Урок- игра " Мир кино"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Презентация к уроку в 11 классе  "Своя игра" по теме "Мир кино" УМК Кузовлев В.П. Английский язык 10-11


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Слайд 1

СВОЯ ИГРА « The world of cinema » учитель английского языка МБОУСОШ № 31 г.Тулы Лисихина Ирина Валериевна

Слайд 2

Category Questions Films Directors Cartoons Actors 1 00 2 00 3 00 5 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 1 00 3 00 4 00 5 00 1 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 5 00 1 00 2 00 4 00 5 00

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FILMS 1 00 POINTS . The main character of this film is a comic book superhero who battled with such villains as Sandman. Spiderman

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FILMS 2 00 POINTS . An American crime film which won 3 Oscars. The leader of a New York crime family is known all over the world Godfather

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FILMS 3 00 POINTS . An epic historical drama film about a Roman general betrayed when the emperor’s ambitious son killed his father and seizes the throne Gladiator

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FILMS 4 00 POINTS A science fiction spy comedy film (starring Will Smith) about two secret agents who hide their existence from ordinary humans. Men in black

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FILMS 5 00 POINTS . On its first weekend film fans in the US and Canada spent 72 million dollars on tickets for this film Jurassic park

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DIRECTORS 1 00 POINTS . A French director, he made about 80 films though he is 55. He became famous after his third film “Subway” Luc Besson

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DIRECTORS 2 00 POINTS . He is considered to be the “Master of Horror”. He paid much attention to the sound and unexpected effects in his thrillers. Alfred Hitchkok

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DIRECTORS 3 00 POINTS . An American film producer, famous for his animated cartoons. Walt Disney

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DIRECTORS 4 00 POINTS . He is regarded as the most successful director in Hollywood today. He is well- known for his imaginative movie making. He helped to create a new generation of filmmakers. Steven Spielberg

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DIRECTORS 5 00 POINTS . He is called “Mr.Hollywood”. He is famous for producing blockbusters. His films are “Point Break”, “Aliens”, “ The Abyss” James Cameron

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CARTOONS 1 00 POINTS . The main character falls in love with a princess. He has a friend, a donkey. Shrek

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CARTOONS 2 00 POINTS . This cartoon character has a girlfriend Minnie. Mickey Mouse

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CARTOONS 3 00 POINTS . The story about four school boys who have many adventures every day. Many people consider this cartoon violent and gross. South Park

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CARTOONS 4 00 POINTS . Which cartoon rabbit is famous for saying, “What’s up, doc?” Bugs Bunny

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CARTOONS 5 00 POINTS . It has been running for 25 years. It is about an American family. The Simpsons

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ACTORS 1 00 POINTS . His character said “Just yesterday I was sleeping under a bridge and today I’m on the grandest liner in the world drinking champaign with fine people” Leonardo di Caprio

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ACTORS 2 00 POINTS . A famous English actor whose character is small and clumsy but kind- hearted and generous. People in different countries stand in long queues to see a film with their favourite actor. Charlie Chaplin

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ACTORS 3 00 POINTS . His character has always seen the world a little differently from every one else. A famous computer hacker tells him that the world doesn’t really exist, but it is generated by a giant computer. Keanu Reeves

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ACTORS 4 00 POINTS . He started his career in 1984. In 2012 he was in the Guiness Book of Records as the most highly-paid actor (75 million dollars a year). One of his latest roles was in a film about pirates. Johnny Depp

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ACTORS 5 00 POINTS . He appeared in over 100 films known for his acrobatic fighting style, use of improvised weapons and innovative stunts. Jackie Chan

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