учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку по теме
Вечер алфавита во 2 классе. Обычно провожу в феврале после прохождения алфавита. Приглашаются родители и мы показываем, как ребята усвоили алфавит, счет до 10, цвета, лексику, умение вести диалог и рассказать о себе.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Добрый день! Мы рады видеть вас на нашем празднике. Сегодня мы хотим показать чему мы научились на уроках английского.
Конечно же сначала мы выучили буквы. Встречайте! Они идут сюда.
Дети с буквами на голове выходят под весёлую музыку на сцену.
- Good morning!
- Good morning, good morning, good morning to you!
Good morning, good morning, we are glad to see you!
Рассказывают стихи о буквах.
A is for Apples.
One apple for me,
And one for you,
One for him and for her, too
B is for Bird.
Birds like to sing.
They start to sing
When it’s spring
C is for cat.
My cat is grey,
He likes to run,
And he likes to play
D is for Dog and
I have a dog,
His name is Bobby
E is for English.
At school we learn
English and Russian, too.
Do you like English?
Yes, I do.
F is for five.
And also for Four.
Four little kittens
Are on the floor.
G is for Girl.
The girl is six.
She likes to play
With little chicks.
H is for Hat.
Ann has a hat.
I am a boy,
I have a cap.
I is for I.
I am a boy.
What have I?
I have a toy.
J is for Jane and also
For Jean.
Jane is a girl.
The boy is Jean.
K is for Kite.
Kate has a kite.
Her kite is big
And white
L is for letters.
Do you know them
Yes, we do.
Twenty six in all.
M is for March
And Mother’s Day.
And also for May
And May day.
N is for Nelly and also
for Nick.
They are in the
Playing with Dick.
O is for One.
One plus two is
Three little birds
Are on the tree.
P is for Pen.
Have you a pen?
“ Yes, I have two”,
Says little Ben.
Q is for Questions.
How do you do?
How are you?
How old are you?
R is for Roses.
They are white and
“ Give me this rose,
Says little Fred.
S is for Spring
And for Summer, too.
When it is warm
And the sky is blue.
T is for Tie.
We are gentlemen
And we have ties.
U is for Us,
Going by bus.
Let’s go with us
By bus.
V is for Five and
It is also in twelve
And eleven.
W is for Willy and also
for Why.
Why do you cry, Willy?
Why, Willy, Why?
X is for Six.
Let’s count to six!
1 2 3 4 5 6 .
Y is for Yard
Where children play.
They play in the yard
Every day.
Z is for Zoo.
Let’s go to the Zoo.
I like to go to the zoo.
And what about you?
Песня про алфавит:
Q R S T U V W ( 2)
Oh, well you see
Now I know the ABC
А сейчас буквы расскажут нам историю о том как однажды буква А испекла пирог и что только буквы с ним не делали.
A was an apple pie.
B bit it
C cut it
D dealt it
E eat it
F fought for it
G got it
H had it
I inspectes it
J jumped for it
K kept it
L longed for it
M mourned for it
N nodded at it
O opened it
P peeped in it
Q quartered it
R ran for it
S stole it
T took it
U upset it
V viewed it
W wanted it
X Y Z and ampersand
All wished for a piece in hand
И ещё одна песенка про алфавит, которая очень нравится ребятам.
( видео)
A is for apple, a a apple
B is for ball, b b ball
C is for cat, c c cat
D is for dog, d d dog
E is for elephant, e e elephant
F is for fish, f f fish
G is for gorilla, g g gorilla
H is for hat, h h hat
I is for igloo, i i igloo
J is for juice, j j juice
K is for kangaroo, k k kangaroo
L is for lion, l l lion
M is for monkey, m m monkey
N is for no, n n no
O is for octopus, o o octopus
P is for pig, p p pig
Q is for question, q q question
R is for ring, r r ring
S is for sun, s s sun
T is for train, t t train
U is for umbrella, u u umbrella
V is for van, v v van
W is for watch, w w watch
X is for box, x x box
Y is for yellow, y y yellow
Z is for zoo, z z zoo
So many things for you to learn about
So many ways to sing your song
Мы научились знакомиться.
Ребята парами выходят и рассказывают диалоги знакомства.
Примерный диалог:
А: Hello!
B: Hello!
A: What is your name?
B: My name is Igor. What is your name?
A: My name is Lena.
B: Nice to meet you, Lena!
A: Nice to meet you, too!
B: How are you, Igor!
A: I am fine. Thanks.
B: How are you, Lena?
A: I am OK. Thank you.
B: How old are you?
A: I am 8. How old are you?
B: I am 7.
A: Where do you live?
B: I live in Moscow.
A: And I live in London. Have you got a family?
B: Yes, I have. I have got a mother and a father.
Have you got a pet?
A: Yes, I have got a dog. Thank you. Good-bye!
B: Good bye!
А сейчас песня « Как тебя зовут?»
What is your name? (2)
Can you tell me , what is your name?
My name is Alex (2)
You won’t forget it , my dear friend
How old are you (2)
Can you tell me, how old are you?
I am to seven (2)
You won’t forget it, my dear friend
Where do you live? (2)
Can you tell me, where do you live?
I live in London,
Sometime in Oxford
Sometime in Cambrige, my dear friend
Также ребята могут рассказать о себе. Три ребёнка рассказывают.
Примерный рассказ:
- My name is Lena.
- I am 8.
- I live in Socol.
- I can run, jump, skip.
- I can’t swim.
- I have got a family.
- I have got a mother and a father.
- I haven’t got a sister.
- I like animals.
We have got a dog.
- I like to play tennis.
Мы умеем считать до 10.
Послушайте песню о маленьких числах.
1 little, 2 little, 3 little numbers
4 little, 5 little, 6 little numbers
7 little, 8 little, 9 little numbers
10 little numbers
10 little, 9 little, 8 little numbers
7 little, 6 little, 5 little numbers
4 little, 3 little, 2 little numbers
1 little number
1 ,2 ,3
3 little numbers
6 little numbers
7, 8, 9
10, 10, 10
1 little, 2 little, 3 little numbers
4 little, 5 little, 6 little numbers
7 little, 8 little, 9 little numbers
10 little numbers
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4,3, 2, 1
1 little number (2)
Ребята знают много слов, обозначающих действия.
Игра « Simon says».
Ребята идут по кругу и после слов «Simon says» выполняют команды. Ведущий должен быстро давать команды, забыв иногда сказать «Simon says». Невнимательные выбывают.
Stamp your feet!
Touch your ears!
Touch your cheeks!
Shake your hands!
Ride a bike!
Play tennis!
Поют песню “ Clap your hands”
Clap , clap , clap your hands
Clap your hands together
Stamp , stamp , stamp your feet
Stamp your feet together
Touch , touch , touch your ears
Touch your ears together
Touch , touch , touch your cheeks
Touch your cheeks together
Shake , shake , shake your hands
Shake your hands together
Smile , smile at your friends
Let us smile together
Ребята знают названия многих животных. Учитель читает стихотворение, ребята называют животных.
Думал и запоминал:
Животное – an animal.
Мишка косолапый ходит еле-еле,
Мишка, медвежонок по – английски… bear.
Cтреляли в волка: пиф и пуф!
Волк по –английски будет…wolf.
Рыжий – рыжий чудо флокс!
Рыжая лисичка -…fox.
Дед траву граблями грабит,
Хочет есть наш кролик … rabbit.
Прыгнула из грядки, прямо на порог,
Зелёная красавица, по –английски frog.
По деревьям кто –то прыгал,
Оказалась белка -… squirrel.
Cредь зверей – интеллигент ,
Слон, слонёнок … еlephant.
Очень ножки тонки,
У ослика … donkey.
Так забавны и ловки
Обезьянки …monkey.
Трудный вам задам вопрос:
Как назвали лошадь? … horse.
Легко запоминаю,
Корова значит … cow.
Свинья есть хочет каждый миг,
Свинью мы называем … pig.
Курица известна всем,
По – английски она … hen.
Целый день всё кряк да кряк,
Как назвали утку? … duck.
Даже Диккенс, даже Диккенс
Называл цыпляток … chickens.
На кого щенок залаял?
В клетке лев огромный …lion.
Запоминайте эти строки:
Индюшка по –английски …turkey.
Гусей я до сих пор боюсь.
Гусь по –английски просто … goose.
Кот мой съел вчера омлет
Он – воришка, этот … саt.
Крыса в доме. Ужас! Бред!
Крыса по –английски … rat.
Какие звуки издают животные мы сейчас вам споём.
Песня : The Animal Sound Song.
Показывают сказку “ The House in the Wood”
Child: Here is a house in the wood, wood, wood
A Mouse is running through the wood
It stops at the door, door ,door
It knocks at the door, door, door
Mouse: Knock, knock, knock! Who lives here?
Frog: I do.
Mouse: Who are you?
Frog: I am a frog. Sorry, And who are you?
Mouse: I am a mouse. Hello, Frog!
Frog: Hello, Mouse!
Mouse: May I come in?
Frog: Do, please. Come in!
Mouse: Thank you!
Child: Here is a house in the wood, wood, wood
A Hare is running through the wood
It stops at the door , door, door
It knocks at the door, door, door
Hare: Knock, knock, knock! Who lives here?
Frog, Mouse: We do.
Frog: I am a frog.
Mouse: I am a mouse. Sorry, and who are you?
Hare: I am a hare. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! May I come in?
Frog, Mouse: Do, please. Come in!
Hare: Thank you!
Child: Here is a house in the wood, wood, wood
A fox is running through the wood
It stops at the door, door, door
It knocks at the door, door, door
Fox: Knock, knock, knock! Who lives here?
Frog, Mouse, Hare: We do.
Fox: Who are you?
Frog: I am a Frog.
Mouse: I am a mouse.
Hare: I am a hare. Sorry, and who are you?
Fox: I am a fox. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! Hello, hare! May I live with you?
All: Do, please. Come in.
Fox: Thank you!
Child: Here is a house in the wood, wood, wood
A Wolf is running through the wood
It stops at the door, door, door
It knocks at the door, door, door
Wolf: Knock, knock, knock! Who lives here?
Frog, Mouse, Hare, Fox: We do!
Wolf: Who are you?
Frog: I am a Frog.
Mouse: I am a Mouse.
Hare: I am a hare.
Fox: I am a Fox. Sorry , and who are you?
Wolf: I am a wolf. Hello, Frog! Hello, Mouse! Hello, Hare! Hello, Fox! May I live with you?
All: Do, please. Come in.
Wolf: Thank you!
Child: Here is a house in the wood, wood, wood
A Bear is running through the wood.
It stops at the door, door, door
It knocks at the door, door, door.
Bear: Knock, knock, knock! Who lives here? Who are you?
Frog: I am a Frog.
Mouse: I am a Mouse.
Hare: I am a Hare.
Fox: I am a Fox.
Wolf: I am a Wolf. And who are you?
Bear: I am a Bear. May I live with you?
All: No, you are too big! Run away! Run away!
( The Bear runs away)
Child: Here is a house in the wood. A Frog, a Mouse, a Hare, a Fox, a Wolf live here! They are happy!

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