Презентация на тему "В мире искусства"
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This image of various objects, things (household items, musical instruments, flowers, fruits, vegetables, venison), and other inanimate objects. Translated from the French «dead silence» Arose as a genre in the Netherlands and Spain in the 17 th century. Well-known artists in this genre: B. Kustodiyev, V. Perov, I. Grabar, K. Korovin, J. BS Chardin, Peter Class.
Peter Class (Holland). Breakfast with ham.
Golovin. Still life. Flowers in a vase.
This image of a person or group of people. Portrait art was born a few thousand years ago in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome. The main quality of the portrait - the resemblance to the original.
Gala Portrait Front-focus portraits public figure. Their orders people. (V. Borovikovsky, A. Gerasimov). CHAMBER PORTRAIT Chamber portraits, designed for small spaces, they are represented by ordinary people. (A. Venetsianov, V. Serov, I. Kramskoy). SELF-PORTRAIT Self-portrait - an image the artist himself (Rembrandt van Rijn, Leonardo da Vinci, V. Tropinin). LANDSCAPE
This image of nature (fran.) «nature» Independent genre was done by Dutch artists in the 14 - 15 century, Russian art - in the second half of the 19 century.
F. Alekseev. View of the Iberian and Nikolsky Gates and Neglinny Bridge from Tverskaya Street.
Cityscape Cityscape - the image of the city (buildings, bridges, city parks, streets, embankments). Levitan. Savvinskaya settlement near Zvenigorod.
RURAL LANDSCAPE Rural landscape - images of villages . Masters of the rural landscape - I. Levitan, C. Huon, A. Kuindzhi. Aivazovsky. The Ninth Wave.
SEASCAPES Very often a seascape called «marina» The most famous Russian seascapes was Aivazovsky I.K. Vasilev. After the storm.
PICTURE OF « PURE» NATURE Pictures of «pure» nature (I. Shishkin, I. Levitan, A. Quinn - Gee, C. Huon, A. Savrasov). INTERIOR
Genre interior is devoted to image the interior space of buildings or premises - with their decorations, furniture and belongings. Masters of the image interior - Pieter de Hooch, Vermeer J., Soroca. In Russia the development of the genre associated with the name AG Venetsianov.
Animal genre
This image of animals «animal» (Latin). This genre arose in primitive art. They depict scenes of hunting deer, mammoths, bison. In Russia, animal genre has come only in the 19 century. Artists: Surikov, A. Durer, V. Vatagin, V. Suteev, E. Charushin.
This image of life of the past, specific historical events. Being a historical painter is very difficult. It should be well aware depicting the era, parts and signs of the time. Artists: K. Bryullov, V. Surikov, A. Ivanov.
Surikov. Menshikov in Berezovka
It depicts various aspects of human life: work and leisure, holidays and weekdays, fun and serious exercise. Formed in the 16 th century in Europe (Holland). In Russia actively developed in the 19 th century. Artists: A. Venetsianov, Fedorov, Ilya Repin, Vladimir Makovsky, B. Kustodiev,
Battle GENRE
It is devoted to scenes of battles and military campaigns. There was in ancient Rome. From the artist you want to show the accuracy of events, uniforms, weapons. «Bataille» (France). «Battle» In Russia, one of the most remarkable was «The Naval Infantrymen» V. Vera - Shchagina, and V. Surikov.
Start mythological genre began in ancient Greece. This image of paintings on the themes of ancient myths. In Russia it has developed only in the 19 th century. Artists: Sandro Botticelli, M. Vrubel, V. Vasnetsov.
Religious genre
The basis of his themes and subjects of the Bible, the holy book of Christians. Artists painted in the walls of temples and monasteries, decorated with iconic architecture, sculpture and ornament, served in the church books, miniatures, carved and painted altars painting icons. Icons - a painting depicting scenes from the Bible , Christian saints, their life. Famous Artists: Leonardo da Vinci, A. Rublev.
How much do you know?Painting and sculpture.1. Her first painting was ….. portrait. a) a self b) an own c) a selfish d) an auto2. The showing of things as they really are is called ….. a) classicism b) romanticism c) realism d) naturalism3. The art of presenting scenery in painting is called….. a) a still life b) a landscape c) a portrait d) a seascape4. A……is a simple, quickly-made and not detailed drawing. a) painting b) plan c) design d) sketch5. A……is a large likeness of a person or an animal, made in solid material. a) pedestal b) statue c) statuette d) sculpture 6. Newspapers often contain……of well-known politicians. a) comics b) caricatures c) exhibitions d) satires7. ….is the correct relationship between the size, position and shape of the different parts of a whole. a) Symmetry b) Proportion c) Disproportion d) Asymmetry8. A piece of sculpture showing a person’s head, shoulders and upper chest is called a….. a)monument b) bust c) statue d) statuette9Pavel Tretyakov was not only a collector, but a ……of the arts as well. a)patron b) guard c) friend d) defender10. Alexei Savrasov chose a very ordinary …..for his painting “ The rooks have come” : it is an early spring day. a) affair b) matter c) subject d) substance Museums and art galleries.1.We were at the exhibition of …… a) ancients b) old-fashioned c) antiques d) aged2. Much …..work is being carried out in this museum. a) restoration b) recollection c) representation d) refinement3. This ticket ……one person to the museum. a) permits b) admits c) enters d) allows4.If you are a student there is no charge for some museums in the UK, you can get in ….. a) free b) freely c) freed d) freehand5. The Royal Ontario Museum is ……for its collection of dinosaur bones and for its Oriental exhibits.a) forgotten b) renovated c) unknown d) renowned 6. It was only as I was leaving the gallery that I found out who the old man was – his self-portrait on the posters…….the exhibition. a) advising b) advertising c) informing d) displaying7. Repin devoted his amazing talent mainly to depicting life in the Russia of his day: his portraits constitute a whole gallery of his….. a) relatives b) descendants c) ancestors d) contemporaries8. You can see the original…….of “ Hamlet” in the museum in Shakespeare’s own writing. a) volume b)document c) manuscript d) best-seller9. In the Museum of Abbey Treasures there are……..on display, lifelike models of famous people made after their death. a) patterns b) duplicates c) copies d) effigies10. The pictures in the National Gallery belong to the public and ………to see them is free. a) entrance b) gate c) door d) opening White – light, pure, rest, solitude.Red – fire, life, energy, activity, fight, aggression, anger.Yellow – sun, day, freedom, activity, joy, tolerance, obstinacy, trouble, concern, treachery.Green – nature, life, harmony, belief, trust, kindness, goodness, mildness, softness.Light blue – wind, cold, ice, clearness, reserve, indifference.Purple – wisdom, nobility, power, authority.Brown – soil, autumn, safety, devotion, hardiness, industry, diligence, fear.
Do you know the meanings of the colours ? Scarlet sails has come to be used as a symbol of the romantic dreams of young people.
White crow often used of someone who opposes or disregards in the practical and conventions of his time or social class.
The blue thief is a shy person with a pleasant appearance and winning manner.
What does it mean? The yellow press applied newspapers of an unscrupulously sensational character or to journalists who contribute to such newspapers.
The green friend applied to trees and forests.
Blue stocking means learned ladies, especially those give to pedantry and lacking feminine charm.
Bluebeard – a merciless tyrant, who marries and kills wives one after other.
Blue bird - a symbol of a beautiful, but unattainable dream.
True blue teacher means a devoted person to his job.
All the jobs are traditionally divided into the following categories 1 White color jobs. People who work in offices or professional jobs, like teachers, scientists, government officials, journalists. 2 Blue color jobs. People who do hard or dirty work with their hands, construction workers, builders, drivers, cleaners. 3 Pink color jobs. This is often used about professions where you may find a lot of women, like secretaries, waitresses, clerks. 4 Green color jobs. This is a new term used today to describe some jobs connected with ecology, energy saving, pollution. Some professions do not fall into any of these categories by the color, actors, film directors, internet providers. What color may be their jobs? Music is not a combination of pleasant sounds only. It is the art that reflects life, ideas and emotions. It is a language that is used to express our moods and feelings. After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is MUSIC. (A. Huxley)
types of music
What music types do you know? What music types have been developed in the USA? Guess what type of music have you just listened to? How much do you know?Music and dancing.1.As soon as the music started everyone……enthusiastically and started to applaud. a) hissed b) jeered d) booed d) cheered2. Sam sings every Sunday in the local church…… a) concert b) chorus c) opera d) choir3. She ….till the early hours listening to pop music. a) held me up b) caught me up c) kept me up d) took me up4. The music on the radio did not …..him. He simply paid no attention to it. a) displease b) please c) charm d) amuse5. We all had headaches after the concert because the music was so … a) soundless b) low c) strong d) loud 6. Music isn’t a …..of pleasant sounds only. It is the art that reflects life. a) combination b) mixture c) union d) creation7. Do you play by …..or by notes? a) sound b) ear c) echo d) hearing8. The orchestra began playing the ……, a piece of music introducing the performance. a) overture b)interlude c) intermezzo d) symphony9. ….is the highest male voice. a) Baritone b) Tenor c) Bass d) Soprano 10. ….is the highest female voice. a) Contralto b) Alto c) Soprano d) Mezzo-soprano Thank you for the musicThe songs I’m singingThank you for all the joyThey’re bringingWho can live without itI ask in all honestyWhat would life beWithout a song or a dance what are weSo I say thank you for the musicFor giving it to me.
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