GOLD AWARD 2014 "World History in Family Photos"
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
In this photo you can see my great-grandfather
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In this photo you can see my great-grandfather holding my 18-month-old father in his arms. I’ve never seen him, but my father has told me so much about this outstanding person. My great-grandfather, Dmitry Buzin , was born in the ancient Russian town of Vladimir in 1904 in the family of a rich timber-merchant. His family belonged to the old-believers. After the October Revolution when the Bolsheviks took away the property of the rich, he went to Moscow on foot. He worked hard and studied at university. Then he began to work as a financier and was among those who created a new financial system of the Communist state. My great-grandfather was not a fanatic communist, first of all he was an excellent specialist who worked a lot in the Department of Finance and in the State Planning Committee. In the years of Stalin’s repression my great-grandfather remained the man of honor. When his boss and friend Voznesensky who led and planned the development of the Soviet Industry was arrested and later executed, Dmitry Buzin didn’t give any testimony against him during investigation. The founder of the automobile industry D. Likhachev hid from arrest in the recreation room of my great-grandfather’s office. A month later at the meeting of the Ministry of the automobile industry he proved in his report that Likhachev was right and not guilty of sabotage. He helped a lot A. Fadeev, a great Soviet writer, the author of « Defeat « and « Young Guard « who was the Chairman of the union of Soviet writers. Fadeev was not experienced in finance matters and my great-grandfather controlled the flow of money spent on building of rest-homes and cottages for writers at that period. When Khrushchev came to power, he – then first Deputy Finance of the USSR – proved to the members of government that the assistance provided to all Communist regimes was disastrous for the economy of the Soviet state. After that he retired and lived happily for 25 years more. My dad carefully keeps his memory. He is not a financier, but a journalist, writer, Dr of Philosophy, the author of several books on various branches of knowledge. He continues the traditions of his grandpa not to be a politician but a professional. He asks me to remember that a Patriot is the man ready at any moment to speak out against his government. I am truly proud to be a member of such a wonderful family!
Zhovmer Katya. School 3, Zhukovsky, Russia.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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