Vocabulary 4f
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Макашова Виктория Борисовна

В данном тесте отрабатывается лексика раздела 4f учебника по английскому языку Spotlight 9.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Vocabulary   4f

Fill in : about, from, with, in, on.

  1. We didn't see anyone all day, apart ______ a couple of kids on the beach.
  2. The festivities started _______a huge fireworks display.
  3. O'Brien often writes _______her native Ireland.
  4. The journey should only take about 30 minutes, but ______ practice it usually takes more like an hour.
  5. Many people now rely _______the Internet for news.

Match the phrasal verb break to its meaning. Then fill in the correct prepositions.

  1. break down
  2. break into
  3. break out of
  4. break out
  5. break up

  1. to enter a building or car by using force, in order to steal something  
  2. the people separate and do not live or work together any more  
  3. stop working
  4. fire  starts to happen
  5. to escape from a prison

  1. Does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks _____?
  2. The couple broke ______ last year.
  3. The printing machines are always breaking______.
  4. Someone broke _______ my car and stole the radio.
  5. Three men have broken ________ a top security jail.

Choose the correct word.

  1. Scientists have discovered / invented a new type of bacteria.
  2. The atmosphere in the courtroom was electric / electronic.
  3. The letters are sorted by engine / machine.
  4. Joan offered / suggested asking her father for his opinion.
  5. Users can download / access their voice mail remotely.

Vocabulary   4f

Fill in : about, from, with, in, on.

  1. We didn't see anyone all day, apart ______ a couple of kids on the beach.
  2. The festivities started _______a huge fireworks display.
  3. O'Brien often writes _______her native Ireland.
  4. The journey should only take about 30 minutes, but ______ practice it usually takes more like an hour.
  5. Many people now rely _______the Internet for news.

Match the phrasal verb break to its meaning. Then fill in the correct prepositions.

  1. break down
  2. break into
  3. break out of
  4. break out
  5. break up

  1. to enter a building or car by using force, in order to steal something  
  2. the people separate and do not live or work together any more  
  3. stop working
  4. fire  starts to happen
  5. to escape from a prison

  1. Does everyone know what to do if a fire breaks _____?
  2. The couple broke ______ last year.
  3. The printing machines are always breaking______.
  4. Someone broke _______ my car and stole the radio.
  5. Three men have broken ________ a top security jail.

Choose the correct word.

  1. Scientists have discovered / invented a new type of bacteria.
  2. The atmosphere in the courtroom was electric / electronic.
  3. The letters are sorted by engine / machine.
  4. Joan offered / suggested asking her father for his opinion.
  5. Users can download / access their voice mail remotely.

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