Конспект урока в 10 классе по теме "Глобальное потепление"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Конспект урока для 10 класса по теме "Глобальное потепление" по технологии продуктивного чтения.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
The Flood What happens in a flood? When do floods happen? Can you remember any big floods that have happened in the past few years?
’ ’ They feared that the whole ice continent would suddenly turn to water. Then, thought Julia, then…’’
turmoil – a situation of trouble ominous – making you think about future problems, worrying oversee – to keep something under control withdraw – to leave the place hastily - quickly impending – is going to happen soon, usually bad or unpleasant flee (fled, fled) – to leave a place quickly grove – a group of trees wearily – feeling tired
Предварительный просмотр:
Form 10
Level: advanced
Aims: to understand and respond to an extract from a science fiction story.
Tools: teacher’s presentation, worksheets for students
1. Introduction.
T: - Today we are going to talk about a natural disaster. What disasters can you name?
SS answer.
T: What disaster can you see in the picture? (Slide 1)
SS: -A flood
T:-Today we are going to talk about a flood. (Slide 2, questions)
SS discuss the questions, T guides.
2. Presentation. Pre-reading activity.
T:-Now you are going to read the last sentence of the text. You need to say what type of text it is. (Slide 3.) Is it a scientific text, a science fiction text, or a newspaper article?
SS: - It’s a science fiction text.
T: - What other information get we get from this extract?
SS answer.
T: -Who is the character of the story?
SS: - Julia.
T: - What emotions does this extract make you feel?
SS answer, discussion.
Reading step.
3. Group work.
T: -The story we are going to read is jumbled, and our task is to put the parts of the story in the correct order. Each of you gets a part of the story and you shouldn’t show your partners the part you’ve got. You need to retell your piece to your friends and try to get the correct order of the events. There are some new words: turmoil, ominous, oversee, withdraw, etc. (Slide 4)
SS work in groups of four. Whole class check.
T: -Were your predictions before reading correct?
Class discussion.
4. Pair work practice.
T: -Now you may work in pairs. You need to read the whole text and answer the questions. Mark your text as you need to give exact answers. Activity B
SS work in pairs, finding the answers in the text.
Whole class check, giving quotations from the text proving Ss’ opinions.
After-reading activity.
5. Pair work. Activity C.
T: -Our next task is to put these lines of a jumbled dialogue in the correct order.
SS put the parts of the conversation in the correct order.
Whole class check.
5. Pair work. Activity D.
T: – Now you are going to read this text and answer the questions.
Whole class check and discussion.
Conclusion and self-assessment.
T:-What new information have you learnt today? What would happen next in the story?
Class discussion.
Optional activity: Ss make posters about global warming and its consequences.
HOMEWORK: write the end of the story (100-150 words).
Предварительный просмотр:
Предварительный просмотр:
Activity A. Put the paragraphs in the correct order.
Part A
But now, once again, the winds of change were blowing. In the last six months, the country had lost small but significant parts of the land to the sea. There was ominous talk among the scientists. So far, only a small portion of the ice-cap had melted, sending the sea flooding in. They feared that the whole ice continent would suddenly turn to water. Then, thought Julia, then…
Part B
Fortunately the government had given people good warning of the impending catastrophe. People had fled further inland, to relatives or hastily set up government camps. A few had remained, choosing not to believe the warnings. What must it have been like for them, Julia wondered, as they ran before the waters. None had survived. Like every other country in the world, Britain was in turmoil. But it was coping – just. As yet, only small parts of the country were under water. The rest of the country was enjoying the benefits of its newfound Mediterranean climate.
Part C
Julia stood on the top of the hill and looked out to sea. How calm it seemed. Here in the south of England they were safe, the scientists told them – for the moment. In the south-east, in Norfolk, less than two months ago the sea had rushed in a hundred miles or so, claiming the land for its own, destroying villages and towns in a few terrifying hours. Those villages and towns were gone forever now – where was the life and laughter, now there was water, turbulent or calm, as the weather dictated. The sea had not withdrawn.
Part D
Julia gazed around her, wondering at the vineyards and the orange groves that flourished everywhere between the hills and the sea. She was old enough to remember when these same fields had grown apples and plums – the fruit of colder, more northerly countries. When it had become clear that the climate was changing, the government had overseen the change to more southerly crops. The cost had been huge but Britain had made the change, and its economy had survived.
Activity B. Work in pairs. Read the text again in the correct order and answer the questions.
- When is this taking place, the past, the present or the future? Is it possible to be more exact?
- Where is Julia?
- What has happened in Norfolk? Has it happened anywhere else in Britain?
- How has the climate in Britain changed in this story? What is the result?
- Why are scientists fearful?
- Complete the last sentence.
- Do you think the scenario in this text is possible? Or is it just science fiction?
- How do you feel when you read the text?
Activity C. Work in pairs. These are the first lines of a conversation. The rest of the conversation is in the wrong order. Number the lines in the correct order. Then, in pairs, read the dialogue aloud.
1 Jack: Why might the icecaps melt?
2 Jill: Because of global warming.
__Jill: Glad to hear it.
__Jack: And so the sea heats up and the ice at the poles melts?
__Jill: Because of pollution.
__Jill: Gases that are created as by-products of industry and cars. The gases remain in the atmosphere and prevent heat from escaping into space, Therefore the atmosphere heats up and consequently the global temperature rises.
__Jack: I hear, what you’re saying. But I’m an optimist, personally.
__Jack: What kind of pollution?
__Jill: That’s the idea. The ice is melting already. Why do you think we’re getting all these floods and other natural catastrophes?
__Jack: Global warming – you mean that the planet is getting hotter? Why is that happening?
Activity D. Work in pairs. Read the text and answer the questions.
- Do the events in this text happen before or after the events in the text you read in
Activity A?
- What has happened?
She was alive. Was this a good or bad thing, she wondered? She lay awake, shivering, wishing that her sleeping bag was thicker, knowing that she was lucky to have one at all. There was a cold grey light in the tent that signaled the approaching morning. She rose and went wearily outside. Most people were still asleep but in one corner of the field a helicopter had just landed. The pilot climbed out and she walked over to him.
“What’s the news?” she asked nervously. The man looked away from her.
“The worst. Two thirds of the country’s under water.” Julia turned and walked slowly back to her tent.
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