2016 год - год заповедников в России.
занимательные факты по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Все меньше остается чистых мест на Земле. Проблема защиты животных и растений остается одной из важнейших на планете. 2016 год предложено объявить годом заповедников в России.
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( Sergey Donskoy ) Speaking at a government meeting, the Minister of Natural Resources, Sergey Donskoy, made a proposal to designate 2016 as the " year of reserves ." According to the Ministry , this solution is able to draw people's attention to the problems of nature protection system in Russia and contribute to the active work in this direction.
Why 2016 will be called the year of reserves? In the coming year the first Russian reserves will celebrate its hundredth birthday. The Barguzin Nature Reserve is located on the shores of the lake Baikal in Buryatia. This reserve was created with a purpose to increase the population of sable.
Environmental work in the territory of the Russian Federation The territory of the Russian Federation includes approximately 100 nature reserves and 30 national parks. In recent years, the Ministry had implemented a lot of projects, the main topics were the natural solution of problems. The total area of reserves increases every year.
In recent years it is an active fight against poaching, deforestation, illegal excavations and other actions which are harmful to protected areas. A lot of effort is applied to save rare species of mammals and fish. They must have special territory.
For more intensive work in this area, it is necessary to stimulate private initiative. According to Mr. Donskoy, this will facilitate the introduction of certain economic programs and benefits. The initiative of the Ministry gives a reason to hope that 2016 will be able to reserve and attract the attention of the population to environmental issues, and goals will be achieved soon.
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