Статья по методике английского языка
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УДК 400-499
Заглавие: «Развитие креативности – интеграл к успешному преподаванию английского языка.
Автор: Тульчина Елена Сергеевна
Специальность: учитель английского языка
Место работы: Муниципальное казенное образовательное учреждение средняя образовательная школа №1, село Грачевка, Грачевский района, Ставропольский край, Россия.
Электронная почта: tulchina46@mail.ru
Статья рассматривает некоторые аспекты стимулирования интереса учащихся к предмету, активизации процесса обучения, развития разговорных навыков, пробуждающих естественное желание человека обсуждать, описывать события, задавать вопросы и отвечать на них, развития механизма творческой реконструкции заданной ситуации. В статье даются некоторые практические советы для достижения главной цели любого учителя иностранного языка – инициировать у своих учащихся желание говорить, уметь выражать свои мысли в ясной и понятной форме.
Ключевые слова: креативный подход, поднятие интереса, стимулирование речи, интервью, умозаключения, задачи.
Title: Development of Creativity Is the Integral to Successful Teaching of English.
Author: Tulchina Elena Sergeevna
Occupation: teacher of the English language
Organization: Municipal State Educational Institution. Secondary school №1,
providing general education.
Place: village Grachyevka, Grachyevsky Region, Stavropolsky krai.
E-mail: tulchina46@mail.ru
The article deals with some aspects of raising students’ interest to the subject; activation of the teaching process; stimulating speaking habits, provoking natural wish of a man to discuss, describe, ask and answer; development of the mechanism of creative reconstruction of situations; giving some practical advice in achieving the aim of any foreign language teacher to get his/her students speak, be able to form thoughts in a clear, understandable way.
Key-words: creative approach; raising interest; inspiring activity; interviewing skills; inferential thinking; teacher’s tasks.
- Introduction.
- Development of Creativity is the Integral to Successful Teaching of English.
- Means of raising students interest to the subject.
- Description (imagination).
- Pantomime (vocabulary).
- Interviewing skills (writing and communicative skills).
- Inferential thinking, guessing.
3. Conclusion.
4. Literature Used
1. Introduction.
Physiological support of communicative situations, language cliche which are a kind of speech structures often mean:
- activation of the teaching process
- usage of natural need of a man in depiction of live situations
- substitution of the mechanism of learning by heart by the mechanism of a creative reconstruction
- overcoming of boredom, lack of motivation and communicative emptiness.
Wish to learn is probably one of the most important factors of mastering a foreign language.
Extracurricular work, arranging parties, working out projects, participation in creative works, giving students access to scientific-creative activities make favorable conditions for raising students’ interest, developing wish to learn, inspire necessity to creative work, to activation of independent study.
Actuality of the article is in growing importance of the English language as the language of business communication, transforming of information on the international level, in getting a good command of the language.
The aim of the article: considering means of inspiring students’ eagerness to achieve success in speaking English fluently.
The object of research: means of helping students to get fluency in using English.
Hypothesis: communicative method of teaching raises the students’ interest to knowledge and capability of speaking, enriches the students’ vocabulary, consolidates speaking habits, develops creative aptitudes both students’ and teachers’ ones.
Tasks proceeded from the aims and hypotheses are as follows:
- Study and analysis of literature on the topic;
- Appraisal of the communicative method influence on raising the students’ interest to the subject;
- Definition of some propositions of the communicative approach;
- Grounding of the given pedagogical solutions;
- Argumentation of methodological and arranging conditions, providing teacher’s success in his work.
Methods used in achieving the given tasks were as follows: observation, experiment, analysis, generalization and systematization of the data.
2. Development of Creativity is the Integral to Successful Teaching of English.
2.1.Means of raising students interest to the subject.
One of the main and most difficult tasks in teaching is development of creativity, creative abilities and raising interest to learning a foreign language. The teacher has to form the interest to the subject, develop it and support it during the whole process of teaching. Many teachers forget about maintenance of students’ self-estimation, their confidence in their knowledge during the study. Teachers must make the process of teaching bringing both knowledge and enjoyment. Entertaining and enjoyable lessons in acquiring command of English may be used for developing students’ positive emotions and for raising learning stimulus. When students read, speak, play, laugh together with their teacher, they are intent to what is happening at the lesson, they feel comfortable and learn the given information easily. In this article I am going to give some examples and describe activities which can help to attract and support students’ attention and interest to the subject.
2.2. Description (imagination).
Reasons: looking ahead to a future home gives students practice in using descriptive details while it stimulates their imagination.
Preparation: I select several real estate advertisements from journals or ask students to bring in some ads for their dream house.
Task Ι. I ask them to study the ad and imagine the entire house basing on the facts given in the add.
Task ΙΙ. I tell the students to select one of the rooms to describe it in detail.
The description should include: architectural style, shape of the room; placement of doors and windows, floor covering, drapers or curtains, wallpaper or colour of walls, furniture, light fixtures, art work (if any), view from the window, height of the room and any details they would like to add.
Result: enriched vocabulary, mastering descriptive skills, raising imagination.
2.3. Pantomime (vocabulary).
Adopt-a-word. Reasons: when a student adopts a word from the assigned vocabulary, he chooses it for its sound, appearance, meaning and it has a personal attraction for that student.
Preparation: I make a list of words, read them to the students they adopt one; a student is responsible for making the word understood by, and interesting to, the rest of the students.
Task 1. Introduce the word to the class, tell what part of speech it is and give its derivatives, synonyms and antonyms (homophones if any), other facts about the word. Use any means: written explanation, sentences, pantomime, drawings.
Task 2. Think of a story where your word will be a clue one.
Result: students are actively involved in the learning. They feel responsibility and caring and we all share the fun.
2.4. Interviewing skills (writing and communicative skills).
Reasons: the topic of themselves is one of the most attractive for teenagers. Speaking on the topic suggests practicing research, interviewing and writing skills.
Preparation: Have the students know the vocabulary connected with names (given name, maiden name, namesake and etc.)
Have a talk about such topics as:
- The way parents choose a name for a baby.
- How and why some people change their names.
- The recent trends in wife’s taking/not taking her husband’s surname.
- How a person’s name seems to fit his/her personality.
- How your name is interpreted, what your name means.
Task 1. Make research and write down your name (given name, surname).
Look in several books about names; take notes, document what you find, ask your parents and other adult family members.
The students have to answer the following questions as a guide, they may add any questions they like to the list.
Given name (first name)
- Where you named for anyone? If so, for whom/ why? What is your reaction?
- When and how did you parents decide on your name?
- Do you have a nickname? If so, is there a story behind it?
- What are you feelings about your name? What is the best thing about it? What is the worst?
- How widely is your name used? Name some famous people, both living and dead who have your name? How many people do you know personally who share your name?
- If you had been born 10, 20 or 50 years ago, would you be likely to have this name?
- What is the origin of your name?
Is it a patronymic (like Johnson, Ivanov)
Is it a place name (like Atwood, Moskvitin, Polyakov)
Is it an occupation name (like Taylor, Kuznetsov)
Is it a nickname (like Black, Menshikov)
Is it connected with the name of an animal/bird (Seagull, Sokolov)
- Has your surname been spelled the same way as long as your family can remember? If not, what circumstances surrounded the change?
- How common is your surname?
How many people ho share this name do you know personally?
Any famous people?
Task 2. Tell/write the story of your name.
Results. Students get to know their own roots and one another better, acquire good vocabulary, have fun.
2.5. Inferential thinking, guessing.
Reasons: students become aware of inferential thinking and realize how subjective and inaccurate inferences can be.
Task 1. Fill in the questionnaire I. Do not put your name on the paper. Answer the following questions giving your first reaction. You may put down more than one answer for each item or none at all but try to answer as many questions as possible.
- What is your favourite TV show?
- What is your favourite song?
- What is your favourite movie?
- What is your favourite expression?
- What is your favourite colour?
- What is your favourite type of weather?
- What is your favourite book?
- What is your favourite sport?
- What is your favourite smell?
- What is your favourite sound?
- What is your pet peeve?
- If you were a member of a rock group what would be the group’s name?
I collect the answers after 15 minutes, mix them and then give one to each student. Then I give the copies of questionnaire.
Task 2. Questionnaire II.
You have been given some information about your classmate. You are to use the information and make inferences about that person as you answer the following questions. Draw your own conclusions.
- Is your classmate male or female?
Why do you think so?
- Describe your classmate’s physical appearance.
Why do you think so?
- What is your classmate’s favorite subject in school?
Why do you think so?
- What is your classmate’s favorite food?
Why do you think so?
- What is your classmate’s favorite pastime?
Why do you think so?
- Describe how your classmate’s bedroom would be decorated.
Why do you think so?
- What job will your classmate have 10 years from now?
Why do you think so?
- What will your classmate’s home or apartment look like 10 years from now?
Why do you think so?
II. Each student concludes by guessing who the classmate is. To maintain suspense I keep the classmate’s identity secret until the end. The other student might also want to try to identify each mystery classmate.
Result: the atmosphere is natural, students are involved into discussion, come to the conclusion that very often we make inferences without realizing that they may be wrong or partially correct.
3. Conclusion.
These are only some of the exercises which stimulate students’ speech. The process of preparation to parties, conferences in English, getting students accustomed to creative work, developing projects as well as creation of natural atmosphere at the lesson make favorable conditions for raising students’ interest to the subject. Communicative method assumes “information and language gaps” and makes students strive for independent work. It means that the learner enlarges his knowledge in all aspects of the language including information. The method considers mistakes as natural part of the process. Pair and group work give opportunity to students with different language back ground to express their thoughts the way they are able to; reveal the students’ potential and make them believe they can communicate in English. The natural situation helps overcome the language barrier one of the main obstacles in communication. So the tasks of the teacher are: to manage the process of teaching effectively, give clear, understandable instructions: use different means of teaching; approve explanation, demonstration, discussion; give advice, criticize and listen to students’ opinion of the task; give positive and encouraging marks even if not everything was done well; find good sides in the students’ work and express hope that next time speech will be better. The teacher must remember that students learn the material:
- 10% of what they read
- 20% of what they hear
- 30% of what they see
- 50% of what they see and hear
- 70% of what they say
- 90% of what they do and say what they do
- 95% of what they teach somebody.
Both adults and children need motivation and support. People succeed at positive emotions. Well done work, learnt materials bring satisfaction and wish to achieve other goals. When we try something new, we get to know ourselves better and learn more about our potential. We learn, advance and help others do the same. We experience delight from cognition.
4. Literature Used.
- Смирницкий А. И. Русско-английский словарь «Советская энциклопедия” [766стp.]
- Groza O. L. New Millennium English (forms 10,11) 2009 Title [200pp.]
- Hacking D. E. Hacking S.W. “Add Some Salt to Your Teaching” 2003[1p.2] Tbilisi. Georgia [189pp]
- Longman Advanced American Dictionary Longman 2005 [1746pp]
- Materials of the English Teacher Training Workshop 2004, 2005. U. S. Embassy.
- Myint M. K. English Teaching Forum 1995, Washington D. C. United States Information Agency. [163pp. p.16]
- Rivera C. English Teaching Forum 2006 [2 p.34]
- Rodgers T. English Teaching Forum 2003 [41,4 p.2]
- Schindler A. English Teaching Forum 2006 [2 p.8]
- Sions C. English Teaching Forum 1995 Washington D. C. United States Information Agency 1995 [163pp. p.9]
Авторская справка
Название статьи: «Развитие креативности – интеграл к успешному преподаванию английского языка.
Автор: Тульчина Елена Сергеевна
Место работы: Муниципальное казенное образовательное учреждение средняя образовательная школа №1, село Грачевка, Грачевский района, Ставропольский край, Россия.
Телефон: моб. 8-918-877-26-53; раб. 8-(865-40)-4-07-71
Электронная почта: tulchina46@mail.ru
Рецензент: Глушко Людмила Васильевна, учитель английского языка первой категории
Место работы: Муниципальное казенное образовательное учреждение средняя образовательная школа №1, село Грачевка, Грачевский района, Ставропольский край, Россия.
Должность учитель английского языка, руководитель методического объединения учителей английского языка

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