региональный компонент "Города-побратимы Ростова-на-Дону"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Представлен проектный материал урока "города-побратимы Ростова-на-Дону"


Предварительный просмотр:

Методическая копилка

Task 1

Read the text and choose the right answer to the question.

  1. How is Rostov-on-Don often called?
  1. The Port of five seas     b) the Gates of the North Caucasus
  1. When is the World Day of Twin Cities celebrated?
  1. in May       b)  in April
  1. How many  twin cities does Rostov have?
  1. 7        b)  12
  1. What cities are the twin cities of Rostov?
  1. Glasgow and Pleven  b)London and Los Angeles
  1. When did the partner relations begin?
  1. In 1957  b)  In 1975
  1. How do the cities develop their friendship?
  1. Take part in friendship weeks b) support charity organisations

-“I absolutely (2) _________ making  pen friends.”

-“I(3)_________ historic sights of Dortmund.”

-“ My friend is (4) _______________ British football. He can talk about it for hours.”

-“I(5) ____________ going to big cities they are busy and noisy.”

-“I(6) ______________ the British sense of humour and  (7) ______________ people who moan(ныть) about everything the weather, transport …”

-“I (8) ________________  the fact that is dirt and rubbish everywhere.”

-“My family  (9) __________________ traditional Russian food to Italian, Chines and other foreign food. Russian food is better.”

-“I(10) _______________ living in Russia  where there are so many different types of people.”

-“I (11) ______________ great Russian writers and poets such as Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Tsvetaeva, and others. “

-“If you are (12) _____________ riding a bike , it’s the best way to travel in my region and learn its customs and traditions.”

Развитие навыков диалогической речи на базе прочитанного текста.

Teacher: Ann and Robert are in the international summer camp. What cities are they from? Match Ann’s questions and Robert’s answers. (Task 6)   


--- Can you tell me about  your school?

---  I picture Scotland like the place where our twin city Glasgow is. Could you tell me about your hometown, please?

---What is your opinion of Rostov and its people?

---Rostov is on the river Don . And what about Glasgow?

---Partner relations between our cities help people to learn more about other cultures . What is your point of view?

---Glasgow is a sporty city. Could you give me some information about its contacts with our sportsmen?


---Glasgow is a port. It is situated on the river Clyde.

--- To my mind, Rostov is a good place to live in. The city is in a good geographical position. There are a lot of places to go with friends. People are very hospitable.

--- I go to the High School of Scotland. It is the oldest school in Britain.

---My hometown is the largest in Scotland. We are proud of its history , famous bridges, landmarks and universities.

--- As far as I know, Scottish gymnasts and coaches come to Rostov to train and to compete every year.

---I am sure, our friendship is important . We appreciate  Rostovites  as loyal friends.

Task 7

Развитие навыков написания письма на основе прочитанного.

Teacher: Write a letter to your foreign friend Robert about your hometown. Don’t forget to write about : your favourite places and your attitude to your city. Invite him to visit your native city.  What would you promise to show him? Ask Robert three questions about  his city.


Task 8

Read the text and give the title to the parts of the text:

  1. Ecological problems of twin cities
  2. The largest city in Scotland
  3. Friendship forever
  4. Cultural centre of Scotland
  5. Partnership of Rostov-on-Don
  6. The World Federation of Twin Cities
  7. Developing Contacts with British people.
  8. Educational institutions of Glasgow.
  9. Partner relations with Germany.
  10. Cross-cultural communication.
  11. American friends
  12. International communication of Rostov-on-Don

  1.  --- Due to the exceptional geographical position, its political, regional and international advantages  Rostov-on-Don is called  the Southern Capital of Russia and the Gates of the North Caucasus.  It  cooperates  with  all  the subjects  of  the Russian Federation, many  countries  near and  far  abroad.  Our city is a member of  some  international organizations  including     the  World  Organization “ United Cities  and  Local  Governments” , ”The International Assembly of Capitals and Cities”, the  International  Association “ Twin  Cities”, the International Black Sea Club. (слайд №4)
  2. --- Do you know that the last Sunday of April is celebrated as the World Day of Twin Cities? In April 1957 the representatives of   twin  cities  founded  the World Federation of United Cities and  decided to mark this remarkable event as the World Day of Twin Cities. The aim of this organization is to expand exchanges in cultural, educational, informational and economic fields as well as in trade, sports and tourism. It calls for peace, peaceful coexistence and friendship. Twin   cities   maintain  international ties , friendly relations and cooperation between various nations on the Earth. There are more than 5000 twin cities in the world.
  3. --- Rostov-on-Don has  12 twin cities in different countries: Glasgow in Great Britain, Mobile  in the United States of America, Dortmund and Gera  in  Germany, Le Mann in France, Volos in Greece, Kayani  in Finland. The partner relations between Rostov and its twin cities began in 1950-s and are  developing  nowadays.  The towns exchange delegations, organize art and industrial exhibitions, take part in friendship weeks, film festivals, sports competitions. Concerts, theatrical tours, sports events have become traditional. The representatives of twin cities like visiting Rostov-on-Don. They appreciate Rostovites as hospitable people, loyal friends and reliable partners. (слайд №5)
  4. --- Glasgow is a twin city of Rostov-on-Don. Partner relations between  our cities were established in 1986.  A number of partnership activities were organized between the universities of  Rostov-on-Don and Glasgow. We successfully develop contacts on different levels. Every year delegations from Glasgow come to Rostov. It has become a tradition that the pupils of some schools exchange delegations, take part in cross-cultural projects, make pen friends who they communicate with by e- mail and  go to international schools. For  example, an exciting international exchange programme has been developed with the Olympic Reserve School of Rostov-on-Don. This programme  allows  Scottish gymnasts and coaches to train sportsmen. Each year top Scottish gymnasts and coaches travel to Russia and live at the Olympic Reserve School in our city. (cлайд №6)
  5. --- Glasgow is the largest ancient city in Scotland and the third largest in the UK. It is  situated on the river Clyde. It was founded in the 6th century. Today it is one of  Europe’s top ten financial centres  and is home to many of Scotland’s leading businesses. It is known as a hub of international trade.  Shipbuilding   became  its  main industry. (слайд 7) Glasgow is a large port. It is famous for its bridges.(слайд 8)
  6. --- Glasgow is a major centre of higher education. The High School of Scotland was founded in 1124 and is the oldest school in Great Britain.  There are four universities in it. The University of Glasgow is the fourth oldest university in the English-speaking world and among the world’s top 100 universities. There are 37 public  libraries in Glasgow. The Mitchell Library , the largest library in Europe ,was founded in 1877 and contains 1,3 mln books and 3500 maps.(слайд 9) 
  7. --- Glasgow is home to 20 museums and 70 parks. Glasgow is now the second most popular  foreign tourist destination in Scotland . Glasgow Tower , Scotland’s tallest tower, symbolizes  the increase in the importance of tourism to the city’s economy. Celtic Park is Scotland’s biggest football  stadium .Glasgow is the place where the first international match took place(слайд 10)
  8. --- Partner relations between our city and Dortmund were established in  1977.  In an official statement on January 13, 1978 the city of Rostov-on-Don officially declared its wish to maintain friendship ties with Dortmund: “The Rostov City Administration is of the firm belief that establishing friendship ties between both cities will make a major contribution to peace and international understanding. Taking into account the mutual interests of the citizens of both countries, we would like to express our resolve to strengthen and deepen the ties of  friendship with the City of Dortmund.” In 1984 during the days of Dortmund in Rostov there was opened a square named after our partner Dortmund.(слайд 12)
  9. --- There are close relations  between Rostov and the American city Mobile, Alabama.These relations began in 1986. The American writer Jey Higginbotham expressed the idea of the partnership of Rostov and Mobile when he visited our city. He organized a committee of partnership. (слайд 13)
  10. --- There were meetings of the representatives of our youth in Mobile and Rostov. Every year delegations from Mobile visit our city to take part in international conferences on keeping our environment clean. Visiting Mobile our young people have noticed unusual order and cleanness of their streets. Ecological problems worry the inhabitants of America as well as the other people of the world.  They have become international. In our region there are many urgent  ecological  problems too. So Rostov university  deals with the problems of the river Don. We are proud of its beauty and want it to be clean. The Rostovites enjoy the coolness of the quite Don on a hot sunny day. Tourists coming to Rostov go on excursions along the Don and admire its picturesque embankment. (слайд 14)
  11. --- The relations of Rostov-on-Don with its twin cities contribute to the development of international communication with foreign countries. Friendship is a great thing. It doesn’t know distances.
  12. --- Any cross-cultural communication helps people from different countries to learn more about other countries and other people, to learn how to get on with people of different cultures, to understand that people from other cities are different but much alike,  to understand better their lifestyles and religions, to understand how big the world is and how many people live on the planet. Our planet is our home and we must get on with one another. We should understand that we are all different and at the same time we are much alike.(слайд 15)


Предварительный просмотр:

Урок : “Is Your Hometown a Capital of Culture?”


Учебник : «Английский язык.7 класс» Автор В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа


Урок: 2

Цель урока:  Развитие и совершенствование коммуникативных компетенций учащихся по проблеме  Are We Different or Alike?

Задачи :

cоциокультурная компетенция- реализация диалога культур на основе темы “Twin cities of Rostov-on-Don”;  знакомство учащихся с различными формами организации общения между городами-побратимами и  Ростовом-на Дону ; приобщение учащихся к культуре и традициям стран изучаемого языка;

языковая  компетенция– совершенствование лексических навыков говорения по темам «Страны изучаемого языка: достопримечательности», «Мир вокруг нас: мой город, мои друзья», «Друг по переписке»,грамматических навыков употребления глаголов в Past Simple Passive, Present Simple Active, Present Simple  Passive, артикль с именами собственными: название городов, рек, стран, музеев),произносительных навыков: правильность интонационного оформления речи, выразительность речи и повышение темпа высказывания;

речевая  компетенция- совершенствование коммуникативных умений учащихся в основных видах речевой деятельности по теме « Города-побратимы Ростова-на-Дону»:                        развитие умения читать/понимать на слух с целью понимания основного содержания, с целью полного понимания текста, с целью извлечения конкретной информации, развитие умения догадываться о значении незнакомых слов по иллюстративной наглядности, по аналогии с родным языком;                                                                                                                      в монологической речи- развитие умения сообщить, построить высказывание, используя оценочные суждения и аргументы, умение передавать содержание прочитанного/услышанного; в диалогической речи - развитие умения вести диалог-расспрос, диалог-обмен мнениями о родном городе и городах-побратимах;                           в письме – развитие умения делать выписки  из текста, написать сочинение и сообщение с использованием лексики и грамматических явлений в соответствии с поставленной задачей, написать письмо личного характера с употреблением формул речевого этикета

учебно-познавательная компетенция– развитие умения выполнять универсальные логические действия(сравнение, сопоставление, обобщение, анализ, синтез), выстраивать последовательность, давать оценку, формулировать выводы по теме «Города-побратимы Ростова-на -Дону», выполнять задания тестового характера, использовать компьютерные технологии;

компенсаторная компетенция–  в рамках темы « Города- побратимы Ростова-на-Дону» развивать умение учащихся выходить из положения в условиях дефицита языковых средств при получении и передаче иноязычной информации. 

воспитательная задача– осознание учащимися родной культуры через контекст культуры иноязычных стран, формирование  у них уважительного отношения к другой культуре, воспитание познавательных потребностей, любознательности, умения сотрудничать.

Оборудование:  учебник “English7”Автор В.П.Кузовлев,стр.184-185, раздел 10,урок 2  рабочая тетрадь стр.134-137,текст «Города-побратимы Ростова-на-Дону», презентация, компьютеp, карточки со словами по теме «Город»

                                                           Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент. Учитель сообщает проблему урока.

Теасher: Good morning, children! What is the weather like today? Spring has come and our home city is becoming more and more beautiful.

 Every city is unique and has its special items. And what about Rostov? Is Rostov-on-Don a Capital of Culture? What is special about our home city? Today we should answer these questions.

        2.Речевая зарядка. Повторение, автоматизация лексических единиц по теме                        « Мой город».

Teacher: What words can we use to describe the beauty of the city?

Will you help me?

Pupils: Our city is exciting,  unique,  thrilling, fantastic, beautiful, attractive, amazing, special, unusual, rich, modern, ancient, huge, nice, brilliant, pleasant to live in, picturesque, wonderful, magnificent, great, magic, hospitable, merry, busy, famous, cross-cultural(межкультурный),

Teacher: What  items are there in our  city?

Pupils: the river Don, bridges, roads, a railway station, historical buildings, theatres, museums, good shopping and sports centres, parks, a football stadium, a zoo, churches, cathedrals,  monuments, palaces, squares, schools, universities , an embankment,a landmark (достопримечательность)

Прoверка домашнего задания.

Teacher: What special facts about our city did you find?

Pupils:  As far as I know it was founded in 1749 by Dmitrii Rostovsky.

Firstly it was a custom house.

Later it was a fortress.

Now Rostov is an important river port, a big transport, industrial, cultural centre.

We are proud of it.

There are wide streets, squares, huge shopping centres, a lot of theatres and museums, big parks, swimming pools and football stadiums in it.

There is a nice zoo, thrilling churches and cathedrals there.

My hometown is a pleasant place to live in!

We live in an exciting city.

We have magnificent historical buildings, beautiful landmarks.

 3.Развитие навыков чтения с извлечением информации. Чтение текста “Twin cities of Rostov-on-Don” (1-3 абзацы) с извлечением информации.( Task 1)

       Teacher:  Do you know that Rostov-on-Don is a twin city? It is twinned with some foreign cities. What are they? You’ll read the story about Rostov-on-Don and its Twin Cities and answer the following questions:

  1. How is Rostov-on-Don often called?
  2. When is the World Day of Twin Cities celebrated?
  3. How many cities does Rostov have?
  4. What cities are the twin cities of Rostov?
  5. When did the partner relations begin?
  6. How do the cities develop their friendship?

4.Развитие навыков аудирования  с извлечением информации.(Task 2)

Teacher: Glasgow is one of the twin cities of Rostov-on-Don. What kind of city is it?

You will hear the story and mark the statements with T if they are true and F if they are false.

5.Cовершенствование  произносительных, лексико-грамматических навыков  в речи учащихся по теме « Мой город».(Task 3)

Teacher: Would you like to go to Glasgow and why? Read what children from Britain like or dislike about their city and choose your variant.

Pupil 1: I’d like to go to Glasgow and admire its ( beautiful landmarks, historical museums, magnificent buildings, green parks, high towers, fantastic palaces, famous bridges)

Pupil 2: I am fond of taking part in (cross-cultural projects , friendship weeks, sports competitions, concerts, theatrical tours, international conferences)

Pupil 3: I am interested in (history of Britain, ecological problems of Glasgow, its historic sights, British culture, football, Scottish schools , children’s lifestyle)

Pupil 4: I dislike  (noise in a city, crowds of people, traffic jams, public transport, British weather)

Pupil 5: I am not interested in (ancient libraries , universities, foreign countries, ship industry in Glasgow)

Pupil 6: I am mad about (shopping centers, football matches, film festivals, this exciting city, pleasant places)

6.Развитие умения построить высказывание по теме.

Teacher: Which of the above can be said about your city? (Task 4)

Is Rostov-on-Don the Capital of Culture?

Complete the sentences:

Our city is the place where…

Rostov-on-Don is the city which…

All people in my hometown are involved in…

We are proud of it because...

We want our city  to become…

It deserves to be the next Capital of Culture.

We should… in Rostov to improve its chances of winning.

6.Развитие умения делать выписки из текста.

Teacher:  Would you like to make friends with people from the twin cities?

Read the text and list the reasons why it is important to communicate with people from different countries.(Task5)

7.Развитие навыков диалогической речи на базе прочитанного текста.

Teacher: Ann and Robert are in the international summer camp. What cities are they from? Match Ann’s questions and Robert’s answers. (Task 6)  


--- Can you tell me about  your school?

---  I picture Scotland like the place where our twin city Glasgow is. Could you tell me about your hometown, please?

---What is your opinion of Rostov and its people?

---Rostov is on the river Don . And what about Glasgow?

---Partner relations between our cities help people to learn more about other cultures . What is your point of view?

---Glasgow is a sporty city. Could you give me some information about its contacts with our sportsmen?


---Glasgow is a port. It is situated on the river Clyde.

--- To my mind, Rostov is a good place to live in. The city is in a good geographical position. There are a lot of places to go with friends. People are very hospitable.

--- I go to the High School of Scotland. It is the oldest school in Britain.

---My hometown is the largest in Scotland. We are proud of its history , famous bridges, landmarks and universities.

--- As far as I know, Scottish gymnasts and coaches come to Rostov to train and to compete every year.

---I am sure, our friendship is important . We appreciate  Rostovites  as loyal friends.

8. Подведение итогов урока. Задание на дом.

Teacher: What is your opinion? Was our lesson exciting? What new information did you learn?

Can you speak and read about our twin cities? Will you retell the text about them?

Hometask .

Развитие навыков написания письма на основе прочитанного.

Teacher: Write a letter to your foreign friend Robert about your hometown. Don’t forget to write about : your favourite places and your attitude to your city. Invite him to visit your native city.  What would you promise to show him? Ask Robert three questions about  his city.



Предварительный просмотр:

                          Диалог культур (социальное партнерство)                                          

                          Twin Cities of Rostov-on-Don. Cross-cultural Communication.

                                                                                                    Назыкова Вера Николаевна,

учитель английского языка,

 МБОУ лицей №20 г. Ростов-на Дону

   Due to the exceptional geographical position, its political, regional and international advantages  Rostov-on-Don is called  the Southern Capital of Russia and the Gates of the North Caucasus.  It  cooperates  with  all  the subjects  of  the Russian Federation, many  countries  near and  far  abroad.  Our city is a member of  some  international organizations  including     the  World  Organization “ United Cities  and  Local  Governments” , ”The International Assembly of Capitals and Cities”, the  International  Association “ Twin  Cities”, the International Black Sea Club. (слайд №4)

   Do you know that the last Sunday of April is celebrated as the World Day of Twin Cities? In April 1957 the representatives of   twin  cities  founded  the World Federation of United Cities and  decided to mark this remarkable event as the World Day of Twin Cities. The aim of this organization is to expand exchanges in cultural, educational, informational and economic fields as well as in trade, sports and tourism. It calls for peace, peaceful coexistence and friendship. Twin   cities   maintain  international ties , friendly relations and cooperation between various nations on the Earth. There are more than 5000 twin cities in the world.

   Rostov-on-Don has  12 twin cities in different countries: Glasgow in Great Britain, Mobile  in the United States of America, Dortmund and Gera  in  Germany, Le Mann in France, Volos in Greece, Kayani  in Finland. The partner relations between Rostov and its twin cities began in 1950-s and are  developing  nowadays.  The towns exchange delegations, organize art and industrial exhibitions, take part in friendship weeks, film festivals, sports competitions. Concerts, theatrical tours, sports events have become traditional. The representatives of twin cities like visiting Rostov-on-Don. They appreciate Rostovites as hospitable people, loyal friends and reliable partners. (слайд №5)

   Glasgow is a twin city of Rostov-on-Don. Partner relations between  our cities were established in 1986.  A number of partnership activities were organized between the universities of  Rostov-on-Don and Glasgow. We successfully develop contacts on different levels. Every year delegations from Glasgow come to Rostov. It has become a tradition that the pupils of some schools exchange delegations, take part in cross-cultural projects, make pen friends who they communicate with by e- mail and  go to international schools. For  example, an exciting international exchange programme has been developed with the Olympic Reserve School of Rostov-on-Don. This programme  allows  Scottish gymnasts and coaches to train sportsmen. Each year top Scottish gymnasts and coaches travel to Russia and live at the Olympic Reserve School in our city. (cлайд №6)

   Glasgow is the largest ancient city in Scotland and the third largest in the UK. It is  situated on the river Clyde. It was founded in the 6th century. Today it is one of  Europe’s top ten financial centres  and is home to many of Scotland’s leading businesses. It is known as a hub of international trade.  Shipbuilding   became  its  main industry. (слайд 7) Glasgow is a large port. It is famous for its bridges.(слайд 8)

   Glasgow is a major centre of higher education. The High School of Scotland was founded in 1124 and is the oldest school in Great Britain.  There are four universities in it. The University of Glasgow is the fourth oldest university in the English-speaking world and among the world’s top 100 universities. There are 37 public  libraries in Glasgow. The Mitchell Library , the largest library in Europe ,was founded in 1877 and contains 1,3 mln books and 3500 maps.(слайд 9) 

   Glasgow is home to 20 museums and 70 parks. Glasgow is now the second most popular  foreign tourist destination in Scotland . Glasgow Tower , Scotland’s tallest tower, symbolizes  the increase in the importance of tourism to the city’s economy. Celtic Park is Scotland’s biggest football  stadium .Glasgow is the place where the first international match took place(слайд 10)

    The warmest friendship connects Rostovites with the Bulgarian city Pleven. Delegation of twin cities visit each other every year. There is Pleven Square and Pleven Park in Rostov.(слайд 11)

   Partner relations between our city and Dortmund were established in  1977.  In an official statement on January 13, 1978 the city of Rostov-on-Don officially declared its wish to maintain friendship ties with Dortmund: “The Rostov City Administration is of the firm belief that establishing friendship ties between both cities will make a major contribution to peace and international understanding. Taking into account the mutual interests of the citizens of both countries, we would like to express our resolve to strengthen and deepen the ties of  friendship with the City of Dortmund.” In 1984 during the days of Dortmund in Rostov there was opened a square named after our partner Dortmund.(слайд 12)

   There are close relations  between Rostov and the American city Mobile, Alabama.These relations began in 1986. The American writer Jey Higginbotham expressed the idea of the partnership of Rostov and Mobile when he visited our city. He organized a committee of partnership. (слайд 13)

   There were meetings of the representatives of our youth in Mobile and Rostov. Every year delegations from Mobile visit our city to take part in international conferences on keeping our environment clean. Visiting Mobile our young people have noticed unusual order and cleanness of their streets. Ecological problems worry the inhabitants of America as well as the other people of the world.  They have become international. In our region there are many urgent  ecological  problems too. So Rostov university  deals with the problems of the river Don. We are proud of its beauty and want it to be clean. The Rostovites enjoy the coolness of the quite Don on a hot sunny day. Tourists coming to Rostov go on excursions along the Don and admire its picturesque embankment. (слайд 14)

   The relations of Rostov-on-Don with its twin cities contribute to the development of international communication with foreign countries. Friendship is a great thing. It doesn’t know distances.

   Any cross-cultural communication helps people from different countries to learn more about other countries and other people, to learn how to get on with people of different cultures, to understand that people from other cities are different but much alike,  to understand better their lifestyles and religions, to understand how big the world is and how many people live on the planet. Our planet is our home and we must get on with one another. We should understand that we are all different and at the same time we are much alike.(слайд 15)


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Диалог культур (социальное партнерство) Twin Cities of Rostov-on-Don Cross-cultural Communication Назыкова Вера Николаевна, учитель английского языка МБОУ лицея №20 г. Ростова-на-Дону

Слайд 2


Слайд 3


Слайд 4

Welcome to Rostov-on-Don

Слайд 5

Источники информации: 1. Wikipedia ,the free encyclopedia 2.” My Native Land, I Love You!” I . V. Rumyantseva , T.N.Zavarskaya 3. Сайт «Породненные города» www.info@goroda,-pobratimy.ru 4. ” Инвестиционный паспорт Ростова-на-Дону. ” Департамент экономики Ростова-на-Дону,2013г. 5.Tourist portal of the city Rostov-on-Don 6. ” Путеводитель. Ростов-на-Дону. ”www.rostov-gorod.ru/docs/putevoditel

Слайд 6

Использование материала Учебник « Английский язык.8 класс» В.П.Кузовлев : Unit 1 ”My Country at a Glance” Lessons 8-9 “What is your hometown like?” Учебник «Английский язык.7 класс» В.П.Кузовлев : Unit 5 ”Are you happy with your friends?” Lesson 6”Why do children from different countries make friends? Unit 9 ” What are the most famous sights of your country?” Lesson 2 “What do you know about the history of your hometown?” Unit 10”Are we different or alike?” Lesson 2”Is your hometown a capital of culture? Учебник «Английский язык.10 класс» В.П.Кузовлев : Unit 1”How different the world is!” Lesson 2 “How does the geographical position influence people’s lives?”

Предварительный просмотр:

                                               План  открытого урока в 4г классе

Дата проведения: 27 апреля 2015г.

Учебник : «Английский язык. 4 класс» Автор В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа

Раздел: 7

Урок: 4

Тема: «Работа моей мечты»

                                                                                    Пояснительная записка

   Урок построен в соответствии с программными требованиями, предъявляемыми к учащимся начальной школы,

и имеет следующие этапы: организационный, включающий целеполагание, опрос домашнего задания, изучение

нового материала, закрепление изученного, этап релаксации,рефлексию.

   На организационном этапе, включающем целеполагание, создается позитивный микроклимат, происходит

введение учащихся в языковую среду, настрой на взаимодействие с учителем, создается мотивационная установка

на продуктивную   учебную    деятельность; осуществляется постановка цели урока через актуализацию имеющихся

 у учащихся знаний и жизненного опыта, т.е. учащиеся формулируют цель урока и средства ее достижения.

  Опрос учащихся по заданному на дом материалу является подготовительным этапом для  дальнейшей работы

учащихся составлять рассказ и формулировать предложения по теме « Работа моей мечты» с использованием

опорных вопросов, таблицы и прочитанного текста.

  Этапы изучения нового материала и закрепления изученного предполагают реализацию цели урока, которая

направлена на  развитие и совершенствование коммуникативных компетенций учащихся по проблеме «Работа

 моей мечты»(“ Which job is the best for you?”)

 На этапе релаксации используется здоровьесберегающая технология.                            

  Цель – переключить внимание учащихся с одного вида деятельности на другой, отдохнуть, расслабиться,

настроиться на дальнейшую работу.

  На этапе рефлексии осуществляется подведение итогов учебной деятельности учащихся – того, чему они научились

и что узнали. Дети оценивают свое настроение, атмосферу урока, его содержание, увлекательность и полезность,

свой вклад в достижение поставленных целей, свою активность, работу класса. Используются карточки рефлексии.

  Цель домашнего задания – настроить учащихся на дальнейшую работу по составлению рассказа- сообщения для

альбома « Все обо мне» и оформления презентации по теме «Работа моей мечты».


        Цель урока:  Развитие и совершенствование коммуникативных компетенций учащихся по проблеме

 “ Which job is the best for you?”(« Какая работа подходит для тебя лучше всего?»)

          Задачи :

cоциокультурная компетенция - реализация   диалога   культур  на  основе  темы  “My Dream Job ”;

 знакомство учащихся с талантливыми детьми из США и России;

языковая  компетенция - совершенствование лексических навыков говорения по теме «Профессии» ,

 грамматических навыков –употребление  в речи оборота to be going to, произносительных навыков:

правильность интонационного оформления речи, выразительность речи и повышение темпа высказывания;

речевая  компетенция - совершенствование коммуникативных умений учащихся в основных видах речевой

 деятельности по теме « Профессии. Работа моей мечты   развитие умения читать/понимать на слух с целью

понимания основного содержания, с целью полного понимания текста, с целью извлечения конкретной

информации, развитие умения догадываться о значении незнакомых слов по иллюстративной наглядности,

по аналогии с родным языком;   в монологической речи - развитие умения сообщить, построить высказывание,

 используя опорные фразы, умение передавать содержание прочитанного/услышанного; в диалогической речи –

развитие умения вести диалог-расспрос о своих умениях, увлечениях, будущей профессии ; в письме –

развитие умения выписывать из текста запрашиваемую информацию;

учебно-познавательная компетенция - развитие умения выполнять универсальные логические действия

 (сравнение, сопоставление, обобщение, анализ, синтез), выстраивать последовательность, давать оценку,

 формулировать выводы по теме «Профессии», выполнять задания тестового характера, использовать

компьютерные технологии;

компенсаторная компетенция -  в рамках темы «Работа моей мечты» развивать умение учащихся выходить из

 положения в условиях дефицита языковых средств при получении и передаче иноязычной информации.

воспитательная задача – формирование потребности и способности понимать образ жизни зарубежных

сверстников на примере их любимых занятий, предпочтений; развитие способности к общению;

формирование собственного мнения; воспитание уважительного отношения к собеседнику и его выбору.

              Планируемые результаты:


Регулятивные УУД:

  • Ставить, принимать и сохранить цель и задачу
  • Выполнять действия по намеченному плану
  • Оценивать результат своих действий, вносить коррективы

Познавательные УУД:

  • Воспринимать  и анализировать
  • Ориентироваться в тексте, словаре
  • Составить  сообщение
  • Сделать выводы
  • Оформить листовку для альбома

Коммуникативные УУД:

  • Слушать собеседника и понимать
  • Принимать участие в беседе, соблюдая правила речевого этикета
  • Работать в группах, учитывать мнение партнёра, осуществлять сотрудничество

Личностные УУД:

  • Формировать ценностное отношение к здоровью и здоровому образу жизни
  • Воспитание трудолюбия, творческого отношения к труду, учению.
  • Воспитание уважения к иному мнению.


В говорении – кратко описывать картинку по теме « Талантливые дети»;

рассказывать о себе, своих способностях, увлечениях.

В аудировании – понимать на слух речь учителя, высказывания одноклассников,

 вербально и невербально реагировать на услышанное.

В чтении – научить читать текст с разными стратегиями, обеспечивающими

полное понимание прочитанного и извлечение необходимой информации.

В письме – научить делать выписки текста, отвечать письменно на вопросы.

Оборудование: учебник “English 4”Автор В.П.Кузовлев,стр.44-46, раздел7,урок 4; рабочая тетрадь стр.76,

презентация, компьютеp, карточки со словами по теме «Профессии», карточки – смайлики, звезды.

Этапы работы

                                                                                                         Содержание этапа

Деятельность учителя

                              Деятельность учащихся

 Организационный момент

Организация совместного целеполагания:

просмотр видеоролика, слушание песни и определение темы урока.

Фонетическая зарядка.

 Цель - развивать произносительные навыки, настроить на общение на английском языке .

Выполнение упражнения: выбор правильного ответа



Good morning children. I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you? I see you are in a good mood. So, let's do our best. Be active, work hard and speak English! (слайды1-2) 

Look at the screen, listen to the song and guess the topic of our lesson. Right you are. The topic of our lesson is “My Dream Job(слайд 3)

We should answer the questions:Which job is the best for you? What are you going to be in the future?

There are different jobs in the world. What are they?

Who works in a hospital and helps sick people? Who flies a plane? Who works in a school? Who sings and plays music? (слайды 4-7)

What jobs do you know? Make up the sentences.

(слайд 8)

Some British children write about their dream jobs in the future. Take your cards, read the sentences and guess their dream jobs. Choose the correct word.(слайд 9)

Now exchange your cards! Look at the screen and correct the mistakes! (слайды 10-12)

Let’s evaluate your work! (слайды 13-14)                                                                                                            

Приветствуют учителя, занимают свои места

Учащиеся смотрят видеоролик, слушают песню

 и догадываются, о чем будет урок.

Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы с опорой на картинки,

составляют предложения по таблице, зачитывая их


Учащиеся читают предложения, выбирая подходящие слова

по смыслу, обмениваются карточками, проверяя и

исправляя ошибки , оценивают свою работу.

Опрос учащихся по заданному на дом материалу

Цель: закрепление лексики по теме.


Now let's check your hometask. What was it?

 There are many talented children in Russia. What are they going to be?

Look at the table (Activity Book page 76) and make a report according to the questions.( слайды 15-19)

Let’s evaluate your work! Show me your smiles! (слайд 20)

Учащиеся работают по таблице: читают вопросы

о талантливых детях в России, рассказывают об

их успехах и планах на будущее.


Are you tired? Let’s relax and do exercises!(слайд 21)

Зарядка и исполнение песни на английском языке


Изучение нового материала.


- научить читать, извлекать информацию;

-отвечать на вопросы по тексту;

- составлять рассказ

по плану с использованием опор;

Закрепление учебного материала

Рефлексивно-оценочная деятельность.

Цель: подведение итогов по изученному материалу урока, установить соответствие полученного результата с поставленной целью.

Now we shall read about Andy (ex.1 p. 44).

Find the information in the text and write the sentences(слайды 22-24)

Answer the questions:

What is he like?

What is he good at?

What does he like?

What can he do well?

What are his favourite school subjects?

What is he going to be in the future?

What is the best job for him?

And what about you?

What are you like?

What do you like?

What are you good at?

What are your favourite school subjects?

What can you do well?

What are you going to be in the future?

What job is the best for you? (слайды 25-33)

What was the topic of our lesson?

What was the aim?

 Right. What was useful for you?  What was interesting for you?

What was difficult for you today? What can you do now?

Как вы оцениваете свою работу на уроке?                                               Что вы запомнили? А что вы еще повторите дома?                                                Как вы оцениваете свои знания? (слайды 35-40).                                      Red- 5, yellow-4, blue-3                                                                   Учитель выставляет отметки.

Учащиеся читают текст, находят нужную информацию

о британском мальчике, отвечают на вопросы,

делают выводы о его возможных будущих профессиях,

учитывая его способности и увлечения.

Учащиеся заполняют анкету о себе, своих способностях,

определяя наиболее подходящую работу для себя в будущем.

Учащиеся соотносят полученный результат с поставленной целью

 и проводят самоанализ и самооценку собственной деятельности,

 анализируют, где они затруднялись и над чем необходимо еще

 поработать самостоятельно.

Учащиеся оценивают свою работу на уроке

Задание на дом

Давайте запишем дом зад. (слайд 34):  написать  рассказ"My Dream Job"   (схема в приложении)                      

Our time is up, thank you for your work. Good bye, see you.


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

My Dream Job Which job is the best for you? What are you going to be in the future?

Слайд 2

What jobs do you know? Make up the sentences A teacher A writer A doctor A vet A singer A model A reporter A pilot An actor A sportsman A police officer A farmer look s after animals. help s people. work s in a school. write s books. sing s song and play music. wear s wonderful clothes. m ake s reports. f lie s a plane. w ear s a uniform p lay s sports w ork s in a farm a ct s in films

Слайд 3

Say what you have just done and how you have done it! I have just_______________ How ? practised the words Excellent! done the exercise Good! made a report Not bad! read the text Bad! answered the questions made a report

Слайд 4

Read what the kids wrote about their future jobs. Guess their dream jobs and choose the correct word . 1. Grace : ”I love animals and I want to help animals. So I want to be a ( doctor/vet ).” 2. Nick : ”I am going to be a ( farmer/reporter ) who travels around the world and makes the reports .” 3 . Jane : ”I love acting in plays. So I want to be a ( teacher/an actress ).” 4. Andy : ”My dream job is a ( writer/pilot) . I love reading and writing. I want to write funny stories for kids.” 5. Ann : ”I am good at singing. I can sing all day long. I am going to be a ( model/singer ). 6. Ellie : “My dream job is a ( sportsman/teacher) because I love little children and I want to work in a primary school.”

Слайд 5

Check each other! Let’s evaluate your work! Be honest! 1. Grace : ”I love animals and I want to help animals. So I want to be a vet .” 2. Nick : ”I am going to be a reporter who travels around the world and makes the reports .” 3 . Jane : ”I love acting in plays. So I want to be a an actress .” 4. Andy : ”My dream job is a writer . I love reading and writing. I want to write funny stories for kids.” 5. Ann : ”I am good at singing. I can sing all day long. I am going to be a singer . 6. Ellie : “My dream job is a teacher because I love little children and I want to work in a primary school.”

Слайд 6

Say what you have just done and how you have done it! I have just_______________ How ? practised the words Excellent! done the exercise Good! made a report Not bad! read the text Bad! answered the questions made a report

Слайд 7

There are many talented kids in Russia . What are they going to be ? Activity Book p.76 Task : Look at the table and make a report about one of these talented kids according to the questions.

Слайд 9

2.What do you like? Do you like …? I like _____________________________ music books sport films computers languages

Слайд 10

3.What are you good at? Are you good at…? I am good at _________________________ reading playing sports writing making toys painting helping people singing looking after animals dancing learning languages acting playing music

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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