Итоговая контрольная работа по УМК Биболетова
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Москаева Ксения Борисовна

Контроль грамматических навыков


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Предварительный просмотр:

Variant 3

I. Fill in articles a, an, the where it is necessary 

  1. … Amazon is in … South America.
  2. I’ve read … very interesting story.
  3. … Fuji is an extinct volcano and … highest mountain of … Japanese Islands.
  4. … Europe and … America are separated by … Atlantic Ocean.
  5. The official name of this country is … United States of America.

II. Rephrase the sentences. Use the modal verbs must, may, can, can’t to express possibility.

  1. I know about his plans for this weekend. He is going to write a new article. It is obvious that he will be busy.
  2. Jim knows nothing about cars and engines. I don’t think that he is a mechanic.
  3. Julian works for an international company. No experience is necessary for his job and he has to travel a lot around the city. On my opinion he is a message boy or something like that. 

III. Open the brackets. Use Passive Voice.

  1. They (to build) a new concert-hall in our street now.
  2. Lessons of French (to give) by Mary next month.
  3. Moscow (to found) in the 12th century.
  4. Last year all the trees (to plant) by the middle of autumn.
  5. The play (to stage) at the beginning of the next season.

IV. Write theses sentences in reported speech.

  1. Carry: “The velvet dress is too conservative.”
  2. The mother said: “I insist that you go to the party with me.”
  3. The editor said to Ann: “Choose the best idea.”
  4. Father: “What is the best idea?”
  5. He advised Ann: “Let them decide who will be the first to watch TV.”

V. Say what you would do if…(Conditional)

  1. If I (to see) an old woman carrying a heavy bag …
  2. If a child (to ask) me to help …
  3. If I (to be) a teacher of English…

Variant 4

I. Fill in articles a, an, the where it is necessary 

  1. Bill Robins was … very rich man.
  2. Do you know where … Mississippi is?
  3. … Amazon is in … South America.
  4. … Altai Mountains are higher than … Urals.
  5. The official name of the country is … Ukraine.

II. Rephrase the sentences. Use the modal verbs must, may, can, can’t to express possibility.

  1. Julian works for an international company. No experience is necessary for his job and he has to travel a lot around the city. On my opinion he is a message boy or something like that. 
  2. Everyone in hospital respects James. People say he is very good at operating on patients. It is possible that he is a surgeon. 
  3. I don’t believe that he is ill. I saw him at the stadium only ten minutes ago and he was playing football.

III. Open the brackets. Use Passive Voice.

  1. This film (to show) on TV a week ago.
  2. Lessons of French (to give) by Mary next month.
  3. The essay (to write) by 5 o’clock yesterday.
  4. I’ve got good news. We are moving soon. Our new house (to build).
  5. I wake up very early now. A big house (to build) just in front of my window, and they start working at 5 a.m.

IV. Write theses sentences in reported speech.

  1. Carry: “I don’t have a dress to wear.”
  2. The mother said: “I insist that you go to the party with me.”
  3. The editor said to Ann: “Decide what the problem is.”
  4. Father: “What is the best idea?”
  5. He advised Ann: “Don’t decide what your children should do.”

V. Say what you would do if…(Conditional)

  1. If I (to see) some schoolboys beating a smaller boy …
  2.  If a child (to ask) me to help …
  3. If I (to hear) a person tell a joke about my best friend …

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