Презентация "Environmantal problems of our planet"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Данная презентация может быть использована при прохождении темы "Экология" в 8 классе
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Environmental problems of Our Planet. Acid RainWater PollutionThe Greenhouse EffectAir PollutionDisappearing Animals and PlantsToo Much GarbageOzone Hole
Acid Rain When power plants burn coal to make electricity. And when cars burn gasoline invisible gases are released into the air. Some of these gases can mix with water and make it acid like lemon juice or vinegar
Acid rains appeared as a reaction of the atmosphere to the air contamination. Acid rains damage water, forest and soil resources. Acid rains cause the disappearance of fish from many lakes bring death to the forests and woods in Europe and America.
Water Pollution Another great problem is water pollution. Factories and plants produce water polluted with poisons or oils and let that water into rivers and seas. That is dangerous for the wildlife and for people.
The ocean, which is a home to so much life, has been used as a place to dump garbage and poisonous chemicals for a long time. Nuclear weapons tests increase the amount of radiation in the atmosphere
The Greenhouse effect The «greenhouse effect» is caused by carbon dioxide, which prevents heat from escaping. Global warming or the «greenhouse effect» can cause melting of the polar ice caps, raising of the sea level, and flooding of the coastal areas of the world. There is every reason fear that such a climatic change may take place.
Factories, electric power plants, and cars are making a lot of new gases. Even trees, when they are cut down, give off gases. These new gases are trapping more and more of the suns heat. This is called the greenhouse effect, or global warming.
Air Pollution
Today the air is so polluted in some places that it is not always safe to breathe ! Many cities around the world have air filled with a pollution called «smog». This is so strong in some places that the air which should be beautiful blue, actually looks brown.
Most of our garbage is just buried. Now we are making so much garbage that in many places there is not enough place to bury it all.
Polluted air is not only bad for people and animals but for trees and other plants as well. And in some places it is even damaging farmers crops the food we eat.
Too much garbage What do you think happens to the garbage? Does it just disappear? No way! Almost all garbage is taken to a garbage dump where the garbage truck empties it into the ground.
Disappearing Animals and Plants Every day there are more and more people living on the Earth. All these people need places to live. So forests are cut down and wild areas are filled with houses and stores.
When people more into new land, the plants and animals that live there can become endangered as there is no place for them to live. And they begin to disappear. Some even become extinct.
Ozone Hole Up in the Sky! Above air we breathe, there is a layer of gas called ozone. It helps us by blocking out rays from the sun that can harm our skin.
Now the ozone layer is being damaged by gases that people have made. The passes are called CFCs and haloes. Scientists are very concerned about the ozone layer because a lot of it has gone away in just a few years.
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