Открытый урок по теме "Кино или театр"
материал по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Защита проекта по теме.
1. Сообщение цели урока учителем. Подготовка к учебному диалогу.
Учитель. Сегодня мы будем обсуждать важную и интересную, но не очень легкую проблему. Мы будем говорить о театре и кино. Многие считают, что театр непопулярен в наши дни, а кино заменит театр. Какое будущее ждет театр и кино? Я хотела бы услышать вашу точку зрения.
2. Повторение лексики по теме.
3. Обсуждение: какой из двух видов искусств более популярен и почему.
4. Проверка знаний об известных актерах театра и кино. Учитель читает фрагменты, ученики пытаются отгадать о ком идет речь.
5. Обсуждение различных аргументов и фактов о кино и театре.
6. Подведение итогов.
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Открытый урок по английскому языку.
Тема: «Кино или театр?»
Учитель английского языка: Людмила Анатольевна Саяпина.
ЦЕЛЬ УРОКА: Защита проекта по теме
ЗАДАЧИ: 1.Обучающая: совершенствование навыков ведения дискуссии:
высказывания аргументированных суждений по указанной проблеме,
тренировка в употреблении фраз разговорного этикета, умения делать
выводы, заключение.
2.Развивающая: развитие навыков аудирования, просмотрового чтения.
3.Воспитывающая: воспитывать у учащихся познавательный интерес,
расширять кругозор.
ТИП УРОКА: Комбинированный
ФОРМА УРОКА: Защита проекта
ОСНАЩЕНИЕ УРОКА: постеры с изображением актеров, картинки, открытки.
- Английский язык. Учебник для 10-11 классов общеобразовательных учреждений.
Авторы: В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа.
- Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику для 10-11 классов.
- Книга для чтения к учебнику для 10-11 классов.
- Книга для учителя к учебнику для 10-11 классов.
- Программа для средней общеобразовательной школы.
1. Формулировка цели для учащихся.
Good morning, boys and girls. Today we've gathered here round the table to discuss a very important and interesting, but not very easy problem. We are going to speak about Art today, about one of the oldest arts in the world - Theatre, and about the youngest art -the art of Cinema. Some people say, that today Theatre is not popular any more or it is not so popular today as it was 50 - 100 years ago. They say, "...of all the arts, the most important for us is Cinema". And yet, some people believe, that Theatre will die soon. As one of the characters of a well-known film said: "... soon there will be nothing, but TV; there will be no books, no libraries, no theatres... only TV". Do you think that it is possible? Which of the two arts is more popular today and why? What future expects Cinema and Theatre? These are the questions. And I'd like to listen to your points of view on these questions.
- Some lessons ago, when we began speaking about Theatre and Cinema, we found out that some of you like cinema more and some of you prefer Theatre. And according to your likes and dislikes we divided the class into two groups: Theatre admirers and Cinema admirers.
- Here to our round-table sitting we invited an expert group. They are the students of form 11. We would like them to listen to all your opinions very attentively, and at the end of our meeting to decide whose reasons were more convincing and which of the opponents was stronger in their arguments.
2. Revising vocabulary.
T: Before we begin our conversation I'd like to be sure, that you are ready. Let us see which group knows the subject of our talk and the vocabulary better. I shall give you the descriptions of some terms, used in film and theatre making. Your task is to say the word. Try to do it as quickly as possible. The first one to say the word gets a point. We'll count all your points at the end of the meeting.
- A film with military fights or fighting.
- A story written for a film.
- A story written for staging in theatre.
- A film that tells a very exciting story, especially of crime and violence.
- A film based on stories about imaginary developments in science and then- effect on life.
- A film made by photographing a set of drawings.
- A film or a performance with songs and often dances.
- A type of a funny performance in which the story and characters are amusing and which ends happily.
- A film in which strange and fearful things happen.
- A performance which ends with the death of one of the characters.
- A person who acts in a film.
- To change the originally spoken language of a film,
- The part of some particular actor or actress in a film or performance.
- A person who has general control, especially of money for a film or performance.
- An apparatus for taking photographs or moving pictures.
- A well-known actor or actress in cinema or theatre.
- To make a performance.
- To make a film.
- A person who directs a film or performance, instructing the actors, cameramen, etc.
- A person who does dangerous tricks so that the actor doesn't have to take risks.
- A film with no sound.
- A performance where actors don't speak but only sing.
- Seats in the hall, which are situated in front of the stage.
- A special natural artistic ability.
3. Brainstorm Activity.
Т.: Now let's once more remember when we speak about Theatre and Cinema what we can speak about, what questions we can touch upon.
4. Discussion
T: Good of you. Now I see that you're ready for our discussion. My first question I address to the theatre admirers. Some people say that nowadays people prefer films to theatre performances and that's why the art of theatre is dying. Do you agree with this point of view? (And can the history of Theatre give us any arguments to support our opinion.)
PI: Certainly not. And the best proof (evidence) of the fact that Theatre will never die is its history. Just look! The history of theatre is as long as the history of mankind. We may say that ritual dances performed by ancient people before hunt were some kind of performance. And the real theatre was born more than 2000 years ago in Ancient Greece... (the history of Theatre)
Т.: (to the cinema critic) Do you want to object something?
P2: I don't want to argue with ... but I think that the history of the Theatre is in the past. Today Theatre is not so popular as it was 50 or 100 years ago. More and more people choose movies today.
Т.: Are you really sure of it?
P3: Cinema is a young art compared with Theatre but it is not as week as you can think. Only imagine! (The history of Cinema)
So Cinema is developing very quickly, it is constantly changing according to the demands of people and that is why. I think that Cinema will replace Theatre in future.
Т.: Theatre is not developing nowadays. Or maybe it is the same as at the time of its birth. Do you agree?
P4: Let's just compare the first British theatre "Globe" created by William Shakespeare and a modern theatre. Here is a picture of the "Globe" theatre. (Some facts about "Globe" and about performing)
Т.: And is the situation the same in Theatre today?
P5: And here is a picture of a modern theatre ... It is a modern building with modern equipment. And performances today are very bright and colorful. (Scenery, costumes, acting in today's theatre)
Т.: And what do you think about scenery in movies.
P6: Certainly, scenery has changed greatly in Theatre but not so much as in films. The main advantage of the film is that it can be shot both in studios and in nature. Films can move us from one place to another immediately (in no time): from home we get to the seaside, from mountains to the streets of a big city. And always the scenery looks natural, real. Such effect of reality can't be created in Theatre on the stage. And besides a lot of things such as a waterfall, an explosion of a bomb, landing of a spaceship, a street accident, and many other things can't be shown on the stage, they can only be imitated. That's why I think that films are more spectacular and attract more people. And yet, special effects used in films and especially created with the help of computer technologies can't be compared with those ones of the theatre performances.
Т.: Of course you're right. Films are more realistic, more truthful, more colorful... but nevertheless people continue going to the theatre. If films have so many advantages why do so many people still go to the Theatre?
P7: I think it is because of the special atmosphere of the Theatre. It's the atmosphere of a holiday. When you are going to the theatre you are preparing for a holiday. You put on your best dress, make your hair. You try to come to the theatre beforehand. You take off your coat and leave it in the cloak-room. You may walk in the foyer or may buy a program and take your seat in the hall. Then the lights slowly go down, the curtains rise, the audience applause and the performance begins. The atmosphere of a holiday is in everything.
P8: Can I continue. And in the Cinema the atmosphere is quite different. We wear everyday clothes to the cinema, we never take off our coats there. In big modern theatres you can buy food and drinks and during the film you can eat, drink and talk. Everything is usual, everyday and sometimes unpleasant
And besides we can see too many films nowadays both at the Cinema and on TV and video. Yes, I also like to see films but if I want a holiday I go to the theatre to see a performance.
T: Do you agree that the atmosphere in Cinemas is so chewing and is very, very dull?
P8: I don't agree. People buy popcorn and cola, they eat during the film. But I don't think it's so bad. I think the atmosphere in Cinemas is like at home, informal. It helps us to relax, to have fun, to spend a good time with our friends. I like it, and my friends also like it.
T: Oh, we've heard a lot of arguments for the Cinema and for the Theatre today. But we haven't say anything about actors and acting. Do you have any ideas on this question?
P9; I'd like to speak about it. I think that actors in films are more convincing natural and truthful because a talented cameraman and producer always know how to show the actor or the actress in their best and how to hide their negative sides. And yet, in films actors
can shoot one and the same scene several times to reach the perfect result.
P10: You are quite right. Rehearsals also take place in the Theatre. But during the performance on the stage an actor is always face to face with audience. An actor plays every performance as if it is the first night. And it makes his work more difficult, more intensive but more interesting. And the direct contact between actors and audience in Theatre makes greater influence on people than in the Cinema and attracts audience to the Theatre again and again.
T: And one more question about actors. Do we know better the actors of Theatre or Cinema?
P11: No doubt, we know the actors of the Cinema better...
P12: Unfortunately, you are right, but I am sure that more professional actors work in Theatre. Very often people without any special training are invited to film studios. They get invitations only thanks to their appearance.
T: And now I'd like to see if you really know film and theatre actors well or not so well. I'll read you some facts about famous actors and actresses, both Russian and foreign and, you try to guess their names. As soon as you guess raise your hand.
He is a tall and broad shoulder man. He is German, but he lives and works in the USA.
He began his career as a bodybuilder. He was three times Mr. Universe.
His most well known films are: two 'Terminators", "Twins", "The Last Action Hero".
He is married and has two children.
Now he is one of the most bankable stars in Hollywood.
He is a well-known American actor and a producer. He was born in London in 1889.
In 1913 he moved to the USA and spent almost all his life there. He made 35 films in
his first year in Hollywood.
He always looked the same in every film. His character wears small moustache and a
bowler hat, black jacket, wide trousers and has a waling stick.
His best films are "Gold Rush", "The Kid", "The Great Dictator", "The New Times"
and many other silent films.
In 1954 he got the International Peace Prize for his films.
He died in 1977.
He was born in Moscow in 1921. He took part in the Great Patriotic War. After the war he became a comic actor. For many years he worked as a clown in the Circus. Later he became the director of the Circus.
He made many comic roles in well-known Russian comedy films. They made him famous. He also played serious roles in films.
He was born in Moscow in 1935.
He is a famous Russian theatre actor, but he starred in great number of films.
He is fond of animals. He has got a cat and a dog at home. But his real hobby is
Theatre. And today has his own theatre.
He is a great master of reincarnation. His female role in "Mary Poppings" brought
him a great success.
You can remember him in such famous films as "The Seventeen Moments of Spring",
"Some Days of Ivan Oblomov", "Dead and Alive", "War and Peace", etc.
And the Cat Matroskin in wonderful cartoons about Uncle Fyodor speaks in his voice.
This actor lived in a small town, but when he was about 21 he went to a big city.
There he became an actor and a member of one of the chief acting companies. Soon
he began to write plays for his company and in a few years he became a well-known
This actor was incredibly popular because he was very talented. He appeared often on
the stage of the Taganka Theatre and played in films. One of his finest roles in
Theatre was that of Hamlet. He didn't so much played the role as lived it.
He lived fast. He worked fast. He moved fast. There was so much he wanted to do: to
try himself in prose, to write film scripts and play and he wrote more than 600 songs.
He was a wonderful gifted person with many talents.
This young man certainly knows what he wants. At the age of 6, he decided he wanted to become an actor. When he was seven, he tried to find an agent. The agent said he should change his name because it was too Italian. The boy refused.
He was born in Los Angeles on November 11, 1974. His mother is German and his
father is Italian-American. His parents separated before he was born. He grew up in a
poor neighbourhood of Hollywood.
At school he was very good at imitating people (especially Michael Jackson).
One of his famous films was a modern version of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet"
set in a fantasy world. And after the tremendous success of "Titanic" he became one
of the most popular actors in the world.
He is a handsome young man with dark hare and blue eyes. He is a famous American
He was born on July 2, 1962 in a small town in the north-west of the USA. He was
the third child in the family and the only son of the engineer Thomas Maporter III.
He is happily married and has one daughter. His wife Nickol Kidman is from
Australia. She's an actress.
He is very successful in his work. He starred in nearly twenty films. He starred in
such films as "Top Gun", "Outsiders", "The Rain Man", "The Firm", "The Interview
with the Vampire" and many others.
Dasha Moroz is a daughter of a producer Yuriy Moroz and a tragically perished actress Marina Levtova.
Dasha became an actress at the age of two months when her mother brought her to the studio to shoot the film "My Darling, my Beloved, my Only". But her real acting career began at the age of 16 with the film "Fortune".
Now Dasha is a four-year student at the School-studio of the Mali Academic Art Theatre. She also works in the Theatre of Oleg Tabakov. She performs the parts of Klara and Kopelia in "A sandy Man", the part of Kalina in "Eternity and One More Day". (Eternity - вечность), the part of Pirogova in "U".
Dasha has already shot five films: "The Crisis of the Middle Age", "Fortune", "Savage" ("Дикарка"), "Salomea", "Kamenskaya".
She says that she'll be very sorry if after finishing Theatre Studio she
isn't taken to a theatre, because she thinks that you can learn the profession
only in Theatre during rehearsals, during casting parts to actors, during the
performances. Cinema is the result. Theatre is the source (источник) of energy.
Masha Shukshina is an actress and an announcer (ведущая) of a TV program. She was born in Moscow in the family of an actress Lidiya Fedoseyeva-Shukshina and a writer, producer and actor Vassiliy Shukshin. In 1989 she graduated from the Institute of Foreign Languages and got a profession of an Interpreter.
Masha says that she has never wanted to become an actress, because she considers that too much depends on the chance in this profession. That's why she worked as a broker on the Stock Exchange (брокер на бирже) trying to earn her living. But soon she understood that it wasn't her business.
She took part in films since the age of one year and a half. Now she has already shot six films. She also considers her work in the TV program "Wait for me" very successful. Masha has no acting education, but her producers say that it is very good because her acting is natural.
But Masha doesn't want to work in a theatre, as she thinks that a theatre actor must have some special techniques, a well-taught (хорошо поставленный) voice, for example. And her voice is too weak. That acting in a Theatre is very specific. She likes cinema more, because only professional actors can perform in the Theatre, and in the Cinema it is not necessary.
T: Your ideas are quite interesting but what do actors and actresses think about their work in Theatre and Cinema? What do they prefer? (Scanning the text)
T: Films and performances are created for people, for spectators. And what do ordinary people prefer today, Cinema or Theatre?
T: We have very little time till the end of our discussion. We've touched upon many I'd like to ask you a question. Have you got any other arguments for Theatre or Cinema? Try to speak very quickly.
PPPP: ...
T: I think it's time to sum up. What will the future of Cinema and Theatre be? Will Theatre die? Which of these two arts is more popular today?
PP: ...
- Though sometimes we can see one and the same actor on a movie screen and on a theatre stage and these arts have something in common, they still have many differences, each of them has its own audience, its own way of development and its own right for life. We love Cinema, especially we love good films, but we don't want Theatre to die.
T: Now the word to our expert group. Whose reasons you find more convincing.... Thank you boys and girls for your active work today. Your marks for today's lesson are. Your homework for the next lesson is... See you tomorrow. Good bye.
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