План-конспект урока "Subcultures in Perm region: what are they!"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
План-конспект урока в 10 классе из раздела "Молодежные организации и субкультуры" по УМК В.П.Кузовлева, 10-11 классы.
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Предварительный просмотр:
План-конспект урока«Subcultures in Perm Region: what are they?»
Цель урока: совершенствование речевых умений учащихся на основе изученной лексики по теме «Subcultures»
Познавательный аспект:
- Познакомить учащихся с субкультурами в Пермском крае;
Развивающий аспект:
- Развивать у учащихся психические функции, связанные с речевой деятельностью: логическое мышление, память, внимание, восприятие;
Воспитательный аспект:
- Формировать толерантное отношение к представителям различных групп;
- Развивать навыки самостоятельной работы учащихся
Учебный аспект:
- Развивать умение говорить на основе увиденного и услышанного и прочитанного (с учетом личностных особенностей учащихся);
- Совершенствовать навыки аудирования с извлечением конкретной информации;
Сопутствующая задача:
- Развивать умение читать с целью извлечения конкретной информации;
- Развивать умение делать краткие записи на аудитивной основе
Оборудование урока:
- Мультимедийный проектор.
- Ноутбук
- Pecha- Kucha "Subcultures in Perm Region"
- Лингафонный кабинет «Диалог-1»
- Интерактивная доска «SmartBoard»
- Видео-запись о субкультурах в г. Соликамск
- Аудио-текст о субкультурах в Пермском крае
- Листы с заданиями (по количеству учеников)
Ход урока
Этап урока | Речь учителя | Действия учащихся | Дополнительный материал |
| Good afternoon, children! I’m glad to see you again. Sit down, please. How are you today? Few days ago I’ve got a letter by e-mail from NataliyaDolotova, a teacher of English language in Kstovo, Novgorod Region. This message will help us to define the topic and the aim of our lesson. Let’s read it sentence by sentence. So, what is discussed here? Will you formulate the topic of our lesson? And what are our aims? You are quite right, and we are to create the presentation in the form of Pecha-Kucha as a result of the lesson and to publish it on the site www.e-pals.com | Students answer the question. Read the letter Formulate the topic and state the aims by themselves. | A letter by e-mail |
| In order to begin our discussion we should make a story about subcultures and the youth in our region. My sentence will be the first one and you should continue it one by one. When speaking about subcultures you think about… Young people have a lot of friends all over our region in Perm, in Berezniki, in Solikamsk. Do you have some friends there? Do you want to know about youth subcultures in these towns? | Make up an oral story about modern youth Answer the question | |
What are your impressions? Let’ check up your answers with the help of Smartboard. | Watch and complete worksheet #1 Fill in the necessary words | Video-tape recording, worksheet #1 Smartboard |
And at the same time … will make 5 questions according to the content of the text. Good luck to you! | Students explain the task, listen to the text with the help of earphones, some of them do it with a printed text. One student makes 5 questions | Audiotext, printed variant of the text, worksheet#2 earphones | |
Put a mark to your neighbor according to the criteria. Who has got a…? Now it’s high time to see how you’ve understood the content of the text. …Will you ask us the questions, please? | Students check up the answers and put a mark. One student asks, All the rest answer | ||
устной речи | It’s obvious that our region is rich in subcultures and now we should make a conclusion what we’ve learnt today at the lesson and we will do it in the form of Pecha-Kucha. The pictures have no labels, you will have … minutes to write some captures, doing it in small groups. While writing you should give it to our assistant who will print it. | Students discuss the pictures and make some notes | Pecha-Kucha |
V.Подведение итогов | Every group is responsible for their slides and should read their captures. This project will be sent to www.e-pals.com and we will wait for the answers and opinions from all over the world. | Students read the captions. | |
| It will be a bit later and now I’m waiting for your impressions of our lesson. Take the necessary pictures according to your mood , write a mark for the test and rise it that everybody could see it. | Students express emotions they feel. | Pictures |
VII.Домашнее задание | At home you should write down a small composition on the topic “Subcultures in my town”. |
Предварительный просмотр:
Dear Ann,
I’m glad to get a letter from you.
You asked me about subcultures in our region. I live in the town Kstovo, which is situated in the Novgorod region. Well, as in other parts of our country we can see all groupings in Kstovo: Punks, Emo and Bikers etc. But I want to tell you about our Kstovo-extreme club.
It was organized about 4 years ago. Everybody, who likes difficult adventures, can join it. What do they do? They travel. For example, men, women, boys, children gather together to make a trip to a church through the forest in winter. They go there for charity. They take flour, sugar, rice, tea for monks. People can get the place only in winter, because of water around the church. In winter it freezes.
More than that, the club organizes parties for children at Christmas, Easter and Women’s Day etc. So, this is the way to spend family free time.
Of course, most of the members have got Jeep-cars and equipment for travelling in such conditions. It is not cheap. But their lifestyle makes them healthier and stronger. They learn to be in a collective. They are as a family. The members of the club are always here if somebody is in trouble. I admire them.
Ann, are there any subcultures in your region? How do young people express their individuality?
Write me soon.
With love,
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