Exploring space.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Данный урок по теме "Exploring space" содержит план-конспект урока и презентацию. Урок разработан для учеников 8-го класса общеобразовательных школ, работающих по УМК Биболетовой.
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Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе
по теме «Exploring Space»
Цель: выработка умений самостоятельно применять знания, умения и навыки, осуществлять их перенос в новые условия.
практические: - совершенствование фонетических навыков;
- отработка лексического материала;
- совершенствование навыков аудирования;
- развитие монологических навыков и умений;
- развитие навыков чтения;
- развитие навыков письменной речи;
развивающие: - развитие памяти;
- развитие внимания;
- развитие логики мышления;
- развитие готовности к коммуникации;
образовательные: - расширение кругозора;
- повышение общей культуры.
воспитательные: - воспитание культуры общения;
- поддержать интерес к обучению и познавательной
Оснащение: презентация, компьютер с проектором, УМК Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н. Английский с удовольствием. 8 класс
Ход урока
- Организационный момент.
-Good-morning, boys and girls! (Good-morning, teacher!)
- I am glad to see you! (We are glad to see you too!)
-Who’s on duty in your Class?
- How are you?
- Фонетическая зарядка.
-Today we shall start our lesson with the poem “Children of the Sun” by Brod Bagert. (см. СЛАЙД 2)
-Listen to me please. (Воспроизведение стихотворения учителем)
-Translate the poem. (Перевод стихотворения учащимися)
-Repeat the words after me (Отрабатываемые слова выделены другим цветом): Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
-Repeat after me. (Построчное чтение)
-Let's read the poem all together! (Хоровое чтение)
- Речевая зарядка.
-Answer my questions please (Вопросно-ответная работа по содержанию стихотворения “Children of the Sun”):
1) What is the smallest planet? (Mercury)
2) What planet is bright and near? (Venus)
3) What planet has an eye? (Jupiter)
4) What planets are far away and cold? (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto)
5) What planet is red and angry? (Mars)
6) Which planet has got rings of ice and stone? (Saturn)
7) What place is one with deep blue seas? (Earth)
- Введение в тему урока.
-As you understand, today we are going to talk about space and space exploration. We don’t know when people began to dream of travelling in space, but this dream became true only in the 20th century.
-What do you know about exploring space?
Answer the questions and make up sentences. (см. СЛАЙД 3)
- K. Tsiolkovsky was the first person who came to the idea of space rockets..
- S. Korolev constructed the first space ship.
- Y. Gagarin was the first astronaut .
- V. Tereshkova was the first woman in space.
- A. Leonov was the first man to take a walk in space.
- N. Armstrong was the first man on the Moon.
- Развитие навыков ознакомительного чтения.
- We do not know when men began to dream of traveling in space. The first story that we know about a space flight was written in the year 150.
-We are going to read the text about space discoveries. Open your books page 22 exercise 73. (Биболетова М.З.Трубанева Н.Н. Английский язык: Английский с удовольствием/Enjoy English: учебник для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений / М.З.Биболетова, Н.Н.Трубанева.- 2-е изд.,испр. И перераб.-Обнинск:Титул, 2014.- С. 22 Упр. 73)
-Read the text to yourself please and answer the questions. I give you 4 minutes for reading.
(см. СЛАЙД 4)
- How did people first begin to dream about space travel? Tell any story or legend (The first story that we know about a space flight was written in the year 150. The author described how, during a great storm, a big wave raised a ship up to the Moon, and the men on the ship found themselves in a new world)?
- What Russian word in the text has become known internationally? Do you know any other Russian words that are known internationally? What are they (That word is Sputnik. Other well-known words are: Laika,Yuri Gagarin, Cosmonaut)?
- What are the achievements of Russia in space research (There are: the first animal in space, the first man in space, work on orbital stations)?
- What facts from the text have impressed you (ученики выражают свое мнение)?
- Физкультминутка.
-I see you are tired. Let’s have a rest. Stand up please. (см. СЛАЙД 5)
- Развитие видов речевой деятельности (аудирование).
-Listen to the teenagers speaking about space exploration. As you listen to their comments, complete the following sentences. The first letters of the missing words will help you. (см. СЛАЙД 6)
- Ann. And we s… billions of dollars on s… research. This money should be used for medical r… . (spend,space,research)
- Felix. By e… space we may find another p… that we can l… on. We must learn to t… not only about this g… but about f… generations as well. (exploration, planet, live, think, generation, future)
- Linda. Would we a… to ruin other p… to satisfy our needs? Of course, we w… . People think that there will be is another planet for us in s… . (agree, planet, would, space).
- Развитие видов речевой деятельности (письмо: составление собственных предложений с имеющимися словами). (см. СЛАЙД 7)
-Make 5 own sentences with these words and write them down: spend, space, research, exploration, planet, live, think, generation, future, agree.
- Развитие навыка монологической речи.
- Listen to the teenagers speaking about space exploration again. Tell me
who do you agree with and why? Give your reasons. (см. СЛАЙД 6)
(Учащиеся составляют краткое монологическое высказывание,
аргументируя свой выбор).
- Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.
-What new have you learnt during this lesson? What was interesting for you
to know?
(It was interesting for me to know that …)
-Homework – to learn the poem “Children of the Sun” by heart.
-The lesson is over. Good-bye, my dear friends.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
“Children of the Sun” Brod Bagert Mercury's small Almost nothing at all. Venus is bright and near. Earth is a place with deep blue seas And a sky that is blue and clear. Mars is red and angry. Jupiter has an eye. Saturn has rings of ice and stone That circle round its sky. Uranus , Neptune , and Pluto Are far away and cold. So now I know my planets And I'm only six years old.
Choose the right answer. K.Tsiolkovsky, S. Korolev,Y. Gagarin, V.Tereshkova, A. Leonov, N. Armstrong . Who was the first astronaut? Who was the fist person who came to the idea of space rockets? Who constructed the first spaceship? Who was the first man to take a walk in space? Who was the first man on the Moon? Who was the first woman in space?
Read the text (p.22 ex.73) and answer the questions. How did people first begin to dream about space travel? Tell any story or legend. What Russian word in the text has become known internationally? Do you know any other Russian words that are known internationally? What are they? What are the achievements of Russia in space research? What facts from the text have impressed you?
Let’s have a rest! Look left, right Look up, look down Look around. Look at your nose Look at that rose Close your eyes Open, wink and smile. Your eyes are happy again.
Listen to the teenagers, complete the following sentences. Ann. And we s… billions of dollars on s… research. This money should be used for medical r… . Felix. By e… space we may find another p… that we can l… on. We must learn to t… not only about this g… but about f… generations as well. Linda. Would we a… to ruin other p… to satisfy our needs? Of course, we w… . People think that there will be is another planet for us in s… .
Make 5 own sentences using these words. Spend, space, research, exploration, planet, live, think, generation, future, agree.
The lesson is over! Good-bye , my dear friends.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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