Внеклассное мероприятие на английском языке в младших классах. Тема «Animals»
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия «Animals» предназначен для учащихся младших классов.
Данный сценарий можно использовать во время кружковых занятий, недели английского языка. Эта работа прекрасно развивает творческие способности учащихся, навыки работы в команде, дружбу и взаимопомощь, а самое главное, стимулирует интерес учащихся к дальнейшему изучению английского языка, что и является основной целью моей работы!
1. Активизация учащимися изученной лексики по теме «Животные»
2. Повышение мотивации учащихся к изучению иностранного языка.
3. Развитие креативного потенциала учащихся.
Оснащение: Костюмы персонажей, декорации, музыкальное сопровождение.
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Предварительный просмотр:
на английском языке
в младших классах
Тема «Animals»
- Конкурс костюмов
- Обзор о животных
- Стихотворения о животных
- Драматизация стихотворения «Кошка и мышка»
- Рассказы о своих питомцах
- Стихотворение о толстом щенке
- Скороговорки
- Загадки (игра со зрителями)
- Инсценировка сказки
10.Песня «Old McDonald»
Dear boys and girls, dear teacher!
I’m glad to see you. Every year we meet to dance, play games, recite poems, sing songs, show plays, have competitions. We hope you all enjoy English parties. This time we are going to talk about animals.
Please, meet the animals.
Now let us see what you know about animals?
- Lot animals live in the world.
- Some animals live on farms: cow, pigs, ducks and turkeys.
- Other animals live in houses.
- They are called pets: cats and turtles.
- Some other animals live in zoos and safari parks.
- Longleat is the best safari park in Britain.
- It is famous for lions.
- Tigers, llamas, monkeys and parrots live in Longleat as well.
- Other zoos have got coyotes, iguanas, ravens, and exotic vipers.
- Some people keep them as pets.
Well, you know a lot about animals. Perhaps you know a few poems about them. What poems do you know?
(уч-ся рассказывают стих-я)
- I love all kinds animals,
Dogs and cats and rabbits.
I love all kinds of animals,
I know their little habits.
- I love little pussy,
Her coat is so warm,
And if I don’t hurt her
She’ll do me no harm.
So I’ll not pull her tail,
Or drive her away,
But Pussy and I
Very gently will play!
- Little bird, little bird,
Look at me!
I have a bird house.
Oh, come and see.
Little boy, little boy under the tree.
I like this house, give it to me!
- Donkey, donkey, old and grey,
Open your mouth and gently bray.
Lift your ears and blow your horn
To wake the world this sleepy mom.
- My dog can’t talk But it can bark,
I take my dog to the park.
- My dog is clever, strong and quick,
Its name is Spot, my name is Nick.
My dog is nice, my dog is gay,
We play together every day.
- What is grey? Can you say?
Yes, I can. My cat is grey.
- Hey, diddle, diddle,
The cat and the fiddle
The cow jumped over the moon,
The little dog laughed to see such fun
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
- Вяа! Baa! Black sheep!
Have you any wool?
Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full.
One for my father, one for my mother,
And one for the little boy that is my brother.
- Hickory, dickory, dock!
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, dock!
- Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
Little brown bird!
Was that your singing
through the wood ringing?
Sweeter music never was heard!
- I found a cow! How?
I found a bear! Where?
I found a hen! When?
I found a bear,
I found a hen,
I found a cow! Wow!
- I wonder have your ever heard
My parrot?
He is a talking bird.
He says “Hallo” to any man
Who says “Hallo” to him.
He eats and sleeps and talks again;
But in his dreams he sees
Palms and unknown jungle trees,
And hides from tropical rains.
- A wise old owl lived in an oak;
The more he saw, the less he spoke.
The less he spoke; the more he heard:
Why can’t we all be like that wise old bird?
- If you ever, ever, ever meet a grizzly bear,
You must never, never, never ask him where
He is going,
Or whet he is doing;
For if you ever, ever dare to stop a grizzly bear,
You will never meet another grizzly bear.
- If I had plenty of money,
Do you know what I would do?
I’d buy such lots of animals
And have my own little zoo.
But they wouldn’t be in cages,
They’d be free to run around
And there’s one thing they would know,
That thing is to be safe and sound.
Now, I think you can dramatize some poems about animals. Who can?
(Little mouse, little mouse...)
Little mouse, little mouse,
Where is your house?
Tell me, my sweet.
Little cat, little cat,
Stay in your flat,
There is nothing here to eat!
Little mouse, little mouse,
Where is your house?
Where do you live?
Little cat, little cat,
Stay in your flat,
I have nothing to give.
Little mouse, little mouse,
Where is your house?
Come out and talk to me!
Little cat, little cat,
No, no! I won’t do that!
You want to eat me!
Very nice of you! Now show us your pets and tell us about them
(рисунки, рассказы)
- My name is Meline. I’ve got a pet.
His name is Mailo. He is 9 months.
He says bow-wow. I like Mailo a lot.
He is so smart. Mailo is a small lot.
He is brown and fuzzy.
He likes to play and fulfil commands.
- My name is Ashot. I’ve got a dog , too.
Her name is Simma. She is 8 months.
She says bow-wow. Simma is big and grey.
She likes to eat. Simma is so smart.
We like her a lot.
- My name is Hovik. I’ve got a bird.
It’s a parrot. His name is Chatterbox.
He’s green, red and yellow. He is a big,
Funny, nice bird. I teach him to talk.
I like to play with my parrot.
It’s fun.
- My name is Rimma. I have got a cat. Her name is Murka. She is 3 years old. Murka is black and white. She likes to catch birds, snakes, and rats. She runs after whatever moves. Murka is a funny pet. I love her very much.
- My name Armen. I have got small fish. They are 12 months. They are very colourful. They live in the pool. We feed them with special food. I love them very much.
- My name is Sarkis. My pets are two pigeons. They are very rare and they live in a small house. The pigeons are very colourful and they have big tails like peacocks. My mother teaches them and they can perform in circus.
Most children love animals. They have pets at home and take care of them. But some boys and girls give their pets too much food to eat. That’s why their pets become too fat and can’t run and jump well. Look at this puppy! (Показывают толстого щенка, рассказывают стихотворение и прыгают.)
Spot is a plump puppy,
Still he can jump.
Jump, puppy! Jump, puppy!
Jump, puppy, jump.
If you jump plenty
You’ll not be so plump.
So jump, puppy,
Jump, puppy!
Jump, puppy, jump!
Now we’ll see who the best in saying tongue-twisters is.
(Говорят скороговорки)
Swan swam over the sea
Swim, Swan, swim.
Swan swam back again,
Well swam, swan!
The turkey is a funny bird,
Its head goes bobble-bobble
And all she knows is just one word
And that is gobble-gobble.
Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear,
Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair,
Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy.
Was he?
A black cat sat on a mat
And ate a fat rat.
It’s time for riddles. Try to guess what animal it is.
- I have a bushy tail, sometimes I’m grey and sometimes I’m red, I like nuts. What am I?
- This animal is small; it lives in the woods and runs very fast. It is afraid of everything.
What animal is it?
- It doesn’t speak, nor does it sing, or at the door, give a ring, but still it lets its master know someone wants to see him.
(A dog)
- There is animal that has a beautiful yellow skin with black stripes on it. It is very fierce wild animal. It lives mostly in hot countries.
(A tiger)
5. I’m grey and I’m very big, I live in the jungle, but you can also find me at the Zoo or in the circus. I don’t eat meat. I like vegetables, leaves, grass and fruit.
- I am red and I have a fine bushy tail. I like meat. I hunt and eat small animals.
- A very funny animal which moves very quickly. It can hang by its tail.
(A monkey)
- My long thin legs are good and fast; I like to gallop and to run.
(A horse)
- He is nit a tailor but carries needles with him.
(A hedgehog)
- This animal can go without food and water for a long time.
(A camel)
As our party is devoted to animals we’ll show you a play “A house in the wood”.
Our party is coming to an end. We hope you liked it and enjoyed it very much.
Now you’ll hear a famous song for children “Old McDonald”.
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