Упражнения на тренировку и закрепление ЗУН по теме "Speak,say,tell".
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Практика и теория на тему "Speak,say,tell" .
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Предварительный просмотр:
Глагол to speak не расшифровывает содержания речи. Являясь сказуемым, он не может вводить придаточное предложение. Он имеет следующие значения: Глагол to talk,—имеет оттенок значения 'непринужденно беседовать, болтать, общаться'. |
Глагол to tell чаще всего означает 'сообщать (информацию)' и никогда не вводит прямой речи. Он всегда требует наличия собеседника, какового называет косвенное дополнение без предлога: |
Поставьте speak, say, tell вместо пропусков:
1) Can you .................. me the way to the station, please?
2) He didn't .................. a word.
3) She …….. her name was Sue.
4) Let me ………… you something about my hobbies.
5) Forget everything I just ....................
6) Why didn't you ………….. him that before?
7) Why didn't you ………….. that before?
8) They ................ nothing to me.
9) You don't need to .................. us that.
10) What did Eric …………… when he saw the new bike?
Поставьте speak, say, tell вместо пропусков:
1 They ____________ on the news that everyone survived.
2 Come on. _____________ me everything.
3 You know what they ______________ about Bankok, don't you?
4 Mummy! The teacher _____________ a rude word in class today.
5 I hate the way she keeps _____________ me what to do.
6 Richie _____________ the same thing over and over again.
7 What did you _____________ to him?
8 What did you ______________ him?
9 He gave me his email address but he wouldn't _____________ what his phone number was.
10 He wouldn't ____________ me his phone number.
11 I thought she was my friend until I found out she'd ____________ all my secrets to everyone.
12 They _____________ that John's really mean with money.
13 He _____________ me I wasn't invited to the wedding.
14 She ______________ me all about her holiday in Sicily.
15 I couldn't understand a word of what he was trying to _____________ to me.
16 He _____________ me this funny story about what happened to him on holiday.
17 He wouldn't _____________ what the problem was.
Поставьте speak, say, tell вместо пропусков:
1. Ann ................... good bye to me and left.
2. ................... us about your holiday. Did you have a nice time ?
3. Don't just stand there ! ................... something !
4. I wonder where Sarah is. She .................. she would be here at 10 o'clock.
5. Bill was taking a long time to get ready, so I .................... him to hurry up.
6. Gary couldn't help me. He ................ me to ask Caroline.
7. Did she ..................... you what happened?
8. No, she didn't .......................anything to me.
9. Ron ................. me that he was bored with his job.
10. The doctor …………… that I should rest for at least a week.
1. Laura ........................her friends that she was going to have a party on Saturday.
2. The teacher ……………… the class to open the books.
3. Bob and Carol .....................they had already had dinner.
4. My friends ……………….. me to have a good time on my holiday.
5. My father .....................I was doing very well at school.
6. Her parents ......................... Susan that she had forgotten her bag.
7. Lisa .......................she was happy with the presents we gave her.
8. I ………………… my dog to sit.
9. They ………………. they loved the Swiss Alps.
10. We .........................John that this time it was his turn to clean up.
11. Did I ………………. my brother was arriving at 5?
12. Our neighbours ……………… they were moving away at the end of the month.
13. The children ………………. Ellen was the student of the year.
14. The children .................... Sarah that she was the student of the year.
15. The children ……………… to Anna that she was the student of the year.
16. We …………… . to our parents that we didn't want to go.
17. We …………... our parents that we didn't want to go.
18. Carol ……………… she was angry with us.
19. Carol ....................us she was angry.
Fill in the gaps by using the verbs “to say”, “to speak”, “to talk” or “to tell”. Sometimes there is more than one possibility!
a. As I ________ you yesterday, I like sports very much.
b. Some Americans ________ very fast.
c. Our teacher ________ us about Valentine´s Day.
d. I would like to ________ ( you, something).
e. My brother loves to ________ politics.
f. She didn´t ________ a word all evening.
g. “Believe him, he ________ the truth!”
h. She is so lovely, she always ________ kind words when I´m sad.
i. “Would you please ________ her that I don´t want to see her anymore!”
j. “Why should I stop seeing her?” “Because I ________ so!”
k. “Is it really true that Sue is pregnant?” “So she ________ . ________ it were true, what then?”
l. Yesterday he ________ against salary cuts again.
m. “I would say…” “Don´t ________ until you are ________ to.”
n. Ships ________ to each other by radio.
o. “I love you more than words can ________ .”
p. “How did he react?” “His expression ________ it all.”
q. The telephone rings: “Mr Smith ________ .”
r. “I won´t ________ anything at all.” “We have ways of making you ________”
s. “I hate him” He always ________ down to me as if I were his slave!”
t. “Has anything happened during last week?” “Nothing to ________ of.”
They look so alike it's difficult to _____ the difference between them.
First think then _____.
Come on, _____ your mind. I want your honest opinion.
Someone _____, 'Let's go!'
It's a surprise, so don't _____ a word.
They _____ there had been a mistake.
He's such a chatterbox! He _____ non-stop.
They _____ a funny story about their trip.
She's terribly bossy. She loves _____ people what to do.
We _____ in German at first, then English.
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