Абаза любимый город.
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
В данной работе ученик Тиунов Антон на английском языке, рассказывается о родном крае г. Абаза.
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Done by: Chunosov Artyom
The history of Abaza
Abaza is my native town. It is one of industrial towns, in Khakas Republic. It is situated in the south of Siberia, at the foot of Sayan Mountains, on the banks of Abakan river.
In 1768 Cossack flood-lands “Bolchoi Lug” was set up in 11 km. from advanced-post. There were 5 form stead's where 47 people lived. The history of my town is connected with iron mine. It began in 1868 with the building of Abakan iron metal factory. The founder of Abakan iron metal factory was the merchant Alexei Grigorevich Colchagin. On April 1808 the village Abakano-Zavodskaya was established.
In 1870 the factory ceased and it was sold to Permikin the gold merchant. The factory played an important role in Siberia at that time. The production of the factory was in demand everywhere. In 1888 the factory ceased again. The working Commune began to control it. It was the first in Russia when the working commune was at the head of the big factory. Peter Pavlovich Kosovanov was the organizer of this commune. He was very kind, outstanding person. The commune existed till 1899. In 1899 Ratcov-Rozhnov became the owner of the factory. After his death in 1910 Serebryacova started to control the factory. In 1919 after the Great October Socialist Revolution the factory was nationalized. In August 1922 the village Abakano-Zavodskaya was renamed in the village Abaza.
In 1925 the iron metal factory was closed. Equipment of the factory was transported to Gurevsk metal factory. The history of iron metal factory had reflected the development of heavy industry in Russia at that time. In 1943 the new iron mine started its building. Two- storied houses were building in Abakanski prospect. In 1952 the modern brick school was built in the village. In 1956 the village Abaza was renamed in settlement Abaza. The building of railway was connected Abaza with Novokuznetsk. In 1957 the first train with Abaza iron was sent to Kuznetsky metal factory. In 1959 Abaza railway station began its work. In 1961 the road connected Abaza with Tuva Republic. Some years later there are new schools, shops, hospital, kindergartens, new five storied houses. On September 14 in 1966 the settlement Abaza was renamed in town Abaza of Khakas Republic.
Abaza has some interesting historical sights. They are: Town Museum and monuments to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic and Civil Wars. In the Town Museum can see a lot of exhibits, most of them is connected with mine, also there are a lot of books and old rare magazines, telling about old Abaza.
Our town has four secondary schools: where students get their secondary and high secondary education. Litlle children of our town attend four kindergartens:”Ulibka”,“Alenka”,”Dolphin”and “Skazka”
Besides our town has Musical and Vacational schools. At vacational school №17 students get professional education. And after finishing it many of them work in our town.
The recreational centre of Abaza-is the House of Culture, where concerts, different holidays and parties are held. The young people of our town can attend some circles and clubs there.
Not far from the House of Culture there is Sports Complex. Here people can be relax,training in some sections. Among them: Light athletics, Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Swimming and other. Near the Sports House there is a stadium. Some people go there to watch football matches in summer and hockey matches in winter, and train themselves hockey and footbal
Literature: 1) Magazine “Abaza ore”, №2 ,2002.2) Magazine “Abaza”, №1, 2001.3) Magazine “ To the winners is denoted”, №1, 2005.4) Panteleev A.F. Tales of histories of Khakas Republic. 5) Zakharov M. “Abaza-pearl of Khakas Republic” 6) Archives material from Historical Museum. Abaza 2008.
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