Презентация к открытому уроку по английскому языку по теме «SEASONS» в 5 «А» классе УМК «Английский в фокусе»
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Презентация к открытому уроку по английскому языку по теме «SEASONS» в 5 «А» классе УМК «Английский в фокусе»
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
[ ei ] – r ai ny, A pril, M ay [ ɔ: ] – au tumn, Au gust, w ar m [ dʒ ] – J anuary, J une, J uly [d]- d ry, col d , clou d , clou d y [s] – s now, s nowy, s unny, s pring, s eason, s ummer [w] – w eather, w et, w arm, w inter
« Winter brings us snowflakes » Winter brings us snowflakes, Spring – green buds and shoots. Summer brings us berries, Autumn – golden fruits.
Autumn Winter Spring Summer Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is yellow, Winter is white !
Summer - лето June - июнь , July - июль , August - август
Autumn - осень September - Сентябрь , October - Октябрь , November - Ноябрь
Winter - зима December - Декабрь , January - Январь , February - Февраль
Spring - весна March - Март , April – Апрель, May - Май
Task № 1 Translate from Russian into English : Март, январь, май, сентябрь, июнь, август, февраль, июль, декабрь, октябрь, апрель, ноябрь.
We can…in… We can’t…in… can ski, skate play hockey make snowman can see the first flowers can play, swim in the river go to the forest for mushrooms and berries
Solve the riddles : This is the season When fruit is sweet, This is the season When school friends meet!
Autumn Autumn comes in September with the beginning of the school year. The trees and grass become yellow, red and brown. There are many fruit and vegetables in the gardens. In October the days grow shorter and the nights grow longer. It becomes colder and darker and cold winds blow. It often rains. Birds fly away to warm countries.
Autumn Yellow, red, green and brown – See the leaves come down … Dancing, dancing in the breeze. Falling, falling from the trees …
This is the season When children ski And Grandfather Frost Brings the New Year tree.
Winter Winter is the coldest season of the year. The rivers and lakes are frozen over. The sun sets early and rises late. The days are short and the nights are long. The sky is grey. It often snows. There is a lot of snow everywhere. The trees, the streets, the houses are white with snow. Children can ski, skate, play hockey and snowballs.
The snow is falling, The north wind is blowing. The ground is white All day and all night.
In winter the British have several holidays. On the first of January they celebrate the New Year’s Day. This holiday is especially popular in Scotland. But in England the most popular holiday is Christmas. People celebrate it on the 25th of December with Christmas tree and Santa Claus. They buy presents to each other and send Christmas cards. On Christmas day many people go to church. After that the family gather round the Christmas tree and open their presents.
Then they have a traditional dinner – a turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, plum pudding, cakes, tea or coffee. One more popular holiday in winter is St. Valentine’s Day. The British celebrate it on the 14th of February. It is the day of all lovers. They send Valentines to each other. A Valentine is a greeting card or a little present in a form of a heart.
This is the season When snowdrops bloom, When nobody likes To stay in the room. This is the season When birds make their nests, This is the season We all like best.
Spring Spring is a nice season. March, April and May are spring months. Spring begins in March and ends in May. The weather is usually fine in spring. It is warm. The trees are green. We can see the first flowers. The farmers begin to work in the fields. At the end of March the weather gets warmer. The sun shines brightly. The days become longer, the nights become shorter. Snow begins melting. Nature awakens after a long winter sleep. The birds return from the South.
Spring It’s lovely, lovely spring And birds begin to sing. The sun is very high It’s smiling in the sky. It’s lovely, lovely spring And all the children sing. They sing a merry song They sing:”Ding-dong”.
This is the season When vegetables grow, I come to the garden And make water flow.
Summer Summer is the hottest season of the year. The sun shines brightly. The sky is blue. It is warm or sometimes hot. The days are long and the nights are short. Children are happy because they have their long summer holidays. They can play, swim in the river or go to the forest for mushrooms and berries. There are a lot of flowers in the gardens and parks.
Summer This is the season When fruit grow. I come to the garden And make water flow. This is the season When days are long. And the sun is high And strong.
Физкультминутка One, one, one – all children run! Two, two, two – children touch the shoe! Three, three, three – children climb the tree! Four, four, four – children touch the floor! Five, five, five – all children fly!
Find the Russian proverb: 1) April weather - rain and sunshine together. 2) Everything is good in its season. 3) March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers. 4) After rain comes fine weather. 5) It rains cats and dogs. 6) Make hay while the sun shines. a) Куй железо , пока горячо . b ) То дождь, то солнце. с) Ветрено в марте, в апреле дожди, в мае фиалок и ландышей жди . d ) Все хорошо в свое время. е ) После бури наступает затишье . f ) Льёт как из ведра.
The end!
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