Методические рекомендации к самостоятельной работе "Простые времена английского глагола"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Методические рекомендации к самостоятельной работе "Простые времена английского глагола" разработана в помощь студентам 2 курса технического профиля.
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ГБОУ СПО “Арзамасский коммерческо-технический техникум”
Методические рекомендации к самостоятельной работе по теме “Простые времена английского глагола”
Выполнил: Горлова О.Г.
Арзамас 2010
Простые времена английского глагола
- понятие о страдательном залоге;
- построение форм страдательного залога в группе Simple;
- сопоставление форм активного и страдательного залогов;
- сравнение изучаемого языка с родным, осознание особенностей каждого.
- умение правильно употреблять формы страдательного залога;
- совершенствование навыков и умений грамматического письма.
Понятие о страдательном залоге.
Форма Passive Voice образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be и причастия II смыслового глагола: to be grown – быть выращенным.
Страдательный залог показывает, что подлежащее не выполняет действия, а подвергается действию другого лица или предмета. Если указано, кем произведено действие, то употребляется предлог by, а если указано, чем произведено действие, – предлог with:
Donald Duck was created by Walt Disney in 1936.
Утенок Дональд был создан Уолтом Диснеем в 1936 году.
Rice is eaten with chopsticks in China
Рис едят палочками в Китае.
Работа с таблицами.
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
I ask – я спрашиваю | I am asked – меня спрашивают |
Таблица 1.
The direct object becomes the subject of the sentences:
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
The butcher sells meat. | Meat is sold at the butcher's. |
Таблица 2.
The indirect object becomes the subject of the sentences:
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
They showed us an interesting newsreel. | We were shown an interesting newsreel. |
Таблица 3.
The doer of the action os expressed by a «By-phrase»:
Moscow University was fouded by Lomonosov in 1755. |
Exercise 1.
Give two passive constructions of the following sentences.
Model: The teacher gave the pupils a lesson in geography.
The pupils were given a lesson in geography.
A lesson in geography was given to the pupils.
- The teacher read the pupils a story about London.
- The teacher gave each pupil a small map of London.
- The teacher showed the pupils postcards of London.
- The teacher told the pupils the story of London.
- The teacher promised the pupils to bring an interesting book about London.
Exercise 2.
Answer the questions, using the passive voice.
- Are your meals prepared by your mother?
- Are your stockings mended by your mother?
- Is your room put in order by your mother?
- Is your bed made by your mother?
- Is your little brother washed by your mother?
- Is your brother taken to school by your mother?
Exercise 3.
Answer the questions.
- Will a new film be on next week?
- Will you be invited to the cinema?
- Will you be allowed to go there?
- Will a ticket be bought for you beforehand?
- Will the film be discussed when it is over?
Exercise 4.
Answer the following questions, using the words in brackets (pupils, a joiner, a bricklayer, shoemaker, a farmer, a dressmaker).
- By whom are tables made?
- By whom are shoes mended?
- By whom are dresses made?
- By whom are houses built?
- By whom is the land tilled?
- By whom are flowers watered in your garden?
- By whom are trees on the school plot planted?
Exercise 5.
Answer the following questions.
- What is sold at the butcher,s?
- What is sold at the grocer,s?
- What is sold at the baker,s?
- What is sold at the dairy?
- What is sold at the bookshop?
Text 1.
Read, find and underline passive voice.
I sat down at my table, took a sheet of paper, a pen and an envelope. I tried to write all that I had to say. When the letter was written, it was put into the envelope. The address was written on the envelope.
The letter was ready. It could be posted.
Text 2.
Read and answer the questions.
An old man had many sons who were always quarrelling. One day the sons were called before their father. A bundle of sticks was given to them and they were ordered to break it.
Each of the sons tried with all his strength but no one could break the bundle.
Then the old man untied the bundle and each son was given one stick. Of course, the sticks were broken easily. “My sons,” said the father, “if you live in friendship and help each other, you will always be strong and you need not be afraid of any enemy.”
- What were the sons asked to do with the bundle of sticks?
- Why was the bundle of sticks untied?
- What were the sons taught by the bundle of sticks?
Exercise 6.
a) Translate from Russian into English (oral exercise).
Was - were | Am – is – are | Shall, will be |
Мне рассказали | Мне рассказывают | Мне расскажут |
b) Translate from Russian into English (oral exercise).
- Хлеб едят каждый день.
- Письма получены вчера.
- Колю отправят в Москву на следующей неделе.
- Меня спросили на уроке вчера.
- Мне дали очень интересную книгу в библиотеке в прошлую пятницу.
- Эта работа будет сделана завтра.
Exercise 7.
Make up sentences.
Present Simple Passive
I | am | invited to a party. |
Past Simple Passive
Our school | was | asked to go home. |
Future Simple Passive
The theatre | shell be | published next year. |
Lost time is never found again.
Well done is half done.
Variant 1.
Exercise 1. Change active into passive.
1. The gardener has planted some trees. 2. Doctor Brown will give you some advice. 3. A famous designer will redecorate the hotel. 4. Steven Spielberg directed “E.T.” 5. Someone has broken the vase.
Exercise 2. Ask questions to the underlined words using passive.
1. The boys damaged the television. 2. Davinci painted the Mona Lisa. 3. He invited 30 people to his party. 4. They grow bananas in Africa.
Variant 2.
Exercise 1. Change active into passive.
1. The postman delivers letters. 2. They built this church in 1815. 3. The policeman has arrested the thief. 4. The Queen will open a new library. 5. He is writing a book.
Exercise 2. Ask questions to the underlined words using passive.
1. Columbus discovered America. 2. We keep money in a safe. 3. A bee stung my brother. 4. They speak Italian in Italy.
Список литературы.
- Голицинский Ю.Б.: Грамматика. Сборник упражнений - 6 изд.; Санкт-Петербург, 2007.
- Биболетова М.З.: Учебник английского языка «Enjoy English 4» 9 класс общеобразовательной школы; изд. 2001.
- Брюсова Н.Г., Лебедева Н.А.: Контрольные и проверочные работы по английскому языку для школьников 7-8 классы, методическое пособие; изд. «Дрофа», 2006.
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