Концерт на английском языке для 4 класса.
учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку на тему
Сценарий концерта для 4 классов на английском языке.
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Действие в доме
Wendy: Oh, Peter. I am so glad to see you! How are you? We missed you.
Peter: I am fine. What's about you?
Wendy: Oh, Peter, tomorrow I will be ten years old and won't sleep with my little brothers and we won't meet again. Peter, how old are you?
Peter: I don't know, but I am quite young. I ran away the day I was born. It was because I heard father and mother talking about my future serious life. I don't want ever to be a man. I want always to be a little boy and to have fun. So, I ran to the Neverland and now I live in my Fairy-tale.
Wendy: But, Peter…You must live with your parents. It's awful to be along.
Peter: I am not along. I have a lot of friends and some enemies. It's wonderful to live in the Fairy-rale because I can always be a little boy, eat too much sweet and ice-cream and I mustn't go to school. Let's fly with me and I'll show you my Fairy-tale. My friends will be glad to see you, you'll tell them some stories.
Wendy: How perfectly awful!!! I know lots of stories and I want to go with you but I can't fly.
Peter: Look. I have magic powder. Let's try. One, two, three… Let's fly.
Wendy: I Flew! How wonderful! Look at me! Look at me!
Действие на острове
Сидят мальчики, их взгляды устремлены вверх, они ждут Питера.
1st boy: I do wish Peter would come back.
2nd boy: I am not afraid of pirates but I wish he would come back and tell us anything more about Cinderella.
3rd boy: I am sure Peter would come back with a pretty kind girl as beautiful as my mother.
На сцене появляются Питер и Венди.
Peter: My dear friends, I have brought a mother for you all. Her name is Wendy. She will live with us and tell us lovely stories.
But now I must leave you and visit my favorite “friend” Capitan Hook.
Питер уходит. Мальчики остаются с Венди. Садятся на край сцены.
1st boy: Do you know the fairy-tale about Cinderella?
2nd boy: Can you tell us about her?
3rd boy: I know she was a poor girl, who hadn't got a mother but she had a wicked stepmother.
Wendy: Yes, I do. Dear boys, it isn't a sad story. It is the story with happy end.
Once upon a time, there was a widower who married a proud and very wicked woman as his second wife…
1st boy: Oh, Wendy, we liked your story very much.
2nd boy: Do you know any more stories?
Boys: Tell us more! Please!
Wendy: Oh, I know a fairy-tale about friendship and love. One girl Snow White hadn't got a mother and an evil stepmother wanted to poison to be the fairest in the land…
“Snow White”
1st boy: Wendy, you are like our mothers.
2nd boy: It's so pleasantly to listen to you.
3rd boy: Can you stay with us forever?
На сцене появляется Питер, который кричит вслед Крюку.
Peter: Hook! I am you deadly enemy. And I'll find you.
Wendy: Peter. Why don't you like this Capitan?
Peter: He is trying to steal my youth. I don't hate him but I want to save my and my friend's childhood.
Wendy: I know one story about an ugly witch. She stole all magic mustard seeds from Pepperate Palace and Prince Pepper couldn't live without them. Do you want to listen to this story?
Boys + Peter: Yes! We do!
“The magic mustard”
После сказки Питер сидит грустный.
Wendy: What's the matter with you, Peter?
Peter: Oh, nothing. I am fine. But I've just understood that it's rather hard to be kind, polite, clever, honest and strong without mother's help. Wendy, I want to go with you to your country to find my mother.
Wendy: It's fantastic! I'll help you with great pleasure.
1st boy: Peter, Wendy, we miss our mothers too. And all boys from our island have letters for our dear moms.
Wendy: Peter, today we have a concert for dear moms at school number one. Let's fly all together and find your mothers there. Where is the magic powder? One, two, three… Школа. Концерт. Ведущие на сцене.
Ведущий: Good morning, dear boys and girls, teachers and parents! Today we'll have a lot of guests. They are our nearest and dearest. We have learnt some poems about our mothers. Let's listen to pupils. Who will start?
Коршунова София «Самая Лучшая мама».
Mom is such a special word
The loveliest I've ever heard
These words to you, above all the rest,
Mom, you're so special,
You are simply the best!
Новикова Наташа, Селеверстова Таня, родина Полина, Кожевникова Лиза, Шкунова Вика «My Mother».
Who said “Goodnight”,
When I was a child? My mother.
Who dressed my dolls in clothes so gay
And showed me often how to play? My mother.
Who ran to help me when I fell
And who could funny stories tell? My mother.
Вика Шкунова:
Who sits at my head when I am in bed? My mother.
Лиза Кожевникова:
Who is so nice, who is so kind,
Another so dear you’ll never find? My mother.
Миронова Даша
Oh, dear Mother, Mummy, Mum
Your LOVE to me is like the Sun
It’s warm and happy
With a smiling face!
No other mother
Can take your place!
Мячкова Юля.
My mother is special, she is more than a friend.
Whenever you need her, she'll give you a hand.
She'll lead you and guide you in all that you do.
Please always know Mom, that I love you too.
Ведущий: Thank you girls, your poems were very nice! But tell us do you help your mothers?
Девочки: Yes, of course!
Ведущий: And what do you usually do?
В ответ дети исполняют песню на мотив “This is the way…”
This is the way we
Sweep the floor (wipe the dust, lay the table)*3
This is the way we
Sweep the floor (wipe the dust, lay the table)
To help my dear Mummy!
Влетают Питер и Венди.
Ведущий: Oh, Wendy! We glad to see you. We have a concert. Let's join us!
Wendy: Good morning my friends, good morning dear guests. But Look I've found the missing boys and Peter wants to find his mother. Let's help him!
Ведущий: Certainly, with great pleasure. Peter, now we are going to play a game with our guests and you'll look for your mother! Are you ready? Let's start. Please, repeat after me.
Игра с движениями.
Peter: Thank you my friends. I've found my dear Mummy. And I promise to be the best son for her!
I promise to be very, very good.
I promise to do the things I should.
I promise to make my bed each day.
I promise to put my things away.
I promise to do my homework right.
I promise not to stay up late at night.
I promise to listen to my mom and dad.
I promise not to do anything bad.
Ведущий: Peter, You've done it well because you have very good friends.
We have some Friends
A lot of friends
And we have fun together
We laugh and play
And sing all day
In any kind of weather!
Ведущий: Look, Peter, how we can be friends in our fairy-tales!
Бременские музыканты 4 «в».
Ведущий: Moreover, pencils can be friends toо in our school. Let's watch our famous play “Pencils terrible story”.
Страшная карандашная история.
Peter: Thank you, my friends for this unforgettable day. Thank you for your help. You are true friends. Let's sing together.
“The more we get together”.
Ведущий: Thank you for your poems, plays and songs, our dear classmates! We hope that our relatives liked this concert very much. We want our mothers, friends and teachers be happy and healthy. Good-bye!
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