Конспект урока в 11 классе "Health care and sporting life"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Кудина Елена Алексеевна

Один из конспектов серии последовательных уроков в 11 классе, где целью является развитие диалогичсекого обучения через групповую работу учащихся.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Date ________________________

Form __10_______________________

Theme : “Health care and sporting life”

Coal: talking about fit and discussing if the sporting life is exciting or dangerous for health working in groups;

Aims: 1) to develop skills in listening;

           2) to revise grammar (Conditional sentences 3);

           3) to practise in writing;

           4) to enrich vocabulary on the theme.

Out line.

  1. Organization. (1 min)
  2. Warm up. (5 min)

Students work in pairs. They look at the photos of the sports personalities on the screen and complete the table –“Personality”, “Sport”, “Person”, “Place”. (On the screen students can see 6 famous sportsmen: A) Michael Schumacher, B) Cathy Freeman, C) Michael Phelps, D) Raul, E) Serick Sapiev, F) Mariya Sharapova)

AC:\Documents and Settings\Елена\Рабочий стол\шумахер.jpg

BC:\Documents and Settings\Елена\Рабочий стол\Cathy Freeman.jpg

CC:\Documents and Settings\Елена\Рабочий стол\Fhelps.jpg

DC:\Documents and Settings\Елена\Рабочий стол\Кфгд.jpg

EC:\Documents and Settings\Елена\Рабочий стол\Serik Sapiev.jpg

F C:\Documents and Settings\Елена\Рабочий стол\Mariya Sharapova.jpg






motor racing

B Cathy Freeman


C Michael Phelps



football player




F Mariya Sharapova

tennis court

Answer keys: a) racing driver, race track; b) athletics, athlete; c) swimming, swimming pool; d) football, pitch; e) box, boxing ring; f) tennis, tennis player.

Students discuss some questions:

  • Who is  the best in motor racing? What is the person who is fond of motor racing? How place is named where the racing drivers train and take competitions?
  • What sport does Cathy Freeman go in for? What is she?
  •  What kind of sport does Michael Phelps go in for? Where does he train?
  • Can you name the famous boxer from Karaganda? Where does he train?
  • What missing words have you filled about Mariya Sharapova?
  • What can you tell me about their life? (They all are very successful in sport because they work hard, train in a pool, keep fit and care about their lives. Everybody in the world knows about these famous sportsmen and each country where they are from is proud of them.

-What is the theme of our lesson?

Today we are going to continue discussing health care and sporting life.

Learning this theme we are going to:

-a) to enrich vocabulary on this theme;

b) to have practice in listening;

c) to revise active grammar structure in writing using unreal conditional

3) Speaking (7 min) Students work in groups.

At the beginning of our lesson we’ve mentioned some names of sports. Let’s find out if they are exciting or dangerous. Let’s compare and name advantages and disadvantages in these sports.



Motor racing

It’s driving in a high speed

… driving in a high speed is a main cause of traffic accident. High speed is the shortest way of life.


Running can improve our health because it develops our muscles, heart..

… because runners can get displacement and break legs, feet..


Being in water reduce load for our body, especially for our skeleton

….it’s difficult to be in water for a long time, the person can be sick.


Playing with the whole team takes a lot of time spending on it thinking of each step and way to win

This play takes a lot of time there are many injuries and fractures of bones (especially legs and feet)


It’s a real fight among two strong sportsmen. It’s enjoyable to watch at knockdown.

There are many kicks on all body and head. It’s dangerous for brain.


This sport combines running and strength. You can train outdoors

This play takes a lot of time and it’s a big working load for training. It’s big load for heart, brain…

Why do people go in for different kinds of sport? What sports are the most dangerous (popular, rare)? Are all kinds of sports healthy?

4) Vocabulary (6 min)

Before listening students learn new words working in the whole class.

Students take different cards. One part of students get only words and another part of students gets the definitions of these words. Walking in class the students find and match the words with their definitions.

Windsurfing – a sport in which you sail across water by standing on a board and holding onto a large sail;

Mountaineering- the sport or activity of climbing mountains;

Parashuting – a sport where someone jumps out of an aircraft wearing a parachute on their back, especially as a sport or a military job.

Loser – a person or team that doesn’t win a game or competition;

Marathon – a running race of slightly over 26 miles (42, 195 kilometers)

Competitor – a person, team or company that is competing against others;

Blazing – very bright and hot or powerful;

Realize – to understand a situation, sometimes suddenly.

Record – the best or fasten over done.

Disqualified – to stop someone from being in a competition or doing something because they are unsuitable or they have done something wrong.

Qualify – to successfully finish a training course so that you are able to do a job; to have or achieve the necessary skills.

Jaw – the lower part of your face which moves when you open your mouth.

Collarbone – a bone between your shoulder and neck on each side of your body.

Short –sighted – describes someone who can only clearly see objects that are close to him.

Who first writes new words on the blackboard and helps other students?

5) Listening (12 min)

Students get 3 pictures: A, B, C. After listening they work in groups  matching the sports in the pictures to the  listened stories.

A C:\Documents and Settings\Елена\Рабочий стол\бассейн.jpg

B C:\Documents and Settings\Елена\Рабочий стол\лыжник.jpg

CC:\Documents and Settings\Елена\Рабочий стол\бегун.jpg

  1. Answer keys: Picture A – story 2

                       Picture B –story 3

                         Picture C – story 1

  1. Students listen to the recorder again and answer which sports personality the following sentences are talking about/ In the boxes the right answers are written:

  SK- Shinzo Kanaguro; EM – Eric Moussambani; EE – Eddie Edwards

  1. He came from Britain.
  2. He didn’t enjoy taking part in his race.
  3. He needed to wear glasses.
  4. Ho took part in Sydney Olympics.
  5. He stopped in the middle of the race.
  6. He only started in the middle of the race.
  7. He took part in the Stockholm Olympics.
  8. He broke some bones.
  9. He broke an Olympic record.  
  10. They had a problem with the weather

Answer keys: a) EE   b) SK   c)EE   d)EM   e)SK

                        f) EM  g) SK    h)EE   i) EM   j) SK, EE

-What interesting (amazing, astonishing) have you known?

-Are these kinds of sports dangerous (enjoyable, exiting)?

- Why are they dangerous?

6) Writing (Grammar) – 10 min

We’ve just listened about three losers in the history of the Olympic Games. For each of them sporting life was dangerous. But if they had been more carefully they wouldn’t have been so losers. Let’s make up sentences using the 3rd form of Conditional sentences:

Students work individually in their notebooks, writing not less 5 sentences.

Example: 1) If Shinzo’s family hadn’t invited him for picnic, he wouldn’t have lost the race.

                 3) If Eddie hadn’t taken up ski-jumping he wouldn’t have broken his jaw, his collarbone and teeth.

                3) If Eddie’s glasses hadn’t misted up, he would have been able to see things.

                1) If Shinzo’s family hadn’t had a picnic at the side of the road, he wouldn’t have joined them to their meal.

                 2) If 2 other swimmers had been not disqualified, Eric wouldn’t have won.        

                 2) If Eric hadn’t taken up swimming, he wouldn’t have taken part in Olympics.

                 3) I Eddie had not been short-sighted, he wouldn’t have lost the Olympics.

                 3) If Eddie had not been short-sighted, he wouldn’t have worn thick glasses.

7) Conclusion (2 min)

It’s time to make summary of our lesson. What have we done? What interesting things have you learnt today? What have you learnt today?

8) Results (1 min)

9) Homework (1 min)

To write an essay “Sporting life” (50-60 words); ex. 2,3 p. 76 (SB); to learn new words.



        Today we take a look at three of the greatest losers in the history of the Olympic Games. The first one was a certain Shinzo Karaguri from Japan. He ran in the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm. The marathon. It was an extremely hot day and, like all the other competitors, Shinzo was finding it extremely hard. As he was running along under the blazing sun, he saw a family sitting at the side of the road having a picnic. They invited him to join them for their meal. After eating, he realized that there was little point in continuing with the race.

        Number two is Eric Moussambani, also known as Eric the Eel. At the Sydney Olympics, Eric set a new Olympic Record in the 100 meters freestyle. He won his race in the record slow time of 1 minute 52.72 seconds. There were two other swimmers in the race, but both of them were disqualified for false starts. Although he won the race, Eric’s time was too slow to qualify for the final. His time was just a little slower than the Olympic champion, Pieter van den Hoogenband, but van den Hoogenband swam 200 meters, compared to Eric’s 100. Eric was just happy to finish his race – it was his first time in a 50-metre pool and he had only taken up swimming a few months before.

        My number three is Britain’s very own sporting superstar, Eddie Edward – Eddie the Eagle. Eddie’s chosen sport was a strange choice for a man who lives hundreds of miles from the nearest mountain. But at the Winter Olympics in Calgary, Eddie was the only member of the British ski-jumping team, and he was entered for the 70 and the 90 meters jumps. While he was preparing for the Olympics, he broke his jaw, his collarbone and a number of teeth. But at Calgary, Eddie was ready – and came last in the 70 meters event. The Olympic officials did not want him to take part in the longer jump.”The Eagle doesn’t jump – he drops like a stone” , said one Olympic official. But Eddie insisted and, once more, took last place – forty-seven meters behind the winner. At least he had a good excuse. Eddie the Eagle was very short-sighted and wore thick glasses. In the cold mountain air, Eddie’s glasses misted up and he couldn’t see a thing.

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