Элективный курс 9 класс
элективный курс по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Хучиева А. М., учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ с. Красный Яр Красноярского района Самарской области.
Пояснительная записка.
Программа данного курса по английскому языку адресована для предпрофильной подготовки учащихся 9-х классов общеобразовательных школ.
Цель курса:
Коммуникативно-деятельностное развитие школьников, развитие познавательной активности в учении, саморазвитие и самоактуализация в предметной области «Английский язык». Занятия по английскому языку – это благодатная почва для реализации межпредметных связей. Русский язык, литература, история, география, биология, физика – это предметы, содержание которых в той или иной мере находит отражение в тематике программы по английскому языку. Особое место в данном элективном курсе занимает проблема экологии окружающей среды. Ученики обсуждают такие проблемы, как гуманное отношение к природе, к животному миру, защита окружающей среды, вопросы здорового образа жизни и т.д. Курс воспитывает у учащихся чувство любви к родному краю, поселку. Основные задачи курса: - интеграция филолого-гуманитарной и естественнонаучной областей школьных знаний; - организация обучения английскому языку как процесса межкультурной коммуникации; - сотрудничество учителя и учеников как равноправных участников учебного процесса; - коллективное сотворчество в разных видах коммуникативной и познавательной деятельности; - самостоятельность действий учеников по приобретению новых языковых и социокультурных знаний. Цели курса: - расширение сферы применения английского языка в рамках учебного процесса; - повышение уровня и объёма знаний иностранного языка; - развитие у учащихся организационных и исследовательских способностей; - улучшение качественной и количественной структуры преподавания путём привлечения ориентированных на содержание форм информации; - подготовка учащихся к межкультурной коммуникации;2 - воспитание у учащихся чувства патриотизма. Формы работы: индивидуальная, парная, групповая. Планируемые результаты.
В результате изучения элективного курса учащиеся овладеют: - техникой просмотрового чтения с извлечением нужной информации; - техникой устной и письменной презентации проекта; - лексическими и грамматическими образцами по теме; - знаниями в области экологии и зашиты окружающей среды; - опытом краеведческой работы. Формы контроля уровня достижений учащихся.
Основной задачей курса является развитие мотивации и творческого потенциала учащихся, их интеллектуальной и организаторской активности. В связи с этим наиболее перспективной оказывается накопительная оценка достижений, которая выставляется по завершению элективного курса. Критерии оценки могут быть следующими: - самооценка (Что я узнал? Что я умею делать? Что я сделал?); - аттестация в рабочей группе; - отметка за выполненный проект; - финальная оценка, выставляемая учителем.
Учебный курс по выбору состоит из 10 часов. Учебно-тематический план № п/п Тема занятия Кол-во часов 1. Презентация темы элективного курса. Чтение текста «The Earth is Our Home» c детальным пониманием. 1 2. Грамматическое занятие. Модальные глаголы. What should we do to help our planet? 1 3-4. «The World of Nature». Чтение текстов с различными формами заданий. 2 5. Беседа-обмен мнениями «Animals Are Our Friends». 1 6. «The World of Animals» Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений. 1 7. Пресс-конференция «We Need Our Planet Cleaner And Healthier». Монологические и диалогические высказывания по теме. 1 8. Круглый стол «People and Nature» 1 9. Просмотр видеопередач, видеофильмов о проблемах экологии. 1 10. Защита проектов по проблемам охраны окружающей среды.
1 Итого 10
Занятие 1. Презентация новой темы. Учитель знакомит учащихся с новой темой с опорой на картинки и фотографии. T: Good afternoon.The topic of our lessons is ‘The Earth is Our Home’.We’ll discuss the problem of enviromental protection. You know that people all over the world are worried about our environment.Our Earth is our3 home.I think people must take care of our Motherland.Our main aim is the protection our environmental.The issue of ecology is important.All these problems are very serious and important. The pictures show various environmental problems of our planet. Чтение текста по теме с детальным пониманием. The Earth is Our Home. The Earth is our home, but much of it is dirty and dying. Besides, rapid grown of our population needs more and more land, food, goods and modern conveniencesfor new for new-born people. Every year man cuts down more trees to provide paper, wood, medicines, mineral fuel. Our plants and factories put their waste materials into water and atmosphere and pollute the environment. They pollute the air we breathe,the water we drink, the land we live in.The idea of “home” includes the whole planet of ours,it’s population, the Nature, animals, birds, fish, insects and even the atmosphere around our planet.Do all of them live a happy life in our Home nowdays? Unfortunately,it is not so.There are many kinds of transport in our big cities, that is why we must pay attention to the protection of our nature and the health of the people. Cars and factories are very dirty. They can also be dangerous for people, wildlife and environment. One of the most serious pollution problems is “acid rain”. This happens when factories send gases and chemicals into the air. There they mix, and the mixture is carried for hundreds of miles by the wind and finally falls back to earth. This “acid rain” kills fish and trees. It slowly destroys everything.Radiation.Now it has become one of the main problems.It is not good for health of people. At the moment, 94% of the world’s energy comes from oil, gas and coal. But these “fossil fuels” won’t last forever. There’s only enough oil and gas for the next 50 years. Coal will last longer – perhaps about 300 years. And then? Well, one answer is nuclear energy. But today, after Chernobyl, many people think it’s too dangerous. There are four solutions. They all use natural energy in the environment: wind energy, solar energy, wave energy (from the sea), and geothermal energy (from “hot” rocks under the ground). It’s clean and natural, but there’s another problem: they all are rather expensive. Today we realize that the Earth is in danger. It’s really very simple. Either we stop killing the Earth or we kill ourselves. We need a cleaner, healthier planet. We have state organization which pay attention to this problem. Groups like “Green Peace” have already helped to stop the hunting of some animals, such as whales. What else can be done? The international conventions pay much attention to this problem.There are some laws and decisions on this important subject.Our Earth is our home. Ithink people must take care of our Home. Answer the following questions. 1. What does the idea of “home” include? 2. Why is the Earth in danger? 3. What is “acid rain”?4 4. How can we solve pollution problems like “acid rain”? 5. What planet do we need? 6. What kind of energy will replace coal, gas and oil in the future? Translate. 1. Кроме того, быстрый рост населения требует больше земли, пищи, товаров и современных удобств для новых поколений. 2. Автомобили и работающие предприятия представляют собой угрозу для людей и живой природы. Одна из серьезнейших проблем загрязнения окружающей среды – это кислотные дожди. Они медленно разрушают все вокруг. 3. Они загрязняют воздух, которым мы дышим, воду, которую мы пьем, землю, на которой живем. 4. В наших больших городах много видов транспорта, поэтому мы должны уделять внимание защите природы и здоровья людей. 5. Сегодня, после трагедии Чернобыля, многие люди считают, что ядерная энергия опасна.
Занятие 2. Грамматическое занятие. Модальные глаголы. Модальные глаголы всегда употребляются с инфинитивом. Они обозначают: возможность, способность, вероятность, необходимость совершения действия, выраженного смысловым глаголом (инфинитивом). Модальные глаголы не имеют всех глагольных форм (инфинитива, герундия, З-й формы причастия прошедшего времени, окончания в 3-ем лице единственного числа в настоящем времени, не употребляются в совершенных и продолженных временах, не имеют будущего времени и т.д.). Отрицательные и вопросительные предложения модальные глаголы образуют самостоятельно без вспомогательного глагола.5 T: Can we help to save the planet? What should we do to help our planet? What advice can you give? Use the structures: We should + V We shouldn’t + V We can+V PP: (Bapианты oтветов.) - We should help animals. - We can help stop the greenhouse effect. - We should take care for wildlife. - We should recycle paper, cans and glass. - We can help to stop the ozon layer from disappearing! - We shouldn’t throw away litter. - We shouldn’t damage birds’ nests. - We shouldn’t let fires burn in the forest. T: Thank you. Our lesson is over. I’m sure that you are real friends of our planet.
Занятия 3, 4. The World of Nature. Модальные глаголы Значения Примеры CAN физические и умственные способности, возможность выполнения, сомнение, удивление (может быть, неужели?) He can ride quite well. I couldn’t go to the theatre yesterday, Iwas busy. We can help our planet.Can she be waiting for us? MAY разрешение, неуверенность (может быть, возможно); упрек; укор (might) May I come in? You might have told me. MUST Обязательство, долг; команда, приказ, настойчивая просьба, предположение (должно быть) He ‘must do his homework. You must leave the room at once! People must take care of our Motherland. SHOULD, OUGHT обязанность; долг (должен), совет (следует) Promises should never be broken. You should do everything to protect the nature. TO BE + Inf. (Heonpe фopмa) Приказ, соглашение; согласие. Возможность и неизбежность. You are to go straight to your room. We were to meet at the entrance. Nothing was to be seen. TO HAVE TO + Inf. Долг или необходимость, вызванные обязательствами (приходится, должен, вынужден) I didn’t have to walk, I took a taxi. We have to control atmospheric and water pollution.6 Чтение текстов с различными формами заданий, направленных на контроль разнообразных технологий чтения. На этих занятиях учащиеся читают научно-познавательные и занимательные тексты о мире дикой природы и о ее проблемах. Ребята выполняют различные задания: поиск детальной информации, логика построения текста, интерпретация и трансформация текста, общее понимание прочитанного и т.д. Примеры таких текстов и заданий можно найти в различных тренировочных тестах для подготовки к Единому государственному экзамену.
Занятие 5. Беседа-обмен мнениями «Animals Are Our Friends». T: Have you ever thought of yourself as part of the animal kingdom? Since the earliest times, people have hunted wild animals for their meat, skins and fur. Then in about 10,000 BC, the first farmers began to tame and breed wild animals to feed the growing population. This process called domestication, played a vital role in the development of human civilization. Since then, people have continued to rear animals for food and clothing, as well as train them to work, and breed them as pets. Some domesticated animals, including many breeds of dog, have been specially bred for so long that they look very different from their wild ancestors. Oxen, for example, could do as much work in one day as a farmer could do in a week. Horses were, of course, the most common means of transport. The camel is called “the ship or the desert” because for centuries it carried people across deserts. You have probably seen pictures of elephants carrying heavy things from place to place with their trunks. But I want to admit that sometimes man has been very cruel in the way he used animals. There are many animals which we know today only from pictures, others are now dying out. The time has come to protect our friends. If we do not act soon, new generations may know some animals only from a picture in a book. Do you know any interesting facts from the life of animals? P1: It is interesting to know that rabbits can live five years, sheep can live twelve years. cats - fifteen. horses - thirty years. P2: There are 400 types of dogs. P3: There was a cat who had thirteen kittens. P4: Mice can sing. P5: Cats love their homes. If you get a new home and take your cat with you, it can run away to its old place. That’s why people try to carry their cats in closed bags so that they can’t see the way to a new house... T: You can find many animals on our planet. In the oceans there are whales, albatrosses, sharks, polar bears, penguins. In tropical forests there are snakes, gorillas, jaguars, in rivers you can see different kinds of fish. But the problem of our time is that these species are disappearing. Indian tigers are among them. Tigers are the biggest cats in the world. They are good hunters but they are very dangerous. It’s a pity but there are few Indian tigers on the Earth now. Many of them are old and sick. Most tigers hide from people in deep dark forests. I want to ask you: «Have those animals got a future»?7 P1: Of course not. I want to say some words about crocodiles. They appeared on the Earth 200 million years ago. There are 21 species of them. People have been hunting them for many years. The result is that 14 species are included into the Red Data Book. P2: I want to say some words about African elephants. Elephants need a lot of water. Grown-ups drink as much as 50 gallons (189 litres) a day. The animals use water in other ways as well. After they have had enough to drink, they fill their trunks and spray their bodies. The showers cool the elephants. T: Very good. Who know anything about the life of elephants? P3: Elephants rest under the trees. They rest only during the hottest part of the day and for a few hours each night. The rest of the time they eat. In fact, elephants spend about 16 hours a day eating. P4: 1 want to add that today many elephants in Africa are dying because they do not have enough to eat or drink and because they do not have enough space to live in. Hunters kill thousands of elephants every year. Some kill them for meat. But most kill elephants for their tusks. Specialists think that only two million elephants live on the planet today. P5: Most of elephants have gone to national parks. There are too many animals there. As a result, the elephants do not have enough grass and leaves to eat. T: In every country there are monuments to people. But in some countries there are also monuments to animals. Do you know anything about these monuments? P1: In a small town near St. Petersburg there is a monument to a dog. “the Pavlo dog. It was the dog that helped the famous phisiologist Ivan Pavlov to make great discoveries. Another monument to a dog stands in Paris. It’s the monument to the dog called Barri. Barri saved forty men. When he was saving the forty-first man, he killed Barri, thinking that it was a wolf. P2: Not only dogs help people to make discoveries. Scientists also use frogs for their experiments. There are two monuments to the frog: one in Paris and the other in Tokyo. Japan. P3: People didn’t forget about a donkey either. The donkey was the main means of transport of the Italian army during the First World War. There is also a statue of a donkey, carrying a cannon munle on its hack in Rome, the capital of Italy. The statues to a donkey are also in a small town in Switzerland and in Texas, USA. P4: Holland built a statue to a cow. The cows of Holland are famous all over the world for good milk and meat. They play an important role in the economy of Holland. The people call the cow “Us-Men”, which means “Our Mother”. You can read these words on the statue. P5: Horses have always worked for men. Like dogs, horses are men’s best friends. People remember it and build monuments to horses. You can see them at Exhibition of Economic Achievements in Moscow. There you see two monuments: one to the horse named Ksadrat and the other to Symvol. Race-horses, the8 champions of many competitions. There is also an aluminium statue of a horse in I Hungary. The people of Hungary made it to express their gratitude to many horses that perished during the Second World War. They wrote on the statue: «To the true friend-in-arm». P6: In Willington, New Zealand, there is a monument to a dolphin, Jack by name. This dolphin served sailors for 40 years helping their ships to pass dangerous reefs. P7: There is even a monument to a pig. The history of the monument is strange. The people of German town noticed that a pig was often digging in one and the same place. “Why?” they thought. When they dug up the soil of the place, they discovered salt under it. Salt was very dear at that time. So the people of the town got salt and the pig got a statue. P8: There is a monument to a pest. It’s a monument to the weevils that stands in the centre of Enterprise, a town in the south of the USA. I’d like to tell you the story of this monument. The farmer of that place grew cotton, which was constantly damaged by the weevils. They could do nothing against it and had to turn to peanuts n Rich brought them suddenly more money than ever made 1mm cotton. They were so happy, that they even built a monument to the weevils. T: An animal that is kept at home is a pet. Cows, sheep, pigs are domestic animals, they are kept by a man. I think that some o have pets at home. Why does your family keep them? How do you take care of them? Which pet do you think is the most friendly? P1, P2, P3. T: Very good. Today we live far from nature. But we are part of the animal kingdom and of the world around us. We are very, very highly developed animals who can think and speak. Of course it is natural for a man to take care of animals, to study them and to be friends with them. But you should remember that there are people who are ready to pay a lot of money for a pet which is only a living toy for them. I hope you understand that we must protect and take care of our friends!
Занятие 6. «The World of Animals» Выполнение лексико- грамматических упражнений. На этом занятии выполняются упражнения для активизации лексических и грамматических знаний учащихся по теме «Мир животных» разной степени трудности, которые вы можете дифференцировать в зависимости от степени подготовки ваших учеников. Занятие 7. Пресс-конференция. «We need our planet cleaner and healthier». Монологические и диалогические высказывания по теме. T: Good afternoon. The topic of this lesson is «We need our planet cleaner and healthier». You have to discuss these problems and show what way we can help. At the end of the lesson you should answer the question: Can you help to save the Earth? Now let’s begin. Для начала проводится разминка. T: First, I’d like to ask you what ecological problems do you know about?9 PP: Polluted water, deforestation, acid rain, polluted air, the greenhouse effect... T: But what is the most important problem in Russia? What do you think about it? P: There are a lot of ecological problems not only in Russia but in the whole world. To me the most important ecological problem is pollution. T: But people have always polluted their countries. Some years ago it was not a serious problem. But now it has become more serious. What are the reasons for it? PP: Варианты ответов: - Many factories don’t recycle. They produce goods and a lot of litter. - Different kinds of cars make this problem serious. - I think people throw away too much litter. - In my opinion we know the rules but don’t remember them when we go hiking or fishing or just walking in the forest. T Oh, I see you can give us many reasons. Thank you. Now try to use our new words and phrases in short dialogues. Ask each other if you are worried about environmental problems of our planet .Use the phrases on the blackboard: I’m worried, I’m afraid of/ Are you worried...?/ Do you find... PP: (pa6oтa в парах). 1. - Are you worried about air pollution? - Of course, I find the problem of dangerous gases very worrying. 2. Do you find the situation in our forests worrying? - I’m afraid ot deforestation. It kills lots of animals and birds. 3. - Are you worried about litter? - Yes, I’m worried when people throw litter away. There is a lot of litter around. T: Thank you very much. I think you are ready for a discussion. На этом этап разминки заканчивается и начинается основная часть занятия, где ученики выступают с подготовленными заранее сообщениями и отвечают на вопросы одноклассников. T: To the right we have some wildlife specialists. To the left there are mass media reporters. Now introduce ourselves. Please, specialists first. - My name is Ivan. I’m an animal specialist. I work at the Institute of environmental research. I’m Interested in endangered animals. - My name is Olga. I like animals and want to take care of them. So, I work for the Animal Protection Service. Very often 1 visit different Zoos and National Parks to see how animals are protected there. - My name is Sasha. I work for the Saratov region administration . My duty is to monitor the environment in our region. - My name is Mary. I’m a reporter for the magazine «Eco news». I’d like to know about ecological problems in our region.10 T: I see that our mass media reporters have a lot of questions. But first allow our specialists to speak and they’ll tell us about their work. After that you may ask them any questions you want. Ha нaшeм занятии было 8 специалистов, которые выступили со следующими мини-темами: Air pollution; Deforestation; Water pollution; Endangered animals; Eco signs, Protecting animals; Eco problems in Saratov region. Oбъем рассказа не превышал 12-15 предложений. Привожу примерный ответ по теме «Экологические проблемы в Саратовской области». Ero problems in the Saratov region 1. Our region is situated in the centre of Russia. Its territory is about 100 thousand square km. There are 18 towns in the region. It is rich in natural resources. Not long ago our region was clean and healthy but now we have the same eco problems as all over the world: • litter is not reused or recycled • the air is poisoned by cars; • there is less pure water. I think that litter is the most complicated problem. In our region there are not enough special litter stations to reuse and recycle it. In our settelment there are few litter bins. That is why you can see a lot of litter everywhere. 2. Although forests and woods in the Saratov region cover more than 5 percent of the territory, it is necessary to protect and conserve them. All of you know that forests are called ‘the lungs” of the planet because trees can transform carbon dioxide into oxygen to breathe. All the forest visitors should keep to these rules to protect forests and woods: • don’t cut young trees; • don’t break the branches of trees and bushes; • don’t drop litter or leave it in the forest; • don’t make noise because animals are damaged by it. Today, ecologists say that the forests can not protect animals or give them enough food any more. That is why many squirrels, foxes, hares, elks and minks have died since 1990. 3. The rivers and lakes in the Saratov region have some problems too. The water is so polluted that it is not clean enough to drink. Factories pollute the rivers. About 80 per cent of polluted water is thrown into the rivers. Today the Medveditsa and Atkara rivers are the most polluted in our region. There is an interesting animal living in our rivers. It is called a muskrat. It has valuable fur. It eats plants, roots, fish and grubs. It is not hunted at all. Каждому специалисту и журналисту задали не менее трех вопросов, причем один из вопросов обязательно касался состояния дел в Саратовской области. Например, по теме «Protecting animals» были заданы следующие вопросы: Why have many animals become rare and vanish? What animals is the Saratov region famous for?How are they protected?11 T: Thank you. Our lesson is over. I’m sure that you are real friends of our planet. It’s very important to save it for all forms of life.
Занятие 8. Круглый стол «People and Nature». В начале занятия нужно рассадить учащихся вокруг стола, чтобы при обсуждении они видели друг друга. Занятие начинается с музыкальной заставки (музыка звучит тихо). Ученики читают стихи под музыку. P1: Walking along feeling free. Feeling the earth here with me. P2: And I love her,She loves me. I hug the Earth, the Earth hugs me. P3: She’s our friend. We’d like to be together. P4: Helping mother Earth. We can peacefully roam. P5: We all deserve a place. We can call our home. T: There are a lot of holidays on our planet, but at the moment, I’d like to mention April. 22. It’s a special day all over the world. On that day we celebrate Earth Day. The first Earth Day was held in the USA in April 1970. The problem is that our planet faces destruction because of acid rains, holes in the ozone layer, too much garbage, all sorts of air and water pollution.There are a lot of ways in which we can help to save the Earth It’s the day for the people to learn what they can do to preserve the planet. Earth Day brought the eco-bible into life. Here are some words on the blackboard, you should read them and give their definition in English. T: Environment P1: All the surrounding of an organism including other living things, climate, air, water. T: Ecology. P2: Study of organisms and environment. T: Acid rain. P3: When harmful gases from cars and power plants release into the air and fall back to the Earth with rain or snow. T: Conservation. P4: The wise use of the environment. T: Habitat. P5: An area that provides animals and plants with food, water, shelter. T: Look at the apple. Imagine it’s our Earth. I’m cutting it into 4 pieces. Three quarters (3/4) of the Earth surface is water and only 1/4 is land. One half of it is habitable. The rest of the land is the deserts, mountains, frozen ice-caps and other places that people cannot live in. Only 1/32 gives us food and shelter. Less than 1% of water is drinkable. What would happen if this part of the world was damaged? P1: We know a verse and we want to recite it now. Ivan, will you begin! P2: What have they done to the seas, my friend? What have they done to the seas? What have they done to the rivers, my friend! What have they done to the trees?! P1: Well, they have turned all the seas into mud, my friend!12 And they have killed all the fish in those seas! And they have poured out their oil and their waste, my friend! Cause they think they can do as they please. P3: And they have built their cities, And they have made their roads, And they will test their bombs till the world explodes Into millions of little pieces. P4: What have they done to our land, my friend! This land which is ours from our birth? What have they done to our forests, my friend? What have they done to our Earth?! P1: Well, they have turned our land into a desert, my friend: A desert of concrete and stone. And they have done this for profit and gain Till they have ruined the Earth that we own And they have built their cities... T: A very good verse. I’m glad that you worry about our Earth and I want to discuss with you rather important problem, from my point of view. “How to live in harmony with the environment?” Каждому ученику предоставляется слово. Его слушают, не перебивая, затем задают вопросы по теме выступления. PI: The problem of people and nature has now become one of the difficult problems for many sciences not because it is fashionable but because of its great significance for the whole of mankind. We see at present the signs of ecological imbalance, which may cause a crisis if due measures are not taken. P2: If the earth’s temperature gets hotter by just a few degrees, it could change the weather all over the planet in big ways. Places that are warm would become too hot to live in, and places that are cold would become warm. The places that grow most of our food could get too hot to grow crops anymore. P3: The increasing noise level is a special problem nowadays. We need silence as much as we need fresh air and unpolluted water. Noise does not only do physical damage to the hearer but can weaken his energy and break down his nerves. P4: Scientists are very concerned about the ozon layer, because a lot of it has gone away in just a few years. So it’s very important that we learn to do something about it. P5: Pollutions are not only harmful to health but to buildings as well. Our cities are dying physically. In most city centres some of oldest and finest buildings are falling in pieces. On the one hand, the foundations are being shaken by all the heavy traffic and, on the other hand, the bricks are being eaten away by fumes from the traffic. It is a slow process but it is going on even though you can’t see it. P6: One more aspect of the problem is water pollution. Sea-and river- going ships often pollute sea and river water with various oil products. At a rough estimate, no less than five million tons of oil are discharged into seas and oceans each year and one ton of oil can spread over about twelve square kilometres of the water surface as a fine film which prevents air-water oxygen exchange. One litre of oil makes one million litres of fresh water unfit for drinking. We must stop the13 contamination of our water-ways which comes from so many sources: chemical waste from factories, thermal waste from power stations, domestic waste from cities and towns and so on. T: And now think a little. You can’t but agree. Nowadays the protection of the environment is given government support in all countries. В конце занятия можно провести тест «Аrе уоu a friend of the Earth?» Тест выполняется на отдельных листочках, затем подсчитываются результаты. 1. When you have a bad cold do you blow your nose with... a) coloured paper tissues; b) white paper tissues; c) a handkerchief? 2. You are walking along the street. Suddenly you see someone collecting money for the Friends of the Earth. Do you... a) cross the road quickly; b) give them some money; c) give all your money to them? 3. Your socks have holes. Do you throw them away and buy a new pair? a) yes; b) no, I mend them; c) no, I never buy new socks. I knit my own. 4. What do you do with old newspapers, magazines? a) throw them away; b) give them to recycle; c) I use them to make other things. 5. Your favourite kind of transport is... a) a car; b) a bicycle, c) your feet: you walk everywhere. Key: score I – for every a – answer; 2 – for every b – answer; 3 – for every c – answer. 5-8 points. Oh, dear! You don’t know very much about the environment. 9-11 points. You know about the problems of the planet, but you can’t do more. 12-15 points. You are very concerned with the environment and take it seriously. P1: It may sound odd to you, but I think that man needs protection and care as much as animals do. People’s habits - their homes, towns and cities - must be kept ecologically clean. In the places where people drink poisoned water, eat bad food and breathe polluted air, they suffer from serious diseases and die early; their children are born weak. No medicines prescribed by the doctors can help them. This problem becomes more and more serious with every passing day. The modem way of life when people have little exercise, use cars instead of walking, watch TV for many hours and work with computers is turning them into legless creatures. We have to do something about this. T: I think our discussion was very useful for everybody. And I’m sure that you are real friends of our fragile planet. The air we breathe, the soil on which we stand and walk, the water we drink are all part of the environment. It’s very important that you should be aware of the most serious environmental problems. If we want our lives to be healthy and interesting, a lot of other creatures and plants need growing space too.
14 Занятие 10. Защита проектов по проблемам охраны окружающей среды. Хочу привести примерные этапы работы и темы проектов. Этапы работы над проектом. 1. Работа над темой цикла (овладение лексикой, грамматическими образцами, чтение текстов по теме, активизация материала в упражнениях). 2. Обсуждение темы будущего проекта. Учащиеся ищут ответы на вопросы проблемного характера в материалах учебника и дополнительной литературы. 3. Формирование творческих групп, распределение задания между членами группы, работа над планом проекта. Одному из учащихся, например, поручают нарисовать плакат или рекламу, другому – собрать фактический материал и т.д. 4. Сбор дополнительной информации. Работая над проектами, школьники пользуются не только текстами учебника, но и материалами периодической печати, журналов по экологии, аутентичными учебными пособиями. Особое внимание нужно уделить краеведению, а именно «Красной книге Саратовской области». 5. Оформление проекта (рисунки, плакаты, чертежи). Одни проекты школьники оформляют самостоятельно, другие, требующие большей помощи со стороны учителя, создаются в классе. Главное – не подавлять инициативу ребят, с уважением относиться к любой идее. 6. Презентация проекта. Это ответственный этап работы – праздник завершения элективного курса. Ведь весь отобранный, оформленный материал надо так ярко и эмоционально представить, чтобы заинтересовать одноклассников, для которых каждый проект их товарищей – сюрприз. 7. Подведение итогов работы. Очень важно на данном этапе дать возможность учащимся выразить свое мнение, обменяться впечатлениями. Самые яркие, оригинальные, содержательные проекты награждаются аплодисментами зрителей. Каждый проект заслуживает одобрение и похвалу: со стороны учителя: в него вложен большой творческий труд детей. Примерные темы проектов: 1. «Let’s Make the World a Better Place». 2. «Why is the problem of ecology so important now?» 3. «Can the mass media really help a lot in solving enviromenmental problems?» 4. «Places on the Map of The Saratov Region Which Need Your Help». 5. «What We Can Do to Help Our Planet» и т.д. Литература 1. Конышева А.В. Нестандартные формы организации урока иностранного языка // Материалы научно-практической конференции учителей средних школ «Нестандартные формы организации урока иностранного языка». – Новополоцк, 1998.15 2. M.Vince. First Certificate Language Practice. – Macmillan Publishers Limited, 1998. 3. Key S., Jones V. Inside Out.Intermediate.Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2002. 4. Соловова Е.Н. Методика обучения иностранным языкам. Москва, «Просвещение», 2005. 5. Рыжков В. Английский язык в увлекательном чтении, беседах. Янтарный сказ, 2002. 6. Афанасьева О.В. Английский язык: тренировочные тесты для подготовки к ЕГЭ, Ростов н\Д, Феникс, 2003. 7. Методическая мозаика 2006. 8. Быкова В.Г. Нестандартные формы организации урока. Вязьма, 1995. 9. Голубев А.П. Английский язык на экзаменах М,. Флинта, 2002. Литература для учащихся 1. Электронное учебное пособие «Экология», Дрофа, 2006. 2. «English». Приложение к газете «Первое сентября». 3. «Streetwise» Oxford University press. 4. Красная книга Саратовской области. 5. Миньяр-Белоручева А.П. Английский язык 9 класс. Москва «Экзамен», 2004
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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