План открытого урока Christmas Time
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
План открытого урока в 7 классе общеобразовательной школы Christmas Time
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Предварительный просмотр:
План урока
учителя английского языка
МОУ СОШ №25 г. Череповца
Степановой Елены Петровны
e-mail: elenstep2013@gmail.com
Age: 14-15
Time: 45 min.
Topic: Christmas Time
Aim: By the end of the lesson students will be able to share their knowledge about the most important facts connected with Christmas time, Christmas symbols and how to make Christmas wishes.
Materials: Power Point presentation, worksheets with a text and a written grammar exercise, handouts with the language support for the song “Jingle Bells”.
Activity | Teacher says\does | Students (Ss) do | Skills developed | Time | Comments |
1.Lead-in | Teacher says, “ We spoke a lot about travelling at the previous classes, now let’s imagine that we have travelled to great Britain. By the way, how can we travel to this country, by plane, by train or on foot? – Yes, by plane. Now imagine, we have arrived in London, and it’s almost the end of December, what are the people doing in the streets? Are they preparing for anything special? Yes, Christmas is coming. Look at the presentation slide, please. Who can unscramble the word and probably guess the topic of our lesson? | The expected students’ answer is “by plane”. Students answer, “They are preparing for Christmas”. Ss unscramble the word “CHRISTMAS” | Expressing personal opinion and attitude Guessing the topic | 3 min. | Questions are written on the board: how can we travel to Great Britain? Are the people in London preparing for anything special? Show Slide 1 in the power point presentation. |
2. Reading | Asks to read a short text about Christmas and be ready to answer some questions The Teacher asks the following questions and encourages Ss to give full answers. 1) What kind of holiday is Christmas? 2) Where do English people celebrate it? 3) When is Christmas celebrated? 4) How do English families prepare for Christmas? 5) What does Christmas dinner consist of? 6) What are the most popular Christmas songs? 7). What Christmas symbols do you know? | Students read the text Ss answer the questions (in full sentences) Ss name Christmas symbols (Santa Claus, Sleigh, Christmas Tree, Christmas card, Turkey, Candle, Wreath, Stockings, Carol) | Reading for specific information, exchanging opinions | 7 min. | Text: Slide 2 Resource: http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/sites/teens/files/read_christmas.htm Ss’ worksheet: see Appendix 1 |
3. Speaking | Asks the Ss to look at the slides with pictures and short texts and explain some Christmas symbols. | Ss explain the Christmas symbols using the pictures and short texts in the Power Point presentation. | Speaking skills (giving opinions, arguments) | 4 min. | Slides 3-12 with Christmas symbols (Santa Claus, Christmas tree, Christmas wreaths, Christmas star, Christmas candles, Christmas stockings). |
4. Christmas Quiz (gap-filling and unscrambling) | Asks the Ss to fill in the missing words in the sentences, find the words inside the longer ones and finally unscramble the words. | Ss fill in the gaps in the sentences, find the words hidden inside longer words and unscramble the words they see in the slides. | Deducing a gapped\scrambled word from the context | 4 min. | Slides 12-22 resource: http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/sites/teens/files/games_christmas.htm |
5. Grammar brush-up: tenses + voice (find a mistake and correct it) | The teacher hands out the letters and says: “You know, yesterday I received a letter from London. An English boy asked Santa Claus for a Christmas present, but he had made some grammar mistakes. Let’s help him. Work in pairs and correct the mistakes”. Checks the task by asking individual students. The teacher asks, “Tell me, please, what present would Daniel like to get on Christmas?” | Ss work in pairs and correct the mistakes. An expected answer is “2 railway sets with 2 trains”. | Critical thinking as far as the tenses and voices are concerned, negotiating and reaching an agreement | 10 min. | Slide 23 with the letter. Ss’ worksheet: see Appendix 2. The correct variant: Dear Santa! I was so happy last year when I received a huge railway set with a train from you! Thanks a lot! But unfortunately some days ago it was broken by my little sister. I felt really sad at that time. You see, Katy is only 2 years old, and I am sure she didn’t break my favourite toy on purpose. So, dear Santa, could you please send us two railway sets with two trains for me and my sister this Christmas? You know, I have been really good at studying and I have made a great success. My parents are proud of me! And my sister…, well, she is such a smart and sweet little girl! Upon my word, she has learned Christmas songs and many poems by heart! And moreover, she has eaten really well and has grown 2 centimeters tall over 2 months! So, dear Santa, please come as soon as possible and we will sing to you and Katy will dance for you! We will be very thankful to you for the presents! Lots of love, Daniel”. |
6. Creative Task (Christmas cards should be prepared beforehand) 7. Gap filling task and singing the song “Jingle Bells” for pleasure | TheTeacher says, “We have found out a lot about Christmas. Now it’s time to write Christmas cards. You have prepared them at home, but first let’s remember what wishes you can write in the cards. Now it’s time to write down in your own cards the wishes you like best. Afterwards you can give your cards either to your parents or to your friends or to your school teachers.” The teacher gives out the worksheets with the song “Jingle Bells” where some words are missing. Ss have to guess the correct word with the help of the picture. The teacher monitors the students’ work helping them with advice. | Ss read some Christmas Wishes in the presentation slide and voice out their own wishes. Ss sign their cards. Ss look though the song, guess its title and fill in the gaps with an appropriate word according to the picture. Afterwards, the Ss listen to the song and check their guesses. The Ss check the filled-in blanks together with the teacher. Ss sing the song along. | Writing a postcard Guessing a missing word with the help of a picture | 3 min. 4 min. | Slide 25 “Christmas Wishes” Students’ worksheet: see Appendix 3. Reference http://www.britishcouncil.org/learnenglishpodcasts.songs.htm |
8. Round-up | Finds out Ss’ opinions about the content, procedure and activities of the lesson. The teacher says, “Our class is almost over. What new and interesting facts have you learned today? What was interesting for you at the class today? What was difficult for you? What do you remember most? Thank you for being so attentive and smart today!” | Ss make reflection of the lesson and their work and highlight the most moving moments of the lesson. | Self-evaluation and reflection | 3 min. |
Appendix 1 (Introductory Text on Christmas)
On the 25th of December English children celebrate Christmas. It is a Christian holiday that celebrates the Birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is their favorite holiday. This holiday is celebrated at home. Santa Claus with a white beard and in a red suit comes down the chimney into the house at night and leaves gifts for children. “Jingle Bells”, “We wish you a merry Christmas”, “Silent Night” are very popular in England. The main food is turkey and Christmas pudding.
Appendix 2 (Letter with mistakes)
Dear Santa!
I were so happy last year when I will receive a huge railway set with a train from you! Thanks a lot! But unfortunately some days ago it broke by my little sister. I feel really sad at that time. You see, Katy are only 2 years old, and I was sure she will break my favourite toy on purpose. So, dear Santa, could you please send us two railway sets with two trains for me and my sister this Christmas? You know, I will be really good at studying and I was making a great success. My parents will be proud of me! And my sister…, well, she are such a smart and sweet little girl! Upon my word, she learn Christmas songs and many poems by heart! And moreover, she eat really well and grow 2 centimeters tall over 2 months!
So, dear Santa, please came as soon as possible and we sing to you and Katy dance for you! We is very thankful to you for the presents!
Lots of love,
Appendix 3. (JINGLE BELLS)
Dashing through the
In a one-horse open
Over the we go
Laughing all the way.
on bob-tails ring
Making spirits bright,
Oh, what fun it is to ride
And sing a sleighing tonight.
Jingle , jingle ,
Jingle all the way.
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one-open
(2 times)
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