Итоговая контрольная работа по УМК Биболетова
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Москаева Ксения Борисовна

Контроль лексико-грамматических навыков


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Предварительный просмотр:

Variant I

1) Put in the missing letters:

A swim_in_   p_ol

Fee_   si_k

Do   sp_r_s

B_   goo_   at

K_ep   fi_

2) Put in :  me, you, us, them, her, it, him, his, mine.

1. Alice’s school is near her house. It takes  ….  about ten minutes to get there.

2. My friends are fond of swimming. It takes  ….  half  an hour to get to swimming pool.

3. I prefer to do written exercises. It takes  …  less than an hour to do them.

4. Liza usually cleans ….  shoes, James cleans …,  and I clean …. .

3) Complete the sentences choosing the right word.

1. Speak a bit louder, please. I can (hard, hardly) hear you.

2. It’s too (lately, late) to go to the swimming pool. It is already closed.

3. I think Paul is a (high, highly) sportsman.

4. This is the best game I’ve seen (lately, late).

4) Дополните перевод предложений, вписав недостающие слова.

1. We can speak three….. Мы можем говорить на трех языках.

2.  …I go out? Можно мне выйти?

3.  May I….you? Можно вас побеспокоить?

5) Put the words in order.

1. is,  my, famous, its  country, history, for.

2. Famous, writers,  were,  there,  sportsmen, many, people, born, - artists.

6) Translate into Russian

Fast food café is a great place where you can find hamburgers and cheeseburgers, chips, ice cream and fizzy drinks. It’s a nice and lovely place, but it’s not worth going there too often. 
7) Choose the right form of the proverb

  1. Of all my friends, Kate dresses (more beautifully/most beautifully).
  2. Can you jump (higher/highest) than usual?
  3. Jack can ski (better/more well) than I can do it.
  4. My friend worked (harder/more hard) last year.

8)  Choose the adjective or the proverb

  1. My mother thinks (high/highly) of your song.
  2. Is there a park (near/nearly) your house?
  3. It is too (late/lately). I have to go home.

9)  Choose the right form:

1. My younger brother … to bed at ten o’clock yesterday. a) went           b) go            c) goes

2. If I had the money, I … that  car. a) buy    b) would buy     c) will buy

3. Tomorrow I … my partner at the airport. a) will meet           b) meets     c) will meets

4. In many countries, men … do military service. a) should       b) must            c) have to

5. English (to speak)…by many millions of people.

6.  The film (to show) by me yesterday.   

Variant II

1) Put in the missing letters:

Wor_   h_rd

Wa_ch    sk_tin_

A  st_ma_hac_e

A  sor_  thro_t

H_ve   go_   a  fl_

2) Put in :  me, you, us, them, her, it, him

1. Andrew  was responsible for music. It  took   ….   a quarter of an hour to organize disco.

2. My mother and I will go shopping tomorrow afternoon. I hope it’ll take ….   less than an hour.

3. How long does it take …  to do your homework in Science?

4. My dog runs very quickly. It takes  ….    less   than 5 minutes to run around the park.

3) Complete the sentences choosing the right word.

1. There is a new swimming pool (near, nearly) our school.

2. Look! The bird is flying (high, highly) in the sky.

3. Get up! It’s (near, nearly) eight.

4. To become an athlete you’ll have to train very (hard, hardly).

4) Дополните перевод предложений, вписав недостающие слова.

1. We can speak three….. Мы можем говорить на трех языках.

2.  …I go out? Можно мне выйти?

3.  May I….you? Можно вас побеспокоить?

5) Put the words in order.

1. Can, a lot, war, one, at, town, the, about, heroes, museum, learn.

2. The, about, people, are, some, written, often, the, newspapers, in, local, reports.

6) Translate into Russian
If you care for your health, eat more natural products: milk and low-fat meat, fish, eggs, porridge and certainly fruit and vegetables. They contain vitamins necessary for your body and brains. 

7)  Choose the right form of the proverb:

  1. They got to the shop (quicker/quickest) than we did.
  2. Nick can run (fast/fastest) in our team.
  3. Which song does she like (well/best) of all?
  4. Could you read (more slowly/most slowly), please?

8) Choose the adjective or the proverb:

  1. The plane is flying (high/highly) in the sky.
  2.  I could (hard/hardly) eat that porridge because it was terrible.
  3.  It will take them (near/nearly) three hours to get there.

9)  Choose the right form:

1. You … consult a doctor.   a) must     b) have to    c) should

2.  Alex … to Moscow next week. a) will be sent      b) was sent     c) is sent

3.  Her parents want … to behave well at school.   a) him           b) her            c) she

4. Hockey … in winter. a) was played     b) are played     c) is played

5.  The film (to show) by me yesterday.  

6.  English (to speak)…by many millions of people.

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