Test work for the 4th term (9th grade)
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Шмидт Юлия Игоревна

Контрольная работа для учащихся 9-го класса (УМК Биболетовой М.З). Состоит из трёх заданий: чтение, аудирование, лексико-грамматическая часть. Составлена по материалам рабочих тетрадей и упражнений из учебника.


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Test for the 4th term

9th grade

I variant

Task 1.

Read the text and choose the correct option:

True — if the statement is correct
False — if the information is incorrect

Not stated — if the text does not contain enough information to choose either a positive or a negative answer.

Don’t miss the adventure!

Have you ever wondered about ancient civilizations, the mysteries and legends of the past? Have you dreamt of travelling and adventures? Have you ever been to archaeological sites and seen the remains of settlements where people lived hundreds or thousands of years ago? You can experience this all, if you want, with the World Association of Archaeologists. We have arranged a new archaeological expedition to Central Asia and we have twenty vacancies for students who are interested in taking part in our research project.

Who can apply?

Anyone who meets the following requirements:

• You should be either a school student or a university / vocational school student

• You should be 16+

• You should be keen on archaeology (alternatively — history, geology, architecture, ecology)

• You should be fit and free of serious health problems, which could make staying in high temperatures potentially dangerous for you

• You should be able to work in a team and be environmentally friendly; a good sense
of humour is very much appreciated

• You should be adventurous enough to spend your summer in a desert

What jobs are offered to the students?

Students can do lots of jobs on the site: dig for items, help to restore the items, assist the professional researchers in listing the finds, making reports and writing descriptions. If you let us know about your preferences, we’ll keep this information in mind
when we allocate the jobs and responsibilities. All necessary training is provided by
experienced researchers. The Association also supplies digging tools and equipment
as well as work wear and boots appropriate for the desert.

What are the living conditions?

All the participants of the project are provided with food and drinking water. They
are accommodated in spacious tents (usually four people share one tent). We are very
careful about hygiene and safety; a doctor’s services are available in the camp itself.
In case of emergency, we guarantee immediate transportation to the city hospital and
treatment there. All the costs are paid by the insurance company.

For further information and for an application form visit our website
www.archproject.com. Alternatively, you may send your application to Nick Hamilton, e-mail: nhl23@yahoo.com

1. The aim of the expedition is scientific research.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

2. Students have never taken part in the Associations expeditions before.
1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

3. Any person who is sixteen or above can apply for a place in the expedition.
1) True         2)         False         3) Not stated

4. There are NO health requirements to the expedition candidates.

1) True         2) False 3) Not stated

5. Food and housing for the expedition party is provided by the Association.
1) True         2)         False         3) Not stated

6. The members of the expedition will be staying in a city hotel.

1) True         2)         False         3) Not stated

7. Vaccinations are obligatory for all the members of the expedition.

1) True         2)         False         3) Not stated

8. It is possible for the candidates to apply online.

1) True         2)         False         3) Not stated

Task 2

Task 3


Test for the 4th term

9th grade

II variant

Task 1

Read the text and choose the correct option:

True — if the statement is correct
False — if the information is incorrect

Not stated — if the text does not contain enough information to choose either a positive or a negative answer.


The highlight of my trip to France was Futuroscope — a fascinating place where one can feel, see and even touch “the future”. Futuroscope is a spectacular theme park that offers entertainment based on the most advanced audiovisual technologies.

It took us about an hour and a half by train to get there from Paris. Futuroscope
has its own station so it was very convenient. Alternatively, it’s possible to get there by car or by bus. We saw that lots of people, families especially, used that possibility — there were lots of cars in the parking lot. The place is very popular with tourists and we were really lucky to have chosen a weekday for visiting. We went early and avoided the queues, which made our outing even more pleasant.

The way Futuroscope looks seems like a message from the future — this is how our towns will probably look soon. The buildings are made of metal and glass and have a futuristic design — some of them are shaped like huge spheres, others remind us of giant cubes or crystals but they somehow stay in harmony with the beautiful green countryside around them. The territory of Futuroscope is about 60 hectares!

We found the entrance price rather high. It was thirty-eight euros for an adult.
Seniors and children were offered a discount, children under five were allowed in for
free. As students, we had a 20% discount too, which made the cost a bit less for us.
And honestly, it was worth every cent of it as the entrance ticket gave admission to
all the attractions and activities within Futuroscope’s territory during the whole day,
including a spectacular evening show. It was the most impressive light and laser show we’ve ever seen in our lives!

It was a day’s escape from the real world to a world that seemed different but real too! I’ve never been to any cinemas like those! The screens were of different shapes: flat, semi-spherical and spherical. We were enveloped by surround-sound, 3D and 4D effects. It was an amazing experience: we travelled through the space and met aliens, we descended deep into the ocean and saw the fantastic creatures that lived there. Now it’s difficult for me to accept the idea that it was a made-up world — the sensations of flying, diving and treading on some other planet’s surface were very realistic!

The restaurants of Futuroscope deserve mentioning too. The unusual interiors,
cosmopolitan menus and fantastically cooked dishes can add a lot to the enjoyment of the day. There are also lots of takeaway shops, which we actually preferred as food was cheaper there and eating didn’t distract us from exploring the park.

1. Futuroscope is situated in Europe.

1) True 2) False         3)         Not stated

2. The author went to Futuroscope by car.

1) True 2) False 3)         Not stated

3. Futuroscope is the greenest theme park in the world.
1) True         2) False         3) Not stated

4. Futuroscope offers special discounts to disabled people.

1) True         2)         False        3)         Not stated

5. Children under five are NOT allowed into the territory of Futuroscope.

1) True         2)         False         3) Not stated

6. The author spent the whole day in Futuroscope.

1) True         2) False        3)         Not stated

7. Tourists use special glasses to experience Futuroscope’s visual effects.

1) True         2)         False        3)         Not stated

8. Futuroscope’s entrance tickets include free takeaway food.

1) True         2)         False         3) Not stated

Task 2

Task 3


#1 (1)

1 - T, 2 - T, 3 - T, 4 - F, 5 - T, 6 - F, 7 - NS, 8 - T.

#2 (1) 

#1 (2)

1 - T, 2 - F, 3 - F, 4 - NS, 5 - F, 6 - NS, 7 - NS, 8 - F.

#2 (2)


Apprenticeship, cosmopolitan, diversity, assistant, puzzled, minority.

Texts for audition.

I variant

Good day! My name в Julia Green and I'll be with you through your excursion round our museum.

First I'll tell you about the history of the museum and then we'll see the most interesting articles displayed here. These articles of clothing usually attract lots of tourists, and even well-known designers have been known to visit us to get some new ideas I hope that you aren't disappointed either.

OK. This museum was set up 20 years ago in the building of a local school, which is not far from here. A museum of fashion wav some students' idea. They were very enthusiastic about it and ... the idea succeeded. It became extremely popular with the local people and soon the museum moved into this spacious building, in the very center of town.

The students started with traditional dresses. Since our city is very cosmopolitan and has lots of nations and ethnic groups represented, the contemporary trends can't escape strong traditional influences. To begin, the kids researched their own families. They asked their grandmothets and their great-grandmothers to open their old wardrobes and discovered the clothes those ladies wore long, long ago. When they were very young and lived in the countries of their origin. Those clothes made our first collection. There were dresses and accessories from France and China, Russia and Greece, India and even Japan. The students went further and interviewed their relatives about what they wore for different occasions. For example, they discovered what people usually wore for wedding ceremonies, different religious holidays, the theatre, different social events, work, and so on.

Naturally, not everything was in perfect condition. Often only some fragments of the dress were left... fragments and... grandmas' memories. The students made drawings of the dresses and then restored the whole costume, including accessories and jewellery. It was fabulous! The grandmother were surprised and amazed at how creative and resourceful their grandchildren were.

A special section in the museum is about school uniforms. School uniform has always been an issue for alt generations of schoolchildren. How does one make that square and boring dress a little hit more attractive? What accessory can one use to make it look alive? You'll see lots of original ideas of how to make a uniform look fashionable and even eccentric. Let's go closer to the uniforms now...they are over there. Please, don't touch anything...

II variant

1. When Гm 35, I’ll be enjoying a successful career and having a family. I’ll be an ambitious and energetic woman with a good job, and two or three kids. I think I’ll be able to balance family and career. I’ll be wearing elegant and fashionable clothes, but
will still be doing some kind of sport, of course!

2. When I’m 75, I’ll have a bunch of grandchildren! They’ll be noisy and naughty, but I will love them very much and will be spoiling them! I’ll be an eccentric grandmother. My hair may be grey, but it’ll be stylish. I’ll be wearing trendy clothes, for a grandmother. People will still be wearing jeans in 50 years’ time, won’t they?

I don’t think I’ll be able to do without my jeans even at 75. As I’ll be retired. I’ll have a lot of time for hobbies and sports. I don’t mean I’ll be doing any extreme sport, but I’m sure I’ll be fit for cycling and swimming.

3. When I’m 90, I won’t be weak and helpless. I’ll be enjoying life somewhere in the country. I’ll be spending a lot of time outdoors, and will never be fat. I will be wearing shorts and T-shirts — I’ve always liked casual clothes. I’m not going to give up driving a car. My face will be wrinkled, and I’m afraid I’ll be bald, but I’ll be tanned, optimistic and
full of life!

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