы
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Предварительный просмотр:
Present simple
1.Tick the correct sentence
1-a) I do my home work 2- a)Ray go for a long walk. 3-a)We don’t get up.
b)I does my home work b)Ray goes for a long walk. b)We doesn’t get up.
2. Complete the sentences
1-Ellen …her bedroom. (tidy)
2-Sammy …TV on Sunday.(watch)
3. Make negative form and positive form
1- Mark stays up late. 2-Zena writes e-mail.
Present Continuous
4. Complete the sentences
1-They …around the country.(travel)
2-Ben and I … to music.(dance)
Future simple
5.Rearrange the words
2-work-will-they ?
3-I-will-a book-enjoy.
4-he-Will- be busy?
6.Choose the right words
1-Can I give you_____advice?
- any b) some c) much
2-Look! There is so_____snow everywhere.
- few b) many c) much
3-I have to go shopping. We have got very_____food in the fridge.
- Little b) many c) few
Control work the 7 th form V2
Present simple
1.Tick the correct sentence
1- a)Ray go for a long walk. 2-a)We don’t get up.
b)Ray goes for a long walk. b)We doesn’t get up.
2. Complete the sentences
1-I… a sandwich.( make)
2-Mum and Dad …relatives.(visit)
3. Make negative form and positive form
1-Zena writes e-mail. 2-I wear clothes.
Present Continuous
4. Complete the sentences
1-Phil… a poem.(study)
2-Boys… to school.(go)
Future simple
5.Make negative form
1-I will be at work tomorrow.
2-The doctor will have time to see you.
3-Ann will get a computer.
4-They will have some time.
6.Choose the right words
1-I m thirsty. Can I have____water?
- many b) few c) some
2-I can t go to the swimming pool on Monday, I have to do ____hame work.
- a lot of b) many c) any
3-My parents bought ____milk.
- many b)a lot of c) any
7.Underline the word with the same or similar meaning:
- 1-to defend a)to save b)to protect c)to help
- 2-threat a)bulling b)argument c)warning
- 3-to succeed in a)to be out of luck b)to win c)to manage
8.Put the word in the right form:
He has got the third…letter from the stranger.
Her mother…her to try her luck in the competition.
Now you are the…of this wonderful house. My congratulations!
9. Translate:
Walt Disney is a famous American producer. He created funny Donald Duck, brave Mickey mouse, little Bambi and lovely Mary Poppins. Walt Disney was born in 1901 and spent a lot of time on a farm. Then he managed his own company. He loved cartoons and was full of ideas. Walt Disney had clear aim of what he wanted.
7.Underline the word with the same or similar meaning:
1-mad a)ambitious b)clever c)crazy
2-tolerant a)patient b)kind c)ambitious
3-to argue a)ask b)to disagree c)to trouble
8.Put the word in the right form:
Our country is proud of these… people.
On July 4 th, 1776 the American colonies declared their… from Britain.
Students and teachers should always try to prevent…
9. Translate:
Mother Teresa was born in 1910 in Albania. Her real name was Agnes. When Agnes was only nine, her father died. The family became poor. But later mother opened a shop, and the business did well. That was the second lesson in her life from her mother: when life is difficult you must try, try and try again.
Предварительный просмотр:
- Use the phrase makes the dialogue.
How do you do?
How are you?
Where are you from?
I am from the Russian Federation.
Let me introduce my….
Pleased to meet you!
- Translate the words.
1-the Great Wall of China |
2-penguins |
3-the Pyramids |
4-olympic Games |
5-kangaroos |
6-churches |
7-skyscrapers |
8-coliseum |
- Translate the sentences.
1. Many people speak more than one language.
2. Teachers, doctors, politicians, actors, engineers, and businessmen need foreign languages.
4. Put in: who or which
1. Have you talked to the lady….lives on the ground floor?
2. Has Andrew bought the book….he wanted?
5. Put the article “the” correctly.
I imagine myself going through jungles of 1…..South America. I also think of visiting 2…..China, 3….United State, 4……Spain.
6. Put the verbs in Present simple Passive. Translate into Russia.
1. The post office ……….on Sundays.(to close)
2. A.Pushkin s poem …….abroad(to read)
3. This holiday …….in most English-speaking countries. (to celebrate)
Progress check - 8th form
- Use the phrase makes the dialogue.
How do you do?
How are you?
Where are you from?
I am from the Russian Federation.
Let me introduce my….
Pleased to meet you!
- Translate the words.
1-foreign language |
2-first language |
3-second language |
4-to speak a language |
5-to learn a language |
6-to be successful in |
7-to succeed in |
8-a successful performance |
- Translate the sentences.
1. When we have learned one foreign language, learning a second foreign language is easier.
2. You must work hard to learn your first foreign language.
4. Put in: who or which
1. I am like the blouse….I am wearing.
2. Have you talked to the lady….lives on the ground floor?
5. Put the article “the” correctly.
I imagine myself climbing mountains in 1…..Asia or in 2…..America. I often dream of fishing in long and deep rivers of 3…..Russian Federation, watching penguins in 4……Antarctica.
6. Put the verbs in Present simple Passive. Translate into Russia.
1. The fruit salad ……of bananas and peaches. (to make)
2. The verbs “know, want, hate”…..not…..in Continuous tenses. (to use)
7.Choose the correct pronoun:
1-The parents want …to behave well at school.
- him b) he c) his
2-I want… to pay attention to your grammar.
- him b) he c) his
3-Would you like …to sit with baby
- they b) their c) them
8.Make the sentences
1-son You will your send to London. 2-to Buckingham Palace You invite will.
9.Write another sentence with the same meaning using the Passive voice.
1-Students use computers at their lessons.
2-The teacher explained the rules of the game to the students.
3-The little boy drew these funny pictures.
4-Teacher explained the composition.
10.Put the verbs in second conditional form.
1-If she… (be) more energetic, she… (try) her chance.
2-If she were in trouble , she …(phone) me.
3-If I… (be) you I… (try) to explain the problems to my parents.
11.Translate into Russia.
1. argue about something
2.the argument against something
3.trouble about something
4.have some troubles
5.hear of
6.laugh at
7.rely on
8.think of
9.look for
7.Choose the correct pronoun:
1-They expect… to arrange a party.
- I b) my c) me
2-Our teacher expects to think of our future.
- ours b) us c) we
3-Would you like to stay out of trouble.
- they b)their c) them
8.Make the sentences
1-One day to the Moon fly will you 2-One day in your school you meet will Bruce Lee
9.Write another sentence with the same meaning using the Passive voice.
1-They arranged a nice picnic last month.
2-Ann cooks a special dinner on the 21-st of May.
3-My parents buy beautiful flowers every month.
10.Put the verbs in second conditional form.
1-If Mike… (do) his best at school, his parents would be happy.
2-If my parents… (allow) me a Saturday job, I would buy a new computer game.
3-If he didn’t do sport, he often… (fall).
11.Translate into Russia.
1-argue with somebody
2-the argument for something
3-look troubled
4-bea troublemaker
5-pay attention to
6-speak at
7-listen to
8-explain to
9-operate to
Предварительный просмотр:
Progress check - 2 the 9th form
1.Translate the words
1-to prohibit 8-litter
2-be prohibited 9-to drop litter
3-prohibition 10-clean litter
4-to recycle 11-rubbish
5-recyclable 12-garbage
6-recycled paper 13-to pack
7- a recycling center 14-packed goods
2. Translate the phrases
1- People pollute themselves with cigarettes, alcohol and junk food.
2- Pollution is very dangerous for people, wildlife and the environment.
3- In one year person throws away: 70 food cans, 34 cans of pet food and 70 drink cans.
4- They tear the wrapping off sweets and throw it away.
3.Put the article “the”
The official name of the country is 1)….United Kingdom of 2)….Great Britain and 3)….Northern Ireland. The country is situated in 4)….British Isles. The two main islands are 5)….Great Britain and 6)…Irland.
4. Translate from Russian into English
1) Если бы животные могли говорить, они рассказали бы много интересного о людях.
2)Если бы мы тогда подумали о будущем нашей планеты, мы бы жили уверенно.
5. Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III
1) If I….(be) you, I would join Greenpeace.
2) If we din t pollute our seas, they ….(be) full of fish
3) If we had protected the environment seriously, our planet ….(be)out of danger.
Progress check - 2 the 9th form
1.Translate the words
1-Protect from pollution 8- to protect the invironmental
2-сhemical waste 9-unpacked goods
3- waste paper 10-to throw
4-It’s waste of time 11-can protect
5-Pollute 12-can destroy
6-air pollution 13-a can
7-sea pollution
2. Translate the phrases
1- Earth support human beings, animals, birds, fishes, insects and plants.
2- But human beings are killing our planet. People cut dawn more trees, build more roads.
3- One European family with 2 children throws away 50 kilos of paper, and 60 kilos of plastic.
4- They drop their cigarette packets and cans of drink without a thought.
3.Put the article “the”
1)….United Kingdom is not for from2) ….Europe. 3)….UK is washed by 4)….Atlantic Ocean in the east and by 5)….North Sea in the west. The highest mountains are in 6)…. Scotland and 7)….Wales.
4. Translate from Russian into English
1) Мы бы жили на чистой Земле, если бы люди не выбрасывали столько мусора последние 20-30 лет.
2)Если каждый будет убирать свою улицу, то город станет чистый.
5. Complete the sentences, using Conditional II and III
1) If I were you, I ….(continue) the exploration.
2) If you had read these books, you ….(know) more about this environmental problem.
3) If she ….(hear) the conversation, she wouldn’t have come there.
6.Make full words
7.Devide into to columns:
Programme, color, catalogue, catalog, cheque, program, traveller, check.
British English | American English |
8.Choose the right words
1-Can I give you_____advice?
- any b) some c) much
2-Look! There is so_____snow everywhere.
- few b) many c) much
3-I have to go shopping. We have got very_____food in the fridge.
- Little b) many c) few
9. Translate into Russia
1-Whatever you see don t be surprised.
2-Whenever you come to us we will be glad to see you.
6.Make full words
7.Devide into to columns:
color, colour, catalogue, catalog, cheque, traveler, traveller, check.
British English | American English |
8.Choose the right words
1-I m thirsty. Can I have____water?
- many b) few c) some
2-I can t go to the swimming pool on Monday, I have to do ____hame work.
- a lot of b) many c) any
3-My parents bought ____milk.
- many b)a lot of c) any
9. Translate into Russia
1-Wherever they go, their knowledge of English helps them a lot.
2-However busy I am, I go to the swimming pool twice a week.
Предварительный просмотр:
Progress Check class 10
Variant 1
1.Translate into Russian
1-Carrie said she was not going to wear a dress. She thought everyone would laugh at her.
2-The mother said that she hadn t seen any signs of beauty in her daughter for a long time.
2. Translate into Russian. Point the role of infinitive in sentences
a)подлежащее b)часть сказуемого c)дополнение d)определение
1-To learn French is very difficult.
2-My future is to make my life
3-I promise to help her.
4-I don t even have a dress to wear.
5-We should find a hotel to stay in.
3. Make the reported speech from direct speech
Example: “We are going to the family reunion party”. Carrie wrote that they were going to the family reunion party.
1-I will wear my jeans and a T-shirt.
2-My mother doesn t want me to look wild.
3-My mother wants me to wear this awful velvet dress.
4-Everybody will laugh.
4.Complete the table
глагол | существительное | наречие |
prevent | prevention | preventing |
lead | ----- | leadership |
relate | relation | ----- |
solve | solution | ----- |
5.Make the sentences in zero conditional
1-If conflict happen between states of political parties, they (try) to solve it.
2-If people do not listen well, they (not understand) each other.
3-if she hear what the other person is saying, she (keep) it.
Progress Check. class 10
Variant 2
1.Translate into Russian
1-Carrie said she wanted to look lovely.
2-The mother said she did not want her daughter to look wild. She thought her daughter would look lovely in the velvet dress.
2. Translate into Russian. Point the role of infinitive in sentences
a)подлежащее b)часть сказуемого c)дополнение d)определение
1-To build a new house is very difficult.
2-My dream is to have a new dress.
3-I wanted to study English.
4-Many people learn English to communicate with foreigners.
5-I don t have a dictionary to use.
3. Make the reported speech from direct speech
Example: “We are going to the family reunion party”. Carrie wrote that they were going to the family reunion party.
1-I will stay at home.
2-My mother gave me a wonderful pin.
3-My great-grandmother Maria performed in Paris!
4- My great-grandmother Maria speaks French very well.
4.Complete the table
глагол | существительное | наречие |
prevent | prevention | preventing |
----- | disagree | disagreement |
unite | union | ----- |
peace | ----- | peacefully |
5.Make the sentences in zero conditional
1-If people respect each other’s right, they (live) friendly.
2-If people will love each other, people (have) better relations.
3-If I meet a person whose values are different from my values, I (respect) his values.
6 Put the verb in brackets in the correct form.
- Kitty (decide) to grow up the flowers.
- I (eat) some porridge now.
- My elder sister (get) married ext weekend. All the invitation cards have been already.
7 Make the sentences from the words
- has Ken with quarreled Who?
- did What make with test she?
- It does How much cost?
- speak can you my dad?
- will you Where be i the morning?
8 Преобразуйте и переведите
verb | noun | adjactive |
attractive | ||
to encourage | ||
to amuse | ----------------------- | |
activity | ----------------------- | |
advice | ----------------------- | |
to camp | ----------------------- |
9 Complete the setences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets
- Listen! The boys (play) the guitar.
- My friends usually helps me with my homework.
- Next weekend I (visit) my granny in the country side.
- Yesterday our team (take) part in the swimming competition.
6 Put the verb i brackets i the correct form.
- Kitty (decide) to grow up the flowers.
- I (eat) some porridge now.
- My elder sister (get) married ext weekend. All the invitation cards have been already.
7 Make the sentences from the words
- has Ken with quarreled Who?
- did What make with test she?
- It does How much cost?
- speak can you my dad?
- will you Where be i the morning?
8 Преобразуйте и переведите
verb | noun | adjactive |
attractive | ||
to encourage | ||
to amuse | ----------------------- | |
activity | ----------------------- | |
advice | ----------------------- | |
to camp | ----------------------- |
9 Complete the setences. Use the correct form of theverbs in brackets
- Listen! The boys (play) the guitar.
- My friends usually helps me with my homework.
- Next weekend I (visit) my granny in the country side.
- Yesterday our team (take) part in the swimming competition.
Предварительный просмотр:
Progress Check. class 11 Variant 1
1.Choose the correct alternative and translate
1-I expected to go/going to the supermarket.
2-I don t think It’s time to go/going to bed.
3-I am 17. I began to study/studding to drive a car.
4-Henry doesn’t want to study/studding in another country.
2.Complete the sentences with the infinitive of the verbs in the box
wash | get | wear | learn | apply |
1-Dad is going to apply for a new job.
2-I haven t had time ….my hair yet.
3-Sam is going to France….French.
4-I am going ….the sales assistant if she can help me.
5-Have you bought something new ….to the party?
3. Use the words to write sentences with the negative infinitive.
Example: please,/try/be/late/for your appointment.- Please, try not to be late for your appointment.
1-I/must remember/call/Miss Lee by her first name!
2-We/hope/find/the house in a mess after the party!
3-Ann/tall/phone/when/he got home.
4.Choose the right variant and make the end
1-She didn’t remember to hand in her task because….
She didn’t remember handing in her task because….
2-I tried to unlock the door but….
I tried unlocking the door but….
3-We stopped to eat our sandwich when….
We stopped eating our sandwich when….
5. Answer: What would you like to stop doing?
Progress Check. class 11 Variant 2
1.Choose the correct alternative and translate
1-Richard tall to phone/for phoning when he got home.
2-You like to work/be working hard at the moment.
3-I am going to the department store to look/looking for a wedding present.
4-I hope to watch/watching the programme about ancient civilizations tomorrow.
2.Complete the sentences with the infinitive of the verbs in the box
lose | go | change | wait | sell |
1-I am fed up of waiting for you outside shoe shops!
2-We didn’t enjoy….shopping with Aunt Beryl.
3-Please don t shout at me for….your purse.
4-Martin is going to make a career out of….encyclopedias.
5-Go and try it on in the….room.
3. Use the words to write sentences with the negative infinitive.
Example: please,/try/be/late/for your appointment.- Please, try not to be late for your appointment.
1-he/hope/lose/his job/at the end of the summer.
2-please/tell/him/forget/his passport.
3-Simon/hope/fail/his driving test again.
4.Choose the right variant and make the end
1-I regret to tell you that your mark was very low because….
I regret telling you that your mark was very low because….
2-I need to repair these shoes because….
These shoes need repairing because….
3-I mean to write the composition today and….
A completed composition will mean getting a good mark and….
5. Answer: How do you really feel about school?
6 Translate the sentences
1.Если бы я был музыкантом, то я бы написал песню
2.Ели бы мой брат сдал экзамен, то он бы поступил в Институт.
3.Если бы ученики готовили домашнее задание, то они бы понимали предмет.
4.Я был бы летчиком, если бы мне позволили летать.
5.Он был бы поваром. Если бы любил готовить.
7 Complete the text
Music (music, fans, years, emotions, drums, calluses, leave, lyrics)
The most meaningful activities in my life revolve around ( 1 ). I( 2) this world and enter one of my own where time stands. I have been playing the ( 3) almost every day for five (4 ) and have the (5 ) to prove it. I also write (6 ). This is always a good way for me to express any bottled-up (7 ) I have. I dream of playing in front of thousands of (8 ).
8 Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets
1.Listen! The boys (play) the guitar.
2.My friends usually helps me with my homework.
3.Next weekend I (visit) my granny in the country side.
4.Yesterday our team (take) part in the swimming competition.
9 Write the composition about “ MY HOBBY”
6.Choose the most appropriate meaning from the dictionary entries.
a) assumption
1-something you consider likely to be true even though you have no proof.
2-a process in which you begin to be responsible for something.
b) immersion
1-the process of putting something into a liquid.
2-a method of teaching a foreign language in which learners are put in foreigners.
c) admission
1-permission to become a student at a college or university.
2-the amount of money you pay to enter a place or event.
7.Fill in the word formation table.
verb | noun | adjective |
----------- | awareness | |
experience | ||
appreciation | ||
participate | ||
benefit | ||
assume | ||
admission | ||
immers |
8. Translate the text
The university welcomes applications to all of its courses from overseas students. Academic Year Abroad-10-11 months long, participating in a public or private school in the country of your choice. Semester Abroad-4-6 month long, participating in a public or private school in the country of your choice. Summer Programmes-2 to 8 weeks long, participating with an option of intensive foreign language classes. Foreign Language Programmes-2 to 8 weeks long, participating with an option of intensive foreign language classes.
9 Write the composition about “ MY HOBBY”
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