Мордовские кулинарные рецепты - дополнительный материал к уроку
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Рецепты мордовских национальных блюд , которые готовят в нашем районе.Можно использовать как дополнительный материал при изучении темы "Еда"
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Mordovian Draniki
You will need : Potato - 1 kg , kefir - 200-250 ml , 1 egg , lard , flour , garlic, black pepper , soda.
How to cook : clean potatoes, rub on a coarse grater , add kefir . Finely chop the bacon , garlic rubbed on a fine grater . Drain excess liquid from potatoes . Add egg , baking soda , salt and add flour until dough for pancakes . Fry in a pan with butter on both sides.
You will need: liver - 70 g , heart - 100 g, light - 90 g onion - 30 g carrots - 10 g
How to cook : diced pork is put into water , stir fry the onions and carrots until tender. Add to the pot. Cook until done . Mordovia villager can serve with pickles .
Millet pancakes
You will need: 60 g of millet flour , 240 g wheat flour 12 g sugar , 6 g of salt , 12 g of yeast , 20 g of frying margarine , 40 g butter , 460 g of water or milk .
How to cook : preparing dough from wheat and millet flour. When the dough settles, put salt, sugar and remaining flour . Knead the dough put in a warm place for 2-3 hours for fermentation.
Bake pancakes on a well heated pan, greased . Served with butter .
How to bake cakes without yeast ?
Many housewives can not and do not like to cook yeast dough - it is quite long and troublesome . Can I bake delicious cakes without yeast ? There is a wonderful recipe using kefir.
How to cook : take a package of kefir - 0 , 5 l, add a teaspoon of baking soda there without a top , a teaspoon of salt , 1 tablespoon sugar ( can not) and 2-3 tablespoons sunflower oil usual . Mix thoroughly and add 3 cups of flour . It is important not to pour the flour , the dough should definitely get sticky, slightly steeper than pancakes.
Cut off from the dough small piece , roll out , lightly floured , put stuffing , beautifully zaschipyvaem and fry in a large amount of sunflower oil.
Better make all pies, and then fry . Oil must first be heated strongly to light smoke appeared , patty it should float freely . Take any filling can be sweet , can be with meat.
You will need: 400 grams of pork , 800 grams of potatoes , onions , 1.5 liters of broth .
How to cook : pork cut into cubes , pour in the broth and bring to a boil , then put the potatoes , diced , brought to readiness , passaged seasoned onions, bay leaf and pepper. Prepared and served in clay pots .
Liver fried with pork
You will need: pork - 450 g liver - 350 g onions - 200 g
How to cook : pork liver and cut into small pieces , fry until cooked. Finely chop the onion and fry gently in a little sunflower oil or lard . After this seasoned meat products passaged onions, salt and pepper. Served with fried onions .
Potato Pie - kaimak
How to cook potatoes peeled, boiled and mashed potatoes , add the egg, butter, sour cream , salt .
Prepare the yeast dough . Put the dough on a baking sheet , top - potato stuffing.
Top coat with raw egg stuffing . This will give some " shine " cake. Bake in the oven until done.
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