Урок по английскому языку "Cinema"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
• to revise students’ vocabulary on the topic “Cinema”;
• to improve students’ skills for listening and comprehension;
• to practise reading skills;
• to develop communicative skills using active vocabulary on the topic.
Warm up
Why is cinema-going still a favourite pastime for many people?
Introducing the topic
1. The teacher draws on the blackboard a circle and writes “Film genre”. Students
should write all film genres they know.
Students make comments about film genres in their own way.
2. Work in pairs. Students talk about their favourite films using the expressions.
Good acting, (not) worth seeing, an excellent performance by…, good photography,
an exciting story, spectacular special effects.
Example. A. I like Jurassic Park. It’s a good science fiction film.
B. Why?
A. Well, it’s got spectacular special effects and…
One of the wonders of this modern world is the art of making moving pictures. The 19th century was a time of great discoveries and inventions. In 1895 the Lumiere brothers gave the world’s first real cinematograph show in Paris to an audience of 33 people.
In 1894, two French brothers, Auguste and Louis Lumiere, heard about the kinetoscope, a machine that Thomas Edison had invented in the USA in 1889. It was a box which contained a strip of filmed photographs. The photos were moved past a light in the box, so when you looked into the box, the image scanned to move. It took more than fifteen metres of film to make a “movie” of twenty seconds. The Lumiere brothers developed this idea and built a similar machine which projected the pictures onto a screen. They called it the Cinematograph and in 1895 they showed ten films. The “moving pictures” as entertainment was born. The first film the Lumiere brothers showed was “The Arrival of a Train at a Station”. So exciting was the experience that some members of the audience half expected the train to rush out at them from the screen.
In 1895 they showed nine films more. The first film theatre was opened in 1905, in Pittsburgh, USA. The first films were silent, but in 1920s, sound was developed. In 1927, cinema-goers were able to hear, for the first time, dialogue and music in The Jazz Singer. Technicolor appeared in 1932. Before then, each picture in a film had been painted by hand.
In 1950s there were a lot of developments based on new technology, for example, wide-screen processes and stereophonic sound. Y ou sat in the cinema in front of an enormous screen and you could hear the sounds of voices or horses or cars moving from one side of the screen to the other. Y ou felt as if you were actually in the picture. By the end of 20th century, cinema audiences had got used to even more special effects, using computer graphics and other new techniques to produce spectacular films. Who knows what new developments may happen in the years ahead?
1. Read the text and choose the best title. Give reasons.
1) Technological developments.
2) Moving pictures.
3) History of cinema.
2. Complete the time chart showing some of the developments in the history of
1889 __ __ .
1895 __ __ .
1905 __ __ .
1920s __ __ .
1927 __ __ .
1932 __ __ .
1950s __ __.
3. Answer the questions.
1) What machine had already been invented which helped the Lumiere brothers
to make their Cinematograph?
2) Why was The Jazz Singer a very important film?
3) How did film-making in 1950s make audience fell they were actually in the
4) What was the main new technological development in the 1990s?
Cinema in England
In England the cinema is usually called “the pictures”. The American name “the movies” is used too. The first performance or “showing” as it’s called, begins at about two o’clock in the afternoon, and the show goes on from then till about half past ten. The cinema is not emptied between the “showings”, so that once you have paid for your seat you can stay in the cinema as long as you like. Then is usually one main film, a shorter one, a news film, some advertisements (ads) and a “trailer” telling about the films for the next week. Cinemas used to be more crowded than they are now. Many people used to go to the cinema two or three times a week, but today people like to stay at home to watch television, particularly when it is cold and wet outside. The prices of cinema seats outside London are between three shillings and five shillings. The prices in London are higher. Films at London cinemas start as early as 12.00 hours, and there are often late-night programmes starting between 23.00 hours and midnight. Exact times and programmes are advertised in the daily newspaper.
1. Think of 10 questions to the text.
2. Work in groups.
Two groups. Discussion. Compare the cinema in our country and in England.
Write a composition “What did you learn about cinematograph?”
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