Внеклассное мероприятие «When Christmas is near»
методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему
Данное мероприятие проводилось с учащимися 4 класса в канун католического Рождества в форме театрализованного представления.
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Внеклассное мероприятие «When Christmas is near»
Форма проведения: данное внеклассное мероприятие может быть проведено в канун католического Рождества в форме театрализованного представления.
Пояснительная записка: в ходе репетиций учащиеся совместно с педагогом определяют цели и задачи предстоящей работы, распределяют роли, продумывают костюмы, изготавливают декорации, подбирают музыку для сцен, а также придумывают танцы и детали постановки.
Цели и задачи:
Цель: повышение уровня мотивации учащихся к изучению английского языка посредством вовлечения в творческий проект.
1. Знакомство с англоязычной культурой.
2. Формирование устойчивой мотивации к изучению английского языка.
3. Развитие интеллектуального и творческого потенциала учащихся.
4. Развитие умения работать в коллективе.
Планируемые результаты:
Предметные: совершенствование умений и навыков практического владения английским языком и формирование лингвострановедческой компетенции учащихся путем ознакомления с новым материалом, обобщение, углубление и расширение знаний лексики и лексических единиц, закрепление лексико-грамматического материала.
Метапредметные: умение самостоятельно определять цели деятельности, уметь её корректировать, самостоятельно осуществлять и выбирать все возможные ресурсы для её достижения, умение организовывать учебное сотрудничество и совместную деятельность с учителем и сверстниками, владение основами самоконтроля, самооценки, принятия решений и осуществления осознанного выбора в учебной и познавательной деятельности, формирование и развитие компетентности в области использования ИКТ, освоение навыков сценического мастерства, развитие творческих способностей учащихся
Личностные: формирование эстетических потребностей, ценностей и чувств; развитие этических чувств, доброжелательности и эмоционально-нравственной отзывчивости, понимания и сопереживания чувствам других людей, развитие мотивов к изучению английского языка и формирование личностного смысла учения;
Сценарий мероприятия
Mr. Stahlbaum
Mrs. Stahlbaum
Herr Drosselmeyer
Dancing Doll Harlequin
Nutcracker (Daniel)
Prince Mouse
Toy Soldiers
Sugar Plum Fairy
P1: Dear guests, we are glad to see you here, at our New Year party!
P2: New Year day, happy day,
We are all glad and very gay!
We all dance, and sing and say,
“Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day!”
P3: It is winter, it is cold.
Father Frost is very old.
But he is always full of joy,
And glad to give me a nice toy.
P4: December is the best of all,
Snow-flakes dance, snow-flakes fall.
People see the New Year in,
When December ends, it will begin.
P5: It's time for hanging stockings,
It's time for riding sleigh,
It's time for jolly greeting,
It’s Christmas soon – Hurrey!
P6: There's no other evening quite as magical as Christmas Eve.
P7: We are going to tell you a wonderful Christmas story of a toy soldier that turns into a prince. The Nutcracker!
Act I
(At the Stahlbaum house on a cold Christmas Eve. Music : Nutcracker Suite by Tchaikovsky – Overture Miniature There is a Christmas tree in the middle of the room decorated with candies, chocolates, candy canes, and sugar mice. There are Christmas gifts under the tree. Marie and Fritz enter the living room. They stand in front of the tree. Music stops).
Marie: Oh, look at all the Christmas tree decorations!… Look, Fritz, at all the chocolates and candy canes hanging on the tree!
Fritz: (takes a christmas hanging) What are these?
Marie: Oh, let me see… They are sugar mice!
(The door bell rings. Mrs. And Mr. Stahlbaum enter the room)
Mrs. Stahlbaum: That must be Herr Drosselmeyer.
(Mrs. And Mr. Stahlbaum open the door)
Herr Drosselmeyer: Hello, hello!
(Herr Drosselmeyer has two small gift boxes, and a big box stand on the floor)
Mrs. Stahlbaum: Please, come in.
Herr Drosselmeyer: It sure is cold tonight.
Mr. Stahlbaum: Marie! Fritz! Mr. Drosselmeyer is here!
(Marie and Fritz hurry to the door)
Marie and Fritz: Good evening.
Herr Drosselmeyer: Hello Kids!
(Mrs. Stahlbaum stares at the big box on the floor)
Mrs. Stahlbaum: What are this big box you have?
Herr Drosselmeyer: You will see, it’s a surprise.
Mr. Stahlbaum: Let me help you take it to the living room.
( Music plays: Tchaikovsky – The Nutcracker, Op.71: No. 4 Dance Scene – the Presents of Drosselmeyer , Herr Drosselmeyer and Mr. Stahlbaum take the box to the living room. They all sit. Herr Drosselmeyer makes a magic trick and a life-size harlequin gets out from a big box and starts to dance. Marie and Fritz watch the magical dolls dance. They laugh and cheer. The dolls get inside the box. Marie and Fritz clap. Music stops).
Fritz: You are a great magician!
Herr Drosselmeyer: Wait until you see what I have for you!
(Herr Drosselmeyer does a magic trick and gives Fritz a gift box)
Fritz: Oh, thank you… can I open it now?
Herr Drosselmeyer: Of course!
(Fritz opens the gift box)
Fritz: Toy soldiers! Thank you!
(Fritz hugs Herr Drosselmeyer)
Mrs. Stahlbaum: Fritz, you know where the box should be, don’t you?
Fritz: Yes mother, under the tree.
(Fritz places the box under the tree)
Marie: Godfather… did you bring me a gift?
Herr Drosselmeyer: Sure, I did… and it is the best gift of all!
Marie: Oh, what is it?
(Herr Drosselmeyer gives Marie a gift box. She opens it).
Marie: What a splendid toy soldier!
Herr Drosselmeyer: It’s a nutcracker!
Marie: I love it! Oh, thank you!
(Music plays Tchaikovsky “Grandfather’s Dance”. Marie takes the nutcracker and dances. Music stops. Fritz grabs the doll).
Fritz: Let me try it! I’ll break a few nuts!
(Fritz takes some nuts and the nutcracker breaks)
Marie: Look what you did! You broke my doll!
Fritz: Sorry, Marie.
(Marie cries)
Herr Drosselmeyer: Don’t worry dear, I’ll fix it.
(Herr Drosselmeyer mends the nutcracker and gives it back to Marie)
Marie: Thank you, godfather.
Mrs. Stahlbaum: Now, put it inside the box and under the tree.
(Marie places the nutcracker inside the box and under the tree)
Mrs. Stahlbaum: Hurry now kids, it’s time for bed.
Marie and Fritz: Good night, everybody.
(Marie and Fritz kiss their parents and Mr. Drosselmeyer and leave. Lights off)
Act II
(Lights on. Marie sleeps in her room. She wakes up and goes to the living room. The Christmas tree lights are turned off. She opens the gift box and takes out the nutcracker. She lies down in a sofa with the doll at her chest and falls asleep. The Christmas tree lights turn on. There is a loud noise and Marie wakes up. The clock strikes midnight.)
Marie: Who turned on the Christmas tree lights?…. What’s that noise?
(Music plays. Tchaikovsky – The Nutcracker, Op. 71 The Nutcracker battles against the army of the Mouse King. The sugar mice from the tree start to move and walk toward Marie. The prince mouse wears a crown and has a sword. Marie sees that the mice and toy soldiers had grown to life size and looks scared . The nutcracker and the toy soldiers stand in a row with their muskets loaded. They battle the mice. The nutcracker falls to the ground and Marie takes off her slipper and throws it at the prince mouse, who is defeated. The mice run away taking the prince mouse with them. The toy soldiers leave. Marie and the nutcracker stand alone in the middle of the room and hold hands. The nutcracker looks like a handsome prince. Music stops).
Marie: You have turned into a prince!
Nutcracker: My dear Marie, you’re so beautiful! Come with me, let’s go outside!
(Lights on. Marie and the nutcracker stand in the middle of the room. Children dressed as candies or any other sugary treats enter the room dancing Tchaikovsky – The Nutcracker Suite, Op 71a - The Walts of the Flowers.)
Marie: Where are we?
Nutcracker: We are in the Kingdom of Sweets!
(The Sugar Plum Fairy enters and dances the Tchaikovsky – Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy. When she finishes dancing, then Marie and the Prince dance. Marie feels dizzy with all the twists and twirls and she faints.)
Act IV
(Marie wakes up under the Christmas tree. The door bell rings. She stands up and opens the door. Mr. Herr Drosselmeyer is at the door with his nephew Daniel who is the nutcracker/prince. Marie looks surprised).
Herr Drosselmeyer: Hello, dear!
(Herr Drosselmeyer hugs Marie).
Herr Drosselmeyer: Daniel, aren’t you going to say hello to Marie?
Daniel: Hello, Marie.
Marie: Hello, Daniel.
Herr Drosselmeyer: What’s wrong? You look as if you have seen a ghost!
Marie: It’s just that I had a wonderful dream…. and…
Herr Drosselmeyer: Sometimes dreams come true, dear.
Marie: You’re right… Merry Christmas Day!
Herr Drosselmeyer and Daniel: Merry Christmas!
(They hug. Music: Tchaikovsky – The Nutcracker, Op. 71. Closing Waltz – Grand Finale)
Герои “Шелкунчика” выходят на поклон, а потом поздравляют зрителей и исполняют песню “We Wish You A Merry Christmas”
P1: May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with warmth and love.
Merry Christmas!
P2: Hope Santa brings you everything you want!
P3: May your days be happy,
your heart be light,
And may your Christmas
be joyful and bright!
P4: May health, happiness, and good times greet you each day of the new year.
P5: Wishing you peace and prosperity in the New Year.
P6: May your New Year be filled with peace and happiness!
P7: May each day of the New Year
Bring good cheer and sweet surprises...
To you and all your dear ones!
Happy New Year!
Исполнение песни всеми участниками концерта.
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Good tidings we bring to you and your kin;
Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Now, bring us a figgy pudding;
Now, bring us a figgy pudding;
Now, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer!
We won't go until we get some;
We won't go until we get some;
We won't go until we get some, so bring it right here!
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Good tidings we bring to you and your kin;
Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Now, bring us a figgy pudding;
Now, bring us a figgy pudding;
Now, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer!
We won't go until we get some;
We won't go until we get some;
We won't go until we get some, so bring it right here!
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas;
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Dear guests! Our party has come to the end! Thank you for your attention!
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