Статья на английском языке "You are the researcher of the world"
статья по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
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Tatiana Biryukova |
You are the researcher of the world
When you see something no ordinary or strange, you exclaim:” It’s amazing!”. A usual reaction of any person who is rather emotional. No wonder, for example, such world famous tourist attractions as the Eiffel Tower, the Big Ben or Niagara Falls will always astound the Humanity. But if you don’t live in Paris, London and New York, do you have nothing to admire? Don’t worry, there is always a way out from any situation. Look around! It’s an amazing world you live and every man near you is unique! He/she has his own thoughts, feelings and memories… When you were a child you went into raptures over a rainbow after the rain, a butterfly on the flower, sunrise and sunset, mountains, sea… Do you remember the first day you went to school? How did you dream to wear a new school uniform? School was a really amazing and mysterious world for you. What has changed from that time? Do you think school? Of course not, and you know the answer. You have changed, your thoughts , interests , ideas… You’ve become both older and more experienced and as a result, your attitude to the world has changed too. You are not alone; if you ask your parents what things do admire them? They respond: "Our first date, the wedding day, the children’s birthdays, your first words and steps…”It depends from the age of a person what things impress him/her. But imagine for one minute, that you live in Paris near the Eiffel Tower and see it every day from your balcony or window for one, five or ten years. Will the symbol of France affect you like it did for the first time? No, sooner or later the Eiffel Tower will become an ordinary tower for you. It’ll not draw your attention. It’s unbelievable but you won’t notice it and amazing crowds of people making photos of the Eiffel Tower will annoy you. Men’s mentality is the reason for such a reaction. A man should have an opportunity to see something extraordinary what stuns him/her every day . And if you really wish to admire, you’ll do it! Look around! How amazing the world is and how it is beautiful!!! Every season is fantastic! First fluffy snow covering with a white blanket trees, the roofs of the buildings and benches in the parks. Happy small children with bright red cheeks playing snowballs. Fresh green grass on the black ground in spring, birds’ singing, flowers, the sun in the azure sky… The world is magnificent but we are so busy and tired from the one hand and got used to this from the other hand that’s why we notice nothing.. We have no time to enjoy our nature because we earn money and forget about our souls. In comparison with the adults, children are different. They are able to enjoy the nature and see its beauty. And what about you? Are you still waiting for miracles like children? Miracles are near you and miracles are in yourself! Try to find time to stop and look around you. You’ll see a baby in a pram discovering the huge world. His/her eyes are full of astonishment! Your pet which makes your life more interesting is amazing too! Your Mum’s eyes which become kinder when you tell her about your progress. Your teacher who is proud of you when you achieve success … Every day, every minute you become wiser, teaching and discovering our World!!! Every man is a researcher of the World and his own life. Look at the World! Smile and say : " It’s an amazing World!” And the World will smile you back! Don’t you believe? Just try and you’ll see the changes… by Tatiana Biryukova school 82 Ulyanovsk |
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