Мини - тест по теме "Субкультуры" 10 класс
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
- Some punks _______ skinheads shave their hair off.
- Some punks enjoy wearing black clothes _______ bikers do.
- Many punks especially the younger ones ________ many other young people go skateboarding.
- Punks _________ representatives of some other subcultures have their favourite bands.
- Punks don’t like to visit places where everyone looks the same and thinks the same. They think it is __________ conformity.
- Some punks _______ skinheads shave their hair off.
- Some punks enjoy wearing black clothes _______ bikers do.
- Many punks especially the younger ones ________ many other young people go skateboarding.
- Punks _________ representatives of some other subcultures have their favourite bands.
- Punks don’t like to visit places where everyone looks the same and thinks the same. They think it is __________ conformity.
- Some punks _______ skinheads shave their hair off.
- Some punks enjoy wearing black clothes _______ bikers do.
- Many punks especially the younger ones ________ many other young people go skateboarding.
- Punks _________ representatives of some other subcultures have their favourite bands.
- Punks don’t like to visit places where everyone looks the same and thinks the same. They think it is __________ conformity.
- Some punks _______ skinheads shave their hair off.
- Some punks enjoy wearing black clothes _______ bikers do.
- Many punks especially the younger ones ________ many other young people go skateboarding.
- Punks _________ representatives of some other subcultures have their favourite bands.
- Punks don’t like to visit places where everyone looks the same and thinks the same. They think it is __________ conformity.
- Some punks _______ skinheads shave their hair off.
- Some punks enjoy wearing black clothes _______ bikers do.
- Many punks especially the younger ones ________ many other young people go skateboarding.
- Punks _________ representatives of some other subcultures have their favourite bands.
- Punks don’t like to visit places where everyone looks the same and thinks the same. They think it is __________ conformity.
- Some punks _______ skinheads shave their hair off.
- Some punks enjoy wearing black clothes _______ bikers do.
- Many punks especially the younger ones ________ many other young people go skateboarding.
- Punks _________ representatives of some other subcultures have their favourite bands.
- Punks don’t like to visit places where everyone looks the same and thinks the same. They think it is __________ conformity.
- Some punks _______ skinheads shave their hair off.
- Some punks enjoy wearing black clothes _______ bikers do.
- Many punks especially the younger ones ________ many other young people go skateboarding.
- Punks _________ representatives of some other subcultures have their favourite bands.
- Punks don’t like to visit places where everyone looks the same and thinks the same. They think it is __________ conformity.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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