Spotlight 9. Module 1-3. Контрольная работа для промежуточного контроля усвоения материалов 1-3 модулей.
тест по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Еремеева Инна Николаевна

Spotlight 9. Module 1-3. Контрольная работа для промежуточного контроля усвоения материалов 1-3 модулей. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test. Variant 1

  1. Fill in: mythical, change, next-door, place, survived, spacious.
  1. At La Tomantina you need a spare ... of clothes.
  2. Every culture has stories of ... creatures.
  3. My ... neighbour is very friendly and sociable.
  4. Nessie could be a dinosaur that somehow ... .
  5. Remembrance Day takes ... on the 11th November.
  6. They live in a ... house woth a garden.

  1. Translate in English:
  1. Хорошая (плохая) примета;
  2. Главное событие в жизни подростка;
  3. Мышцы становятся мягкими;
  4. Невесомость;
  5. Сильный водоворот;
  6. На заднем плане картины

  1. Put the verbs into correct form of Present tenses:
  1. The parade ... (start) at 10 am, so let’s hurry.
  2. Kate is tired. She ... (work) since morning.
  3. This rose ... (smell) nice and sweet.

  1. Fill in the correct for of the verbs (-ing form, to-infinitive or infinitive without to)
  1. Our teacher makes us ... (do) our homework.
  2. I am in charge of ... (make) the party arrangements.
  3. Tom wants ... (finish) work early today.

  1. Put the verbs into correct form of Past tenses:
  1. We ... (walk) for an hour when it started to rain.
  2. John ... (wash) the car when it got dark.
  3. Paul ... (not watch) a DVD yesterday.

  1. Complete the sentence with the correct prepositions:
  1. My sister is afraid ... spiders.
  2. Jane is waiting for you ... the corner of the street.
  3. Jack was nervous ... camping in the forest.

  1. Complete the sentence with the correct particle:
  1. A strange feeling came ... me as I walked home.
  2. I’ll make ... not doing my chores this week, I promise.
  3. I can’t wait for Spielberg’s new film to come.

Test. Variant 2

  1. Fill in: parade, display, household, sociable, humped, torture.
  1. He likes being with people. He’s very ... .
  2. Lots of festivals have a fireworks ... .
  3. Many old castles used to have ... chambers.
  4. Most people don’t like doing ... chores.
  5. Nessie has a long neck and a ... back.
  6. The festival included a noisy street ... .

  1. Translate in English:
  1. Прожить жизнь пирата;
  2. Собирать деньги на благотворительность;
  3. Отсутствие притяжения;
  4. Наткнуться на компьютер;
  5. Вымершие виды животных;
  6. Человеческие следы.

  1. Put the verbs into correct form of Present tenses:
  1. Helen ... (not/believe) in ghosts.
  2. Petra ... (look) upset because she ... (lose) her lucky charm.
  3. The kids ... (watch) TV at the moment.

  1. Fill in the correct for of the verbs (-ing form, to-infinitive or infinitive without to)
  1. What would you like ... (do) tonight?
  2. It was silly of you ... (forget) to lock the door.
  3. She didn’t let me ... (enter) the room.

  1. Put the verbs into correct form of Past tenses:
  1. Kate was bored because she ... (not/go out) all weekend.
  2. This time last week we ... (lie) on a beach.
  3. Jim ... (not finish) all his homework by the time he went to bed.

  1. Complete the sentence with the correct prepositions:
  1. I am interested ... learning science.
  2. I feel like I spend most of my time ... school.
  3. Have you heard ... Bigfoot?

  1. Complete the sentence with the correct particle:
  1. Dave came ... a secret passage in the castle.
  2. What do you make ... your new neighbours?
  3. Eve came ... with a great idea for a story.

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